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FrameMaker 12 Publish Crash


Using Framemaker all publish operations crash if the document contains a UserString of 1 or more characters in a table element.  We use UserStrings in this way to hold metadata about tables such as database keys and effective dates.


The Mif looks like this:  [We would normally have an xml fragment here but this is enough to produce a crash]



  <TblID 10>

<UserString `A'>

  <TblTag `Format A'>




Incidently a zero length UserString doesn't result in a crash.


Looks like a bug to me.





Special, Filter by Attribute, build expression syntax


I searched and searched Adobe's help after repeatedly seeing the error message from the Filter by Attribute's build expression dialog:


"Invalid Expression, Kindly refer to help for rules on building expression."


After wrestling with this feature for a while, I got it working. And, decided to provide the following help topic on it. Comments, feedback, and improvements are welcome.



Using the Special, Filter by Attribute Command


The Filter by Attribute dialog lets you define a build expression to filter DITA content based on element attribute values.


The first step to using this dialog is to define attribute values that you will use in your build expression.


  • Select an attribute from the attribute list.

  • Enter a value for that attribute and click on Add.

    The attribute value appears in the Defined Values list. This list displays all of the defined values for the selected attribute.


After defining the attribute values for filtering, the next step is to define a build expression that filters content based on the values.


To define the expression, it is important to understand the operation of the radio buttons (Equals, Any, and Contains Only) and their related expression syntax.


If you define some product attribute values (OneFish_Product, TwoFish_Product, RedFish_Product, BlueFish_Product) and you define an audience attribute value (InternalUsageOnly_Audience), you could use the values and the radio buttons to build the following expression for a public document describing the OneFish product:


(product # "OneFish_Product") AND NOT (audience="InternalUsageOnly_Audience")


To create this expression, select the product attribute, select the Contains Only radio button, and click on Add. Delete the extra attribute values from the expression until you have just the value shown above. Next, click on the "AND" then "NOT" buttons to add this syntax to the expression. Finally, select the audience attribute, select the Equals radio button, and click on Add.


Note: Filtering operation is NOT dynamic. If you modify attribute values, the content filtering does not take effect until you re-apply the filter expression to the file.


Creating Build Expressions from DITAVAL Property Values


The Filter by Attribute feature becomes valuable when you use it to apply the same content filtering as is provided by a DITAVAL file


In the example (above) a number of attribute values are defined. A corresponding DITAVAL file containing these attributes could be:


<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
     <!-- includes public info for OneFish product -->
     <prop att='product' val='OneFish_Product' action='include' />
     <prop att='product' val='TwoFish_Product' action='exclude' />
     <prop att='product' val='RedFish_Product' action='exclude' />
     <prop att='product' val='BlueFish_Product' action='exclude' />
     <prop att='audience' val='InternalUsageOnly_Audience' action='exclude' />


The include and exclude actions shown match the filtering operation of the build expression (include only product="OneFish_Product" and exclude audience="InternalUsageOnly_Audience").

Conversion table-nesting elements




I am new to structured FM and was trying to migrate a few unstructured FM documents to structured using the "conversion table". After generating the conversion table, I am not able to create a proper heirarchy (nesting) of the elements.


Could any one help me with the basics of 'element nesting'. I read the documentation provided by Adobe and tried to do it, but without much success.

The generated conversion table is given below.




































Roundtrip formatting not working


My issue is that when I open an XML file in FrameMaker, the formatting is not using my application that I set up. I'm not sure where this is controlled.


This is what I did. I made a copy of the Structure\xml\DITA folder to create Structure\xml\MyDITA. I converted my documents to DITA and updated the application template and EDD (formatting only) in MyDITA folder. I did not touch the DTD.


When I save my file as XML I get no errors, but when I open the XML in FM, the formatting is not using my template in MyDITA application.


When I open the XML file in FM and selected StructureTools > Set Structured Application and it is set to DITA_1.2_topic. When I set it to MyDITA it has no effect on the formatting.


What is controlling which application to use when the XML file is opened? I have a custom XML application that works just fine. The Doctype in my XML file is:

<!DOCTYPE topic PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Topic//EN" "topic.dtd"


I hope this is an easy question to answer. Thanks!


Conversion from word problems with images


Hi ,

I managed to make a conversion table to structure the documents of out company.I am having a proble with images.I am importing the word file to our template with a custom EDD document.When the import finishes I am having all images at almost correct places.The issue is when i apply the custom conversion table all the images at anchored at insertion point.The correct position would be at below current line.I am stuck and I can not find a solution to this.

