Channel: Adobe Community : Popular Discussions - FrameMaker Structured
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FrameMaker - Good choice for building database driven website?


I am moving toward data heavy websites (the more data the better) and wondering if FM 12 will work for creating the database and the site. Obviously I am new to FM but I have been reading the help files and various white papers but there is not much info on this so I am wondering if my assumption is incorrect. Can I create interactive forms in FM? Webpages that run from a database created in FM? Will web pages created in FM be bulky with extra unnecessary code or will they be lean? I have read about FM being able to export in HTML5 but I wonder what the actual quality and functionality of the resulting pages/website/mobile site. Your opinions are welcome.

Problems opening a .sgm file in FM 7.2


I'm trying to open an .sgm file in Structured FrameMaker 7.2 and I keep getting errors and believe my setting are incorrect.  This is what happens:


  1. Open file.
  2. Prompt:  "Use Structured Application."  I choose "<No Application>"
  3. Error:  "SGML Parser Messages (Document Prolog)"

                    C:\Documents and Settings\............filename.sgm; line 1

                    Could not find external document type VIB (-//Company Name//DTD VIB//EN).


I really don't know where to go with this, so any help would be appreciated.  Thank you.

Roundtripping Frame Table Cell Properties


Hi all,


We have a requirement for some custom table ruling, and, as we all know, this is not supported natively by structured Frame. We don't need to enforce it via the EDD, but just need to be able to apply it and have it persist in the XML somewhere.


So I read a useful post here (Re: Control table row or cell formatting via EDD context rules?) where Lynne  P. provided info on table properties now supported in Frame 11 and 12, and we have tried to implement this.


We are working in Frame 11 using a modified Docbook XML DTD, and we work only in XML, i.e. we never same the documents as Frame binaries.


Here's what we did:


1. In our DTD, we added these attributes based on the list of custom ruling properties from the Frame 12 Dev Ref Guide:

        use-bottom-rule-override          CDATA                 #IMPLIED

        bottom-rule-override                 CDATA                 #IMPLIED

        use-top-rule-override                CDATA                 #IMPLIED

        top-rule-override                       CDATA                 #IMPLIED

        use-left-rule-override                CDATA                 #IMPLIED

        left-rule-override                       CDATA                 #IMPLIED

        use-right-rule-override             CDATA                 #IMPLIED

        right-rule-override                    CDATA                 #IMPLIED

2. In the EDD, we added these pairs of attributes on our <entry> element (representing a table cell):









All attributes are optional. Each of the "Use....Override" attributes have a possible value of "0" or "1" to act as a switch for true/false. Each of the other attributes have possible values based on Frame's style of the custom ruling as defined in the Table Designer, in this case, "None, Double, Medium, Thick, Thin, Very Thin".


3. In our rules, we added these attributes to the <entry> element, like so:

element "entry"


  is fm table cell element "Entry";

  attribute "UseBottomRulingOverride" is fm property use bottom ruling override;

  attribute "BottomRulingOverride" is fm property bottom ruling override;

  attribute "UseTopRulingOverride" is fm property use top ruling override;

  attribute "TopRulingOverride" is fm property top ruling override;

  attribute "UseLeftRulingOverride" is fm property use left ruling override;

  attribute "LeftRulingOverride" is fm property left ruling override;

  attribute "UseRightRulingOverride" is fm property use right ruling override;

  attribute "RightRulingOverride" is fm property right ruling override;


We also mapped the Frame attributes above to the XML attributes in the DTD, i.e. for example:

attribute "use-bottom-rule-override" is fm attribute "UseBottomRulingOverride";



Here's the result:

It seems that everything is "working", meaning that Frame is recognizing the attributes and is not throwing any parsing errors, however:


I create a new table, then:

1. In a cell (entry element), I set any of the "use...." true/false attributes to "1".  Then I set the other one in the pair to some supported value, such as "Thick".  No visual change occurs.  I close the file, re-open it, and the values are still set, but no custom ruling occurs.

2. I set some custom rules using only the Custom Ruling and Shading dialog. I have the XML open in a text editor, so look at it and Frame has set the relevant values to the appropriate attributes, i.e. the "use..." are now "1" and the matching pair is whatever I choose, for instance, "Medium".  When I save, close and reopen, some of the custom ruling is retained -- inside borders but never outside borders.  Also, never the ruling between the heading row and a regular body row -- yet the attribute values are retained.


So, while Frame allows me to set the attributes explicitly and retains them in the XML, any custom ruling set via attributes and not the dialog is not retained.


