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Note element with additional paragraphs



DITA 1.2


We need to have our <note> element so that the first or only paragraph is *not* wrapped in a <p> element. However, we want to add additional <p> elements after the first paragraph when necessary.


Here is what we want:



Here is what we get:



I have defined the following paragraph tags:

Note1Top (includes the frame above with the Note graphic and the rule)

Note1Middle (no rules and no graphic)

Note1Bot (a bottom rule and no graphic)

Note1 (use for scenarios where there are no additional paragraphs)


I have defined the <p> elements in my EDD and they are working correctly. I need to figure out how to define my <note> element in the EDD so that it uses Note1Top when they are child paragraphs or Note1TopBot when there are no child paragraphs.


Currently I have this in my <note> element in the EDD:

Else, if context is: note < (stepxmp | stepresult | info) < step

     1.1.7. If context is: {first}

                    Use paragraph format: Note1Top

               Else, if context is: {only}

                    Use paragraph format: Note1


I think the reason that the {first} and {only} sibling indicators are not working is that there are no siblings.   But what is my alternative?


Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.



How do I change rendering of wintitle element?




I'm still quite new to DITA and unhappy about the way the wintitle element is rendered in FrameMaker 12. Unlike uicontrol, which comes out in bold, wintitle is completely undifferentiated from ordinary text.

Is there a straightforward way to change it to bold and perhaps a different font, so that the names of applications can be displayed differently?


I have no idea how to edit an EDD or even find the EDD that is controlling this (if indeed that is how character styles are controlled in DITA fm).


Thanks for any help,


Elisa Roselli

Cambridge Imaging System

Conditional text


I want to work with conditional text. I have text for product A and text for product B in topics.
When I blank out the text for product B the topic shows only the text for product A.
When I reference the topic in a map and create a document from the map, the document shows the text for product A and B.
Where is my mistake? Can you please help me?



Change Default Setting in PDF Set Up Window to RGB


Is it possible to change the default setting in the FrameMaker 11 PDF Set UP window to RGB. The current default setting is CMYK.


I have not been able to find a way to do this.


Thank-you for your assistance.



Table Formats (ruling style) and DITA


Hi all,


I am working on a DITA project and I'm having some trouble with table ruling styles.  I have a table format defined in my structured application template and EDD.  When I initially insert the table, it is formatted properly--in accordance with the desired table format.  Upon saving the file, closing, and then reopening, the table ruling style is changing and no longer matches the defined format.


Here are the things I have checked or tried without success:

  • I have checked the underlying xml file, and it does properly indicate the "rowsep", "colsep", and "frame" attributes for my desired formatting.  I understand that DITA uses the CALS table model and that these attributes are boolean indicators of whether or not to include ruling and they are not supposed to control the style or the ruling.  In other words, it is either "0" or "1" (no or yes) for ruling, but it doesn't imply style for the ruling (e.g. thick, thin, etc.).
  • I understand that FM has implicit support for the CALS table model without the use of read/write rules.  The default read/write rules provided in the FM DITA application (which I have used as a starting point) do include read/write rules for this table model, however.  These read/write rules seem to match those shown in Chapter 8 of the Structured Development Reference.  I don't know if this causes a redundancy or conflict with the FM implicit support or not.  If I comment out this entire section of the read/write rules, it doesn't change the behavior in any way; so it appears that the built-in support for CALS overrides the read/write rules.
  • I have played with the reader table ruling style is "style"; rule as well.  It seems to work just fine when using "Medium",
    "Thick", "Thin", etc., but if I input "None" I still get thin ruling throughout the table.  I don't understand why all the settings work, but "None" seems to result in "Thin".
  • When I open the DITA topic for editing in FM with the reader table ruling style is "None";, the ruling ends up being Thin (visually) everywhere.  If I select the table and "Show Current Settings" from the "Custom Ruling and Shading" dialog, it says "From Table" for every item.  However, the ruling displayed clearly does not match the table format that I have defined.  If I re-apply the "From Table" settings within "Custom Ruling and Shading", then my table takes on the desired formatting and "Show Current Settings" still shows "From Table" for every item.  If I save, close, and reopen then everything gets reset back to a Thin appearane again.
  • I have zoomed in to high magnifications just to be sure it isn't just a display issue on ruling thickness, but everything still just looks Thin.  I have also created a PDF and the PDF appears identical to the FM display.
  • The Structured Application Developer Reference says:
FrameMaker considers the ruling style set with this rule as custom ruling. If you re-import formats to the FrameMaker document and remove overrides, the ruling style set with this rule will remain. If possible, therefore, you should use table formats to specify ruling styles.