My EDD is as follows:


EDD Version is 12.0

Structured Application: ReportPlain

F:\FramemakerBooks\Part B -Section 3.fm

April 14, 2014

Element (Container): Author

General rule:          <TEXT>

Text format rules

In all contexts.

Use paragraph format: ReportAuthor

Element (Container): Emphasis

General rule:          <TEXTONLY>

Text format rules

In all contexts.

Text range.

Use character format: Emphasis

Element (Equation): Equation



Element (Container): EquationPara

General rule:          Equation

Text format rules

Element paragraph format: Equation

Element (Container): Extract

General rule:          (<TEXT> | Emphasis | Term | Superscript | Subscript | XRef)*

Attribute list

Name: ID           Unique ID           Optional

Text format rules

In all contexts.

Use paragraph format: Extract

Element (Container): Figure

General rule:          (<TEXT> | Frame)*

Attribute list

Name: ID           Unique ID           Optional

Name: XRefLabel           String           Optional

Default:          Figure

Name: Imported           Choice           Optional

Choices:          Yes, No

Default:          No

Text format rules

In all contexts.

Use paragraph format: Figure

Element (Footnote): Footnote

General rule:          <TEXT>

Text format rules

In all contexts.

Use paragraph format: Footnote

If context is: * < Table

Use paragraph format: TableFootnote

Element (Graphic): GRAPHIC

Initial graphic element format

In all contexts.

Insert anchored frame.

Anchored Frame Object Style:FiguredCentered

Element (Graphic): Frame

Initial graphic element format

If context is: Figure[Imported = "Yes"]

Insert imported graphic file.


Insert anchored frame.

Element (Container): Head

General rule:          <TEXT>

Text format rules

Count ancestors named:          Section

If level is: 1

Context label: H1

Use paragraph format: Heading1

Else, if level is: 2

Context label: H2

Use paragraph format: Heading2

Else, if level is: 3

Context label: H3

Use paragraph format: Heading3

Else, if level is: 4

Context label: H4

Use paragraph format: Heading4

Else, if level is: 5

Context label: H5

Use paragraph format: HeadingRunIn


Numbering properties

Autonumber format:

If context is: {first} < Report

Use paragraph format: ReportTitle

Else, if context is: HeadingRunIn

Use paragraph format: HeadingRunIn

Element (Container): HeadingRunIn

General rule:          Head, Para+

Element (Container): Item

General rule:          (<TEXT> | Emphasis | Term | Superscript | Subscript | XRef | Para)*

Format rules for first paragraph in element

If context is: List[Type = "Plain"]

No additional formatting.

Else, if context is: List[Type = "Bulleted"]

Use paragraph format: Bulleted clean

Else, if context is: {first}

Use paragraph format: Numbered1


Use paragraph format: Numbered

Element (Container): List

General rule:          Item+

Attribute list

Name: ID           Unique ID           Optional

Name: Type           Choice           Optional

Choices:          Plain, Bulleted, Numbered

Default:          Bulleted

Automatic insertions

Automatically insert child:          Item

Element (Container): Para

General rule:          (<TEXT> | Emphasis | Term | Superscript | Subscript | XRef | Footnote | Table )*

Attribute list

Name: ID           Unique ID           Optional

Text format rules

If context is: {after Head }

Use paragraph format: Body

Else, if context is: {after List}

Use paragraph format: BodyAfterHead


Use paragraph format: Body

Element (Container): Part

Valid as the highest-level element.

General rule:          (Para | Footnote | Table | Section )*

Attribute list

Name: ID           Unique ID           Optional

Control flags: Read-only

Automatic insertions

Automatically insert child:          Head

Text format rules

Element paragraph format: Body

Element (Container): Purpose

General rule:          <TEXT>

Text format rules

Element paragraph format: ReportPurpose

Element (Container): Section

General rule:          (Section,Head |Section | Para | List  | Table | Figure  | HeadingRunIn )*

Attribute list

Name: ID           Unique ID           Optional

Name: XRefLabel           String           Optional

Default:          Section

Automatic insertions

Automatically insert child:          Head

Element (Container): Subscript

General rule:          <TEXTONLY>

Text format rules

In all contexts.

Text range.

Font properties

Superscript/Subscript: Subscript

Element (Container): Superscript

General rule:          <TEXTONLY>

Text format rules

In all contexts.

Text range.

