Channel: Adobe Community : Popular Discussions - FrameMaker Structured
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DITA templates erratic in FM10 on Win 7 32-bit


We are a writing team of 4 - two using Windows XP 32-bit, one using Windows 7 32-bit and until recently I was using Windows XP 64-bit.  We are all using TCS3, with FM10.


We developed our desired DITA templates (task, topic, concept, etc.), updated our EDD and edited our structapps file and everything was working perfectly on the XP 32-bit and XP 64-bit systems.  Our fourth colleague joined us, was given the Win 7 32-bit, and tried to set up our templates to use.  They all worked fine, except for the Task template - which will not open a new file, nor allow her to open any existing Task .xml or .fm files.


Then, for other reasons, my OS was switched from XP 64-bit to Win 7 32-bit, and I had to set up the templates again after loading TCS 3 on.  Now, all of the templates are working perfectly, except for Topic. If I choose DITA>New DITA file>New Topic and choose the template, it starts to open the file window and then just shuts down again, no error message, no file, no nothing.  If I try to open an existing topic.xml file I get this error message:

     XML Read Report Log

     November 15, 2012 10:14 am

     Source Document: R:\User_Manuals\baseline\...\Topic\12AJF070H4Y.xml

     XML Read Messages...

     Cannot open the template file ($STRUCTDIR\xml\DITA_1.2\app\technicalContent\template\TemplateMasterTopic.fm)


Which is exactly what happens when my colleague with 7 32-bit tries to open a task file.  Any ideas on what could be happening, that would make one file type unable to access a template, when all the others work exactly as they should be?


If I've missed including any information that would help clarify the situation, please let me know!

Which template file is used for DITA 1.2 publishing?


Hi all,

when I save a ditamap as composite document, which template file must I edit to change the layout?


So far I have modified the topic templates (task.template.fm etc.) but I have not found the template relevant for the output yet.




The ditafm_output.ini file contains the line CompositeDocTemplate_1.2=ditabase.template.fm but exchanging all ditabase.template.fm files in the FM directory did not do the job.


This seems like is a very basic question so I wonder why it is not documented - or am I missing something? The only workaround I found was to manually import the EDD and formatting from my template into the FM document each time after publishing.





Why is some of my text not formatted correctly in xml?




I've been trying to do some xml publishing via Framemaker 9.


I've created EDD, DTD, rules, structapps, CSS (style sheet), and template files to transition manuals from framemaker to xml. However some of the text I see in the xml file isn't formatted quite right. The element tags are there, but some of the text/paragraph tag formatting hasn't carried over.


What I'm trying to figure out is if this means I have an issue in my rules file or in my stylesheet file? As anyone had a similar experience?


I would appreciate any help and thanks in advance.

Looking for MIL-STD-2361 EDD/Template or DTD.


I need to create an Army Depot-Level maintenance manual using MIL-STD-2361 in structured FrameMaker. Does anyone know where I might find a template/EDD for this? If not, can anyone direct me to just the plain DTD? I will be creating XML and PDF files for output.


Thank you!

Is Microsoft Visual Studio Pro 2012 usable with FDK for FrameMaker 11?


I've been tasked to export an SGML file from a structure FrameMaker 11 file.  The documentation calls for Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, but I've got Microsoft Visual Studio 2012.  Is 2012 compatible?

column width from xml attribute to framemaker table


I'm trying to set the column widths of a table in framemaker by importing the width from an attribute in the imported xml file. But it doesn't work...


This is from my read/write rules:


element "ITEM-CELL-LIST"


is fm table cell element;

attribute "width" is fm property column width;

fm property column width value is "2cm";



The last line that specifies the width to 2cm seems to be accepted as I can save the EDD as DTD without errors, but it has no effect on the actual widths of the table created.

The line above it doesn't work at all. When I try to save the EDD, I get the following error: "Invalid property specified for the element (ITEM-CELL-LIST)."


I've tried every way I can think of, but nothing seems to work

The only way I've been able to actually set the widths is by creating a table in the master template page and resizing the columns. That carries over to the imported xml.

XSLT to convert XML into Tables




I'm trying to import my XML data into a table format. After adding an XSL file to my Structure Application as a Preprocessing Stylesheet, and importing my XML instance file with the Template file opened, the "Unknown File Type" error window appeared asking for a file format to Convert From. Picking any one doesn't create a table.


The XSL file tranforms the XML data into an HTML file that has a table with columns corresponding to the XML data. I was thinking using that type of XSL because it renders tables.


Below is the XSL markup:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">


<xsl:template match="/">




    <table border="1">

      <tr bgcolor="#9acd32">





      <xsl:for-each select="Products/Product">


        <td><xsl:value-of select="Title"/></td>

        <td><xsl:value-of select="Number"/></td>

        <td><xsl:value-of select="Date"/></td>









Title, Number, and Date are child elements of the Product element, which is a child element of the Products root element in my XML file.


Am I applying the stylesheet correctly here? Am I using the write kind of stylesheet?