The problem is that I can't seem to get my table format ruling style to take affect.  Somehow, it appears that I still have some kind of override happing, but I can't seem to figure out where it is coming from.  In the end, I just want it to use my defined table format directly with no overrides.


Any ideas that you might have about this would be greatly appreciated.


For reference, I am using FM version 9.0p250 on Windows XP.

FM training




there is a question for FM, and my version is FM 9.0. I have a outside DTD file and it's Stylesheet.is it work if I import these files into FM and start editing? Is there anyone who could tell me how to deal with this? Or is there anyone who can give some training lessons on how to create DTD and EDD/ read write rule?

Frame 9 solution for table column + side head does not work in Frame 10 and 11


In Frame 9 structured (DITA) we could force Frame to record the actual widths of table columns in the DITA XML.  Frame 9 would respect the widths when opening the file.  This was particularly useful for forcing tables to be wide -- to go across the column and the side head -- and for the columns to never resize. 


In Frame 9 this was done by commenting out the line

"writer use proportional widths;" 

like this

"/* writer use proportional widths; */"

in the topic.rules.text" file located in



This no longer works in Frame10 and Frame 11.  Even though the same line is commented out in all the "NAME.rules.txt" files in all the subdirectories of






    "...\AdobeFrameMaker10\Structure\xml\DITA\app"  .


Commenting out the line does force Frame 10 and 11 to record  the absolute column width (2.357" etc.) in the DITA XML.


However, on Open,  Frame 10 and 11 force the table to fit in the column, not the column and sidehead. That is they behave as though they were still using proportional column widths.  It seems the original values (as inserted by Frame 10 and 11 before closing!) are recalculated on Open, thereby mimicking the default proportional width behavior.  


For example, this on Save then Close from Frame 10 or 11


<table frame = "topbot" colsep = "0" rowsep = "1">

<tgroup cols = "4" colsep = "0" rowsep = "1" outputclass = "FormatB">

<colspec colnum = "1" colname = "1" colwidth = "1.796in" colsep = "0"/>

<colspec colnum = "2" colname = "2" colwidth = "1.852in" colsep = "0"/>

<colspec colnum = "3" colname = "3" colwidth = "1.179in" colsep = "0"/>

<colspec colnum = "4" colname = "4" colwidth = "2.152in" colsep = "0"/>


goes to this on Open then Save


<table frame = "topbot" colsep = "0" rowsep = "1">

<tgroup cols = "4" colsep = "0" rowsep = "1" outputclass = "FormatB">

<colspec colnum = "1" colname = "1" colwidth = "1.351in" colsep = "0"/>

<colspec colnum = "2" colname = "2" colwidth = "1.393in" colsep = "0"/>

<colspec colnum = "3" colname = "3" colwidth = "0.887in" colsep = "0"/>

<colspec colnum = "4" colname = "4" colwidth = "1.618in" colsep = "0"/>


Any help at all would be appreciated!  


We have 8,000 to 10,000 pages to PDF in the next few days and about 33% of those pages are messed up tables!


Message was edited by: borealforest

converting Framemaker files into PDF progaramatically using publishing server


Hi All


We are going for upgrade of  Frame maker 8 which is on unix system  to FM 10 or 11. We are using Framemaker mainly for renditions, i.e to convert the fm documents to PDF. To convert fm document to PDF we are using the below mentioned command line utility available in FM 8.(on unix). /opt/app/frame8.0/bin/fmprint -i -p Sample.fm.fmtpl Sample.fm Currently the the fm file which need to converted to PDF and the FM 8(installed) are available on the same unix system ,so we were able to initiate/use the command line utility of FM 8. The rendition of the FM to PDF is On -Demand.( We are not running any batch activities/ bulk renditions).We are rendering the document as soon as the document  is available.