Font properties

Superscript/Subscript: Superscript

Element (Table): Table

General rule:          TableTitle?, TableHead?, TableBody

Attribute list

Name: ID           Unique ID           Optional

Control flags: Read-only

Name: XRefLabel           String           Optional

Default:          Table

Control flags: Read-only

Initial table format

In all contexts.

Table format: Format A

Element (Table Body): TableBody

General rule:          TableRow+

Element (Table Cell): TableCell

General rule:          (<TEXT> | Emphasis | Term | Superscript | Subscript | XRef | Frame| Para)*

Text format rules

Element paragraph format: Bodycell

Element (Table Heading): TableHead

General rule:          TableHeadRow+

Element (Table Cell): TableHeadCell

General rule:          <TEXT>

Element (Table Row): TableHeadRow

General rule:          TableHeadCell+

Element (Table Row): TableRow

General rule:          TableCell+

Element (Table Title): TableTitle

General rule:          <TEXT>

Text format rules

Element paragraph format: TableTitle

Element (Container): Term

General rule:          <TEXTONLY>

Text format rules

In all contexts.

Text range.

Use character format: Emphasis

Element (CrossReference): XRef

Attribute list

Name: IDRef           ID Reference           Required

Control flags: Read-only

Limit values for format change list properties

First indent

Maximum: 39.0"

Minimum: 0.0"

Left indent

Maximum: 39.0"

Minimum: 0.0"

Right indent

Maximum: 39.0"

Minimum: 0.0"

Space above

Maximum: 32767.0 pt

Minimum: -32767.0 pt

Space below

Maximum: 32767.0 pt

Minimum: -32767.0 pt

Line spacing

Maximum: 32767.0 pt

Minimum: -32767.0 pt

Tab stop position

Maximum: 39.0"

Minimum: 0.0"

Font size

Maximum: 400.0 pt

Minimum: 2.0 pt


Maximum: 1000.0%

Minimum: -1000.0%


Maximum: 1000.0%

Minimum: 10.0%

Cell margins


Maximum: 32767.0 pt

Minimum: 0.0 pt


Maximum: 32767.0 pt

Minimum: 0.0 pt


Maximum: 32767.0 pt

Minimum: 0.0 pt


Maximum: 32767.0 pt

Minimum: 0.0 pt


And my conversion table is:



Wrap this object or objects          In this element          With this qualifier

TC:          TableCell

P:Body          Para

P:Normal          Para

P:Heading 5          Head          head5

E:Head[head5],(Para | Frame | List | Table )*          Section          section5

P:Heading 4          Head          head4

E:Head[head4],(Para | Frame | List | Table |  [section5])*          Section          section4

P:Heading 3          Head          head3

Head[head3],(Para | List | Frame | Table | [section4])*          Section          section3

P:Heading 2          Head          head2

Head[head2],(Para | List | Frame | Table | [section3])*          Section          section2

P:Heading 1          Head          head1

Head[head1],(Para | List | Frame | Table | [section2])*          Section          section

T:Table          Table (promote)

TT:          TableTitle

TH:          TableHead

TB:          TableBody

TF:          FOOTING

TR:          TableRow

RE:RootElement          Part


P:List Paragraph          Item

Item+          List

G:          GRAPHIC(promote)



RE:RootElement          Part




I am almost done with the template"Application"I just need to place the pictures in the correct position.Can anyone point me to the right direction?


Thanks a lot in advance

How do I change rendering of wintitle element?




I'm still quite new to DITA and unhappy about the way the wintitle element is rendered in FrameMaker 12. Unlike uicontrol, which comes out in bold, wintitle is completely undifferentiated from ordinary text.

Is there a straightforward way to change it to bold and perhaps a different font, so that the names of applications can be displayed differently?


I have no idea how to edit an EDD or even find the EDD that is controlling this (if indeed that is how character styles are controlled in DITA fm).


Thanks for any help,


Elisa Roselli

Cambridge Imaging System

Problem import/view svg with FM11 (Win7)



First sorry for my english.

I have a big problem with the new version of Framemaker 11.


if I create an xml connecting the external svg (created in Illustrator) Framemaker with version 11 (Windows 7), raster images inside the svg are not displayed in the preview, only text and vector files.

If I try to open an xml file created with version Framamaker like 9 or 11 on windows XP the element "stepimage" with whom I connect the svg are no longer present on the tree.

If I insert again the stepimage tree, they become disproportionate size.

In fact, opening them with Illustrator CC dimensions have changed (I have not edited the picture.)

However, still do not appear raster files.