Default image file type in Browse (Nitpick Alert)


Is there any way to change the default file type in the Browse window for images, or can I at least add file types to the filter?


My images are mostly Illustrator files. When I go to place a new image, I'd really appreciate NOT having *.jpg come up as the default, and it would be almost as nice to filter by the file type that I actually use without having to select *.* and wade through everything.

Space! The Final Frontier

Here's my tribble. The XSLT in my application inserts extra spaces and line breaks into my XML but a Spock inspection after import to Frame8 shows that the spaces are incorrectly phased as literals. For example, if my XML Data is....

    [para]Hello (big smile), I
     am       Captain Kirk.[/para]

Then that's how it displays inside Frame. This is annoying as the F8 Struct App Dev Reference says that:

> reader line break is space;

is the default inside the rules file but it isn't and adding it doesn't change anything. Is there anything I can do to change the parser defaults?

This problem is the Real Mccoy. Plus it's the last item on my application Chekov list and I'm the Sulu developer here so any help is appreciated. Thanks!

David Blyth (the UNIX and vi dinosaur)
Staff Technical Writer
QUALCOMM - Standard Disclaimers Apply

Only 149,999,949 more years of Ruling The Earth to go.

Variables with the colon character

I am trying to create a variable in my book template that will reference the "xml:lang" attribute in my highest level "topic" tag. Presently ,the variable always shows up blank, I think due to the fact that FM reads the colon as an indicator to look in a specific tag for a specific attribute. Since there is no "xml" or "lang" tag it turns up no result.

Here are some options I've tried.

...and other various incarnations of these

So far, the only option I can come up with that works is to create a user variable and simply change it before I publish to PDF each time or to mirror the value in an attribute which does not contain a colon like "audience" or "otherprops". Either of these is kind of a pain and I would like to avoid them if I can. If I can't, thats okay, but I'd prefer to automate as much as I can.

I am using FM 8.

XML Parser Message: Element series is not valid for the content model


I work with FrameMaker 8 and DITA.

I change the element prodinfo in the topic.edd from:

General rule: (prodname), (vrmlist), (brand | series | platform | prognum | featnum | component)*


General rule: (brand | series | platform | component)*

When I import the element definition to the template everything is okay.
When I insert the elements metadata, prodinfo, brand, series, platform and component into a topic I get the XML Parser Message that the element brand is not valid for the content model (prodname,vrmlist, ((brand|series|platform|prognum|featnum|component))*).
When I delete the element brand in the topic I get the XML Parser Message that the element series is not valid for the content model (prodname,vrmlist, ((brand|series|platform|prognum|featnum|component))*).

I change the element prodinfo in the topic.edd to:

General rule: (brand)?, (series)?, (platform)?, (component)?

...and get the same Parser Message.

I do not understand that. Is not it allowed to change the EDD this way without changing the DTD?

With kind regards


Create watermark in FrameMaker 7.1


I am trying to add a "PRELIMINARY" watermark to every page of a structured document in FrameMaker 7.1.  I added the text in a text box to the master pages, but the graphics boxes in my document block out the watermark.  I tried placing the text in a graphics box, but that gave the same results.  Is there a way to bring a watermark to the front of graphics boxes?

Windows 7 & FrameMaker




We would be upgrading to Windows 7 soon. I would like to know if my existing application (export client) would work on the following versions of FM  when I upgarde to Win 7?


Win 7 + FrameMaker 7.1?

Win 7 + FrameMaker 7.2?

Win 7 + FrameMaker 8.0?

Win 7 + FrameMaker 9.0?



Autonumbering for task levels - EDD question


Hello all,


In our current unstructured documents, we have a style that handles what we call "major" steps, which are tasks that can be by themselves or most often are no as they are normally in just one context. I could use <substeps> but the numbering scheme is reset, and these major steps normally involve a multitude of steps, not just one or two token sub-steps. Our major step is formatted like a heading, and there is a prefix of Step1 and StepN. We curently handle this using the Autonumber format in the paragraph designer (in our unstructured environ). In our structured DITA environment, I would like to retain that style since it is very popular with our users.


I am thinking that a change in the EDD is all I need as I could change the autonumber format based on a context. My question is, can I use a combination of {first}, etc ..rules with the ELEMENT < ELEMENT rule? My structure example appears below:







With that second-level <task> being the MAJOR step. The highest level task is the MAIN user task, and would only required a <title> and <shortdesc>.


The Context rule "task < task" works for the first major step, but I need to handle the subsequent najor steps.


Any help or even an alternate way to handle this is greatly appreciated.



Thanks much



To import a pdf file in FrameMaker


How do we import a pdf file with all its pages in a FrameMaker file ?


I found that we can import only one sheet of the pdf in a FrameMaker file.

Selectively "Flowing" Lists into Two Columns on a Single-Column Layout


I am a one-man Tech Writing department using Structured FrameMaker with a collection of home-brewed EDD's. I create technical documentation for a software product. My documents are currently all single-flow, single-column documents. In the last few releases of our software, some of our feature sets have created the need for long bulleted lists. When it gets to the point where a single bulleted list takes up more than a page (ugly!), it's time to start looking for another way to get the job done. 