As we are going to  upgrade the FM to newer versions which would be installed on the Windows machine as Frame maker 10 or 11 will not support unix plat form, so can you please let us know which option is better to use i.e we want to convert fm file to PDF using java program without any manual intevention using publishing server/client version.
can any one help us as it is very urgent for us.
please let us know the ways to do and links for helpful documents .

thank you very much for your help in advance!!\


Best reagrds

Ramesh babu

S1000d - Business Rule validation


Hi- I have just started using S1000d, i created  a rule in my business module( eg //description/para/emphasis) with allowedObjectFlag=0 , i have also set my Data module pointing to the business module. And so, when and how does my Data module get validated against the mentioned rule? Whenever i try to validate my Data module, it turns out as valid even though my data module has //description/para/emphasis element in it. Please let me know what should i be doing in order to catch my rule?


[Thread moved from general discussions forum]

Creating new task in DITA, how do I choose Strict or General?


I'm using DITA 1.2 with FrameMaker 12.


I've seen how I can create a new task with DITA > New DTIA File > New task... But the 1.2 DITA standard is supposed to support two types of task, strict or general. How can I specify that I want a general task rather than a strict one?





How to modify the color of an "xref" element existing as a cross-reference?


How to modify the color of an "xref" element existing as a cross-reference? It's color now is black, but I want it blue. Excerpts from the EDD file are as follows. Can someone help? Thanks in advance. You can also give me your skype if you have the answer.



Element (CrossReference): xref

Attribute list

Name: show Choice Optional

Choices: new, replace, automatic

Default: automatic

Name: ref-text String Optional

Name: ref-external-id String Optional

Name: ref-file String Optional

Name: ref-id String Optional

Name: window-number Choice Optional

Choices: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Default: 1

Name: condition String Optional

Name: condition-model String Optional

Name: property String Optional

Name: revision Choice Optional

Choices: changed, added, deleted, off

Name: anchor-id String Optional

Name: msg-info String Optional

Initial cross-reference format

If context is: * < (list-steps | block)

Use cross-reference format: number


Use cross-reference format: number-and-text

Why no elements in my bookmark setup? What is Thread by Colum?


I use structured FM with tags and formats defined in and inherited from my old company. When I print book, select PDF setup > Bookmarks, select Elements in Bookmark Source, the Dont's include and Include Paragraphs column are all empty.


P.S. I read the guide of FM, but still cannot understand what is the use of Thread by Colum and Thread by Text Frame.


Thanks in advance.

Publishing DITA content through DITA-OT or Save as PDF?


Hi Frame users and DITA enthusiasts


I would like to ask for your opinions when publishing DITA content to PDF, either with DITA-OT or Adobe PDF.

This is my first DITA Project and I been testing and playing around with both options but feeling stuck as I can't decide which option to go with.

Both the DITA-OT or Save as PDF will require some modifications, so I rather do things the hard way, then having to go back and create a new publishing template later.

Thanks and best regards

Use condition indicators setting is inconsistent


Getting an error while generating TOC in structured framemaker 11

problems importing XHTML


I followed the instructions in this video to import an XHTML file generated by RoboHelp:


http://tv.adobe.com/watch/adobe-evangelist-technical-communication/bring-indesign-content- into-framemaker-10


First I had to switch to structured mode, unstructured FrameMaker doesn't know what to do with the file.


When I open it in structured mode, I get the error "Validation of XML file failed. Continue?"


XML Read Report Log ...

XML Parser Messages (Document Instance)

Error at file ...

line 75, char 78, Message: Attribute 'title' is not declared for element 'script'

Error at line 83, char 82, Message: Attribute 'title' is not declared for element 'script'


The import completes, but a bunch of code (see below) gets pulled in without being interpreted. Is there some way to suppress that? I could post-process the files but this seems like something FrameMaker ought to be able to handle.