I hope someone can help me.




[Discussion moved to Structured FM by moderator]

column width from xml attribute to framemaker table


I'm trying to set the column widths of a table in framemaker by importing the width from an attribute in the imported xml file. But it doesn't work...


This is from my read/write rules:


element "ITEM-CELL-LIST"


is fm table cell element;

attribute "width" is fm property column width;

fm property column width value is "2cm";



The last line that specifies the width to 2cm seems to be accepted as I can save the EDD as DTD without errors, but it has no effect on the actual widths of the table created.

The line above it doesn't work at all. When I try to save the EDD, I get the following error: "Invalid property specified for the element (ITEM-CELL-LIST)."


I've tried every way I can think of, but nothing seems to work

The only way I've been able to actually set the widths is by creating a table in the master template page and resizing the columns. That carries over to the imported xml.

FrameMaker SDK Question: How to read an XML file



I am using FDK 12.0 on Windows (using Visual Studio 2012) to make some changes in a FrameMaker document programmatically. I have never used this or any other Adobe API before and am somewhat struggling with the concepts. Primarily I am using the sample programs, coming along with the FDK to guide me.


Now, I want to open and parse an XML file, whose content I will use later to manipulate the texts in a FrameMaker document. In .NET framework there are several classes (XMLReader, XMLTextReader etc.) to read and parse XML files easily. However, it seems I cannot use these Common Language Runtime classes because, apparently, a FDK plug-in needs to be a) C program and b) should not use CLR. In view that, can anyone please indicate if there are any suitable set of functions in FDK itself for parsing an XML file. Otherwise, is there any pure C based XML parser I can use? Some actual sample will be very helpful.


Thanks in advance,



[Discussion moved by moderator]

How do you insert an equation in a structured doc using DITA 1.2?


Good morning,


I'm currently in the process of structuring a set of unstructured user manuals using FM10 and the DITA 1.2 standard. I have my conversion table and templates setup and everything has been going well so far, but I can't figure out how to structure equations or insert new equations into a structured doc.


FrameMaker flags equations as an unsupported element (see below) no matter where the equation appears in the map.


I've looked through my element catalogue, but I can't find anything that seems like it would support an equation.

In some of my research, I've stumbled across something called a mathML element, but that doesn't seem to be an available option for me. Is this something that's only available if you are using DITA specialization?


If anyone has any ideas for how I can insert equations into my doc while keeping it inline with the DITA 1.2 standards, it would be greatly appreciated!





XSLT to convert XML into Tables




I'm trying to import my XML data into a table format. After adding an XSL file to my Structure Application as a Preprocessing Stylesheet, and importing my XML instance file with the Template file opened, the "Unknown File Type" error window appeared asking for a file format to Convert From. Picking any one doesn't create a table.


The XSL file tranforms the XML data into an HTML file that has a table with columns corresponding to the XML data. I was thinking using that type of XSL because it renders tables.


Below is the XSL markup:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">


<xsl:template match="/">




    <table border="1">

      <tr bgcolor="#9acd32">





      <xsl:for-each select="Products/Product">


        <td><xsl:value-of select="Title"/></td>

        <td><xsl:value-of select="Number"/></td>

        <td><xsl:value-of select="Date"/></td>









Title, Number, and Date are child elements of the Product element, which is a child element of the Products root element in my XML file.


Am I applying the stylesheet correctly here? Am I using the write kind of stylesheet?




FDK - Change highest level element (NoName) to get a new FM Book valid


Hi everyone,


Using the FDK I have saved a DITAMAP (referencing several concept files) as a Book with FM components and the resulting book is invalid with the highest level element of NoName.

If I select the NoName element in FrameMaker's structure view, then select concept within the element catalog and click the Change button my book is now valid after an Update Book.


Is there a way using the FDK to achieve a valid book after the save operation?

Using the FDK I am outlining a means of selecting all elements in the book, wrapping everything in a concept element, then selecting the NoName element and unwrapping it. To me this option feels like I am correcting structure as a result of not previously defining the structure of the saved book.


The newly created book file already has element definitions for concept without importing.

Could this be a case of some way specifying a template to be used during the save?


If I can provide any further details please don't hesitate to ask.

Any input at all would be much appreciated.

FDK 7.2 : FA_Note_Dialog Notification Problem


I am developping a tool with FDK 7.2 and Sourcerer plugIn.

In this tool, i need to launch some scripts when a notification is done.