I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction here. What I'd ideally like to be able to do is set up my "List" element in my EDD with an attribute that will allow me to specify whether or not the list should "wrap" (which I would set manually based on the final length of the list itself.)  I will try to include an example here...hopefully the formatting comes out OK.


For example, the following page with this attribute OFF:



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ut a sapien. Aliquam aliquet purus molestie dolor. Integer quis eros ut erat posuere dictum. Curabitur dignissim.


* Item 1

* Item 2

* Item 3

* Item 4

* Item 5

* Item 6


Integer orci. Fusce vulputate lacus at ipsum. Quisque in libero nec mi laoreet volutpat. Aliquam eros pede, scelerisque quis, tristique cursus, placerat convallis, velit. Nam condimentum. Nulla ut mauris.



would become the following once that "re-flow" attribute was turned ON:



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ut a sapien. Aliquam aliquet purus molestie dolor. Integer quis eros ut erat posuere dictum. Curabitur dignissim.


* Item 1              * Item 4

* Item 2              * Item 5

* Item 3              * Item 6


Integer orci. Fusce vulputate lacus at ipsum. Quisque in libero nec mi laoreet volutpat. Aliquam eros pede, scelerisque quis, tristique cursus, placerat convallis, velit. Nam condimentum. Nulla ut mauris.

Does anyone know of a way to do this in FrameMaker that doesn't require a bunch of manual fiddling every time you need to add one of these "wrapped" lists? Of course, it doesn't make sense that a shorter list with only a few items would be wrapped in this way...so I need to be able to turn it on and off (even manually) as the list gets longer (although I'm not opposed to using two different element tags for this purpose.)
The best idea I've come up with so far is to use a table without borders, but that feels like a formatting nightmare waiting to happen.
Thanks a million for any and all suggestions -
Brandon Wright
Technical Writer
Management Information Tools, Inc.

Looking for svgfilter.dll


I am trying to import SVG graphics by reference in FM8.


my maker.ini file is configured with:


SVG Import=FileToFileGFXImport, SVG, FrameImage, SVG, ORBL, SVG, SVG, filters\svgfilter.dll,all,^.svg
SVG Import=FileToFileGFXImport, SVG, PDF, SVG, ORBL, SVG, SVG, filters\svg2pdf.dll,all,^.svg



I get this erro message when I try to do an import by ref:




There is no svgfilter.dll file in the filters folder.


What is the scope on this API client?





Importing element definition from an EDD into a template - does not work


FM 10.0.1 German on Windows XP SP3.

When importing the element definitions from an existing EDD into an existing template, FrameMaker converts the template into a  new EDD.

So the element definitions which are correctly defined do not appear in the template.

The highest level element is than ElementCatalog in the template and not the higherst lvel element defined in the EDD.

In FM9 this was no issue.

Any help is appreciated, I have a deadline and must do some changes in the EDD.


Best Regards


XML framemaker 7.2 to 10


Hello all,


Recently we've updated our Framemaker version from 7.2 to 10.

There are a few minor problems, but one confuses me.


Generating a xml-document with the old edd, template and r/w-rules results in a lineless at the bottom from a table if the cell above has a straddle.

When I unstraddle the cell, the line (outside ruling: bottom, very thin / draw bottom ruling on last sheet only = on) the line appears. Straddle the cell again and the line disappears.

When I open an old FM 7.2 document, the line displays correctly.

I have saved the 7.2  edd, f/w and temp-files as 10 files, the missing line thing still appears.


I have saved a new generated FM-document as a MIF: in the new generated file stands "<CellRRuling 'None'>". When I removed this line from the file and reload it in FM, the bottom line displays correctly.

How can I correct this in Framemaker? I can't find it.


Who can help me?





How to convert existing FM to DITA 1.2? Any documentation?


I watched a webinar posted on the adobe website called "How to Optimize content for smooth migration into XML/DITA" and in the conversion, it showed an element called dita (root) and elements called topic before the main content. I took a class in DITA authoring last month and we learned about elements such as reference and then refbody and concept and conbody. The class I took did not go into how to use DITA in FrameMaker which is what I need to figure out now.


I'm using FM 10. I have a conversion table that is working pretty well, however, I understand that I need to import an EDD and a template into the files I convert.


My questions are:

What template and EDD file do I use? There are so many of them in the Adobe\AdobeFrameMaker10\Structure\xml\DITA_1.2\app folder. In the DITA folder there are folders for concept, and reference and task that look correct. However, in the DITA_1.2 folder I have no idea where to start.


Is there any documentation for DITA_1.2 for FrameMaker 10? Or books or Help or anything for someone new to using DITA in FrameMaker. I looked at the FM 10 Help for DITA, but it does not really cover when you are converting existing documents, just creating new topics.


Thank you for any information you can provide.



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