/**/ body { background-color: #ffffff; } A:visited { color: #006699; } A:active { color: #FFCC00; } A:link { color: #006699; } /**/

/**/ table.whs1 { width: 500px; } tr.whs2 { vertical-align: top; text-align: left; } th.whs3 { vertical-align: top; text-align: left; width: 30%; padding-left: 1px; padding-top: 1px; padding-right: 1px; padding-bottom: 1px; } th.whs4 { width: 70%; padding-left: 1px; padding-top: 1px; padding-right: 1px; padding-bottom: 1px; } td.whs5 { padding-left: 1px; padding-top: 1px; padding-right: 1px; padding-bottom: 1px; } /**/

/**/ div.WebHelpPopupMenu { position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 0px; z-index: 4; visibility: hidden; } /**/

// <!-- if (navigator.appName !="Netscape") { document.write("<link rel='stylesheet' href='SentrionStyle.css'>");} //--> //

// <!-- function reDo() { if (innerWidth != origWidth || innerHeight != origHeight) location.reload(); } if ((parseInt(navigator.appVersion) == 4) && (navigator.appName == "Netscape")) { origWidth = innerWidth; origHeight = innerHeight; onresize = reDo; } onerror = null; //--> //


Here's what that looks like in the XHTML file:


<style type="text/css">


body {

        background-color: #ffffff;


A:visited {

        color: #006699;


A:active {

        color: #FFCC00;


A:link {

        color: #006699;





<style type="text/css">


table.whs1 {

        width: 500px;


tr.whs2 {

        vertical-align: top;

        text-align: left;


th.whs3 {

        vertical-align: top;

        text-align: left;

        width: 30%;

        padding-left: 1px;

        padding-top: 1px;

        padding-right: 1px;

        padding-bottom: 1px;


th.whs4 {

        width: 70%;

        padding-left: 1px;

        padding-top: 1px;

        padding-right: 1px;

        padding-bottom: 1px;


td.whs5 {

        padding-left: 1px;

        padding-top: 1px;

        padding-right: 1px;

        padding-bottom: 1px;





<style type="text/css">


div.WebHelpPopupMenu {

        position: absolute;

        left: 0px;

        top: 0px;

        z-index: 4;

        visibility: hidden;





<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript" title="WebHelpSplitCss">



if (navigator.appName !="Netscape")

{   document.write("<link rel='stylesheet' href='SentrionStyle.css'>");}




<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript" title="WebHelpInlineScript">



function reDo() {

  if (innerWidth != origWidth || innerHeight != origHeight)



if ((parseInt(navigator.appVersion) == 4) && (navigator.appName == "Netscape")) {

        origWidth = innerWidth;

        origHeight = innerHeight;

        onresize = reDo;


onerror = null;




Table: Validation error for TableTitle - "More contents required at end"

Validating table - error message:
Why do I keep getting the error message, "More contents required at end" for the TableTitle element?
(FYI: I'm following Scriptorium's FM 201 tutorial < http://wiki.scriptorium.com/tiki-index.php?page=Inserting+table+elements>)

using XML to insert graphics, FM 7

I work with a very complex process to take MS Word rtf files, structure them and convert them into xml, then run PERL scripts to export them for web and print output. The print files are edited in FrameMaker 7.0 for Mac. I want to be able to change the placement of some of the graphics that are automatically placed, but I'm not sure about how to do it.

A PERL script is run on XML files, a note in the script says:
#"The following section inserts standard graphics into the xml
# These are inserted here because attaching them using FM "Frame Above Pgf" does not place them correctly as of FM 7.0 (Mac)"

A graphic that we use is inserted as follows:

# insert the handbook graphic on directives that reference it.
$graphic = "<AnchoredFrame file=\"graphics\/directive_anskey.tif\" impby=\"ref\" position=\"runin\" dpi=\"300\" align=\"aright\" width=\"1.5in\" height=\"1.0in\" xoffset=\"0in\" yoffset=\"0in\"/>";
$text =~ s/<directive_anskey>(.*?)<\/directive_anskey>/<directive_anskey>${1}<\/directive_anskey>\ r$graphic/gsi;

But if I don't want the graphic to Run Into the paragraph, but be Placed at Insertion Point and at -72. pt above baseline, what do I need to change in the above text to make it so?