This notification is FA_Note_Dialog and is registred like this in F_ApiInitialize(...) :
F_ApiNotification(FA_Note_Dialog, True);

In fapidefs.h, it is written for FA_Note_Dialog "/* NB experimental interfaces */"

In my understanding, every time that FA_Note_Dialog is launched, it will be notified.

All others notifications are well notified (I have made some debugging F_Printf), but this one is not always notified.

It seems that fm keeps in memory notification.

Sourcerer can bad notified or this is experimental so it is bugged or ... i'm crazy.

Do you know how to solve this problem?


XML Parser Message: Element series is not valid for the content model


I work with FrameMaker 8 and DITA.

I change the element prodinfo in the topic.edd from:

General rule: (prodname), (vrmlist), (brand | series | platform | prognum | featnum | component)*


General rule: (brand | series | platform | component)*

When I import the element definition to the template everything is okay.
When I insert the elements metadata, prodinfo, brand, series, platform and component into a topic I get the XML Parser Message that the element brand is not valid for the content model (prodname,vrmlist, ((brand|series|platform|prognum|featnum|component))*).
When I delete the element brand in the topic I get the XML Parser Message that the element series is not valid for the content model (prodname,vrmlist, ((brand|series|platform|prognum|featnum|component))*).

I change the element prodinfo in the topic.edd to:

General rule: (brand)?, (series)?, (platform)?, (component)?

...and get the same Parser Message.

I do not understand that. Is not it allowed to change the EDD this way without changing the DTD?

With kind regards


"Error in processing external entity reference" - why?

-- FM 8.0p277, structured --

Saddened to see this morning that FM apparently decided against saving the work I did yesterday afternoon ... I can sympathise with the idea of not saving imperfect documents, but it could at least have warned me!

First attempt at saving this morning throws up the following message.

] XML Parser Messages (Document Prolog)
] Error at file P:\ACM\smu\ditabase.dtd, line 71, char 17, Message: Could not open external entity 'P:\ACM\smu\indexingDomain.ent'
] Parse error at line 71, char 0: Error in processing external entity reference

* I certainly haven't created any .dtd, so where might this defective file have come from?
* ditto for defining entities

So - what's the root problem, and how do I set about correcting it?

[ps] I get exactly the same message when I use the FM DITA menu to create a brand-new topic.

Pagination changes when creating PDF from FM file


Using Structured FM 7.2p158, Adobe Acrobat Professional 8.1.3. I have updated a chapter with a graphic and want to send a specific page to a colleague. Tried to print the individual page to a file, then distill that print file to a PDF file; Distiller flushed it, whether I used the Acrobat PDF printer or my regular printer.

Next tried printing the entire chapter, which works, but the PDF pagination is changed from the original FM file. Tried setting to "Standard" and "High Quality Print" but still get the same result.

Any suggestions, please?




Help with EDD




I am curious is is possible to indentify a reused element as different FM type.


For example in my DTD Title is used for a regular title but also as a table header. Is it possible to designate in frame a title element, and a table.title element?



For example in the dtd:


<!ELEMENTaal (title, std.table.header, (aal-category+ | aal-entry+))>





<!ELEMENT a.statement (title, text)>



In the aal element, it is the table title, in the a.statement element it is a plain o' text title. Can i get frame to make that determination?



OTF Fonts Thai




we are working with structured FM 8 and do translate in pretty much all languages except for Arabic. So far, there were no complaints for the Asian languages. But now, we receive the feedback that the characters for Thai (Arial Unicode) are correct but that there are spaces between some characters making it difficult to read the text. We have done various tests and recognized that all True-Type fonts are causing these problems. Now, I installed an OTF-Font for Thai and the problems stay the same. Therefor, my question if the Thai font is upported at all?


Thank you very much in advance,

Sandra Ullrich

Error messages when defining/using "Filter by attribute"


I run FM8 on SOLARIS.


When i activate a new "Filter by attribute" i get the messages:


Show/Hide setting for FM8_SYSTEM_HIDEELEMENT is inconsistent

Show/Hide setting for FM8_TRACK_CHANGES_DELETED is inconsistent


The filtering in a separate bookfile works, but the problem appears when i run "Update book"

The book used to have "Conditional Text".


Best Regards,




Am I missing something to do DITA?




Running FM 8 which was installed as part of the Tech Comm package I believe.  I am looking at learning and using DITA but when I select the structured format to create a new Chapter I get a message that says the document contains structure information. This product does not read structure information. The structure will be removed.


What do I need to do to use DITA?



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