Another place I can change this instruction is in the resulting XML files that are created after running the series of PERL scripts:

directive_anskey>Check your answers with the key.</directive_anskey>
<AnchoredFrame file="graphics/directive_anskey.tif" impby="ref" position="runin" dpi="300" align="aright" width="1.5in" height="1.0in" xoffset="0in" yoffset="0in"/></selfcheck></lesson>

Again, where can I alter the file so that the position will be as I want it, and so I don't have to go in and do it manually?

I would change the position="runin" to something like "insertpoint"? I've tried different versions of this, with no luck.

Any help will be greatly appreciated... I didn't create our process, but I have to work with it.

topics from third-tier maps are missing in final DITA-built FM doc

I'm using FM 8.0p277 on XP
No third-party tools.
All my dita files are broken down to the topic, concept, task, reference element level.
I'm now building an FM chapter from nested maps.

When I build an fm document from a DITA map (DITA / Build FM Document from Dita File),
the third-tier topic elements and their concept and task sub-elements (built from sub-sub maps) do not appear in my final FM document.
An error message briefly appears: "FM document generated from DITA Map, but with errors. Please refer to console for errors."
(I can't find this console.)
The FM document is built, but with missing elements.

For instance:
I build a mini map C: with topicrefs to one concept, and one task element wrapped in a topicref to a topic element (Turning off the machine).
(This becomes a sub-section of my chapter.)

Then I build an intermediate map B: with topicrefs to several concept elements and task elements, plus a topicref to mini map C, all wrapped in a topicref to a topic element (Safety Features).
(This maps a heading 2 level section of my chapter.)

Then I build the top map A: with topicrefs to four intermediate maps, including map B (linked to map c), these are all wrapped in a topicref to a topic (Saftety Topics).
(This becomes my Chapter fm document.)

Everything comes in at the right order, except that the information from map C is missing.
FrameMaker 8.0 does not seem to be able to pull in the third-tier map's topics. (Three nests of mapped topics.)

Is that right?
Do I need to give up the idea of breaking info down to the lowest topic, concept, task, reference, and making these third-tier little mini-maps?

Note: each mini and intermediate map build into FM documents just fine.

Preserving non-breaking spaces in XML round-trip?


This issue has been discussed several times, but I haven't seen a post that describes my experience. I see this behavior on FM8 and FM9, Windows XP and Vista.

FrameMaker represents non-breaking spaces as character code 0x11. This is not a legal Unicode character, so XML saved from FrameMaker with non-breaking spaces will fail to validate. In fact, FrameMaker will fail to re-open documents with this character. This is unfortunate, but I can accept it.

Unicode specifies character code 0x160 as a non-breaking space. I can insert this character in body text and variable definitions. FrameMaker treats this character as a non-breaking space. (It does not display as a non-breaking space text symbol, but provides the behavior of a non-breaking space). Other processing tools also respect this character as a non-breaking space.

However, upon saving to XML, FrameMaker converts character 0x160 back to character code 0x11. So I'm back where I started. I can no longer edit the XML document in FrameMaker, nor is the XML valid and usable in other tools/workflows.


I've played with the "character map" read/write rule to attempt to get FrameMaker to write non-breaking space 0x11 as Unicode 0x160. But FrameMaker writes 0x11 back to the XML.


Is it reasonable to expect that FrameMaker retain Unicode character 0x160 on XML round-trip? Am I missing something? Of course, this is an issue for several lower-ANSI FM characters, including non-breaking spaces and hyphens, thin spaces, and forced returns, which FM writes to XML as illegal Unicode characters.



Alan Houser, President
Group Wellesley, Inc.

How To Import a DTD to FrameMaker 9


I have a DTD in notepad.  How do I go about importing or using this DTD for FrameMaker 9?




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