Thoughts, anyone?





Shelley Hoose

Sr Doc Developer, Rogue Wave Software

Highlight text in FrameMaker.

I want to highlight text in FrameMaker.or add shadow for the text.How can I deal with it?

MIL-STD 40051C - where to begin


Hi everyone...I am fairly new to structured framemaker and spent the last week reading every piece of information I could on the subject.


I've been given the task here at work of taking some unstructured framemaker documents and structure them using MIL-STD 40051C as a guide.


If someone could please give me some help on this....I don't even know where to begin. Information overload. I have a DTD provided to me, as well as a folder containing XSL stylesheets for what seems like nearly every tag and a boilerplate folder.


Some of the links for my source material can be found here:






So far I have imported the DTD to framemaker and saved as an EDD. Everything seems to be fine there. As far as the next step, I really have no idea.


I presume that if I wanted to build, lets say, a cover page...I would refer to the standard and build a page using the tags described.


I have given this a try and all I get is a tree structure with no formatting. How am I supposed to link to a stylesheet in Framemaker? What's more...there are about 50 styles in the folder I was provided so how do I know which one I am supposed to refer to?


Basically this is a huge scope of an effort that I am just getting my feet wet in, so if someone who is familiar can PLEASE give me some initial guidance it would be sincerely appreciated. I can't even find any documentation for this stuff on the web so this is my only hope.


Thanks very much


- Doug

MIL-STD 40051 Template


Can someone please help me with the construction of a template. I have a template I've used for my unstructured files. Can I use that with the EDD imported as the Template for my structured development? Attached is my file:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE Chapter "C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\AdobeFrameMaker11\Structure\xml\manualRewrite\40051C_3_28.dtd">
<?xml-stylesheet href="manualRewrite_template.css" type="text/css" charset="UTF-8"?>
<TITLE> </TITLE><Header>
<A ID="pgfId-1081880"></A>
Master Pages - Choose one of these three master pages for your first page based on number of lines in title.</Header>
<A ID="pgfId-1086876"></A>
<A ID="pgfId-1086895"></A>
<A ID="pgfId-1086902"></A>
<A ID="pgfId-1086865"></A>
Header - First page is setup in 3 different layouts, based on number of lines in title.</Header>
<A ID="pgfId-1085675"></A>
<A ID="pgfId-1085689"></A>
TM for technical manual number, centered</Header>
<A ID="pgfId-1085698"></A>
WP # is tabbed right aligned, setup using Volume Number Variable, change zeros depending on number of digits)</Body>
<A ID="pgfId-1085256"></A>
heading1 - paragraph title only</Heading1>
<A ID="pgfId-1085257"></A>
<A ID="pgfId-1085258"></A>
<A ID="pgfId-1085259"></A>
Text follows using a Body style</Body>
<A ID="pgfId-1085260"></A>
<A ID="pgfId-1085261"></A>
<A ID="pgfId-1088888"></A>
Text follows using a Body style and wraps back to left edge</Body>
<A ID="pgfId-1088889"></A>
<A ID="pgfId-1089023"></A>
<A ID="pgfId-1089024"></A>
Heading 4 text</Heading-4-Text>
<A ID="pgfId-1085727"></A>
<A ID="pgfId-1085780"></A>


...  [etc.]




[message edited by moderator]

Using PDF as image format


Hi, Frame users


What is your opinion on using Graphics with PDF-format when authoring DITA content, as I'm not sure that PDFs are supported as Graphics-format in DITA?

Reason for this is that I'm trying to switch from using grapics with WMF-format (exported from cad) to SVG-format, but I have experienced some problems when importing Graphics with SVG-format to FrameMaker.

Sómetimes it works, but not always, for example "the filter encountered a problem and could not complete the translation".

I have also tried checking if the files are valid with the W3C online validator.


Best regards


Conversion table help


I am in the process of converting old FrameMaker 5.5.6 unstructured documents to FrameMaker 8 structured. I am having an issue with my conversion table, specifically with tables.
I am trying to wrap the head, body and footer in a tgroup element, then wrap that tgroup element in a table. I am able to get the first part to work but am unable to get the tgroup to wrap in a table.
Here is what my conversion table looks like for the items:

TE:(E:thead?, E:tbody, E:tfoot?) >> tgroup

TE:(E:tgroup)+ >> table

I have tried different options trying to get the tgroup to wrap but have not had any success yet. What would I need to change to get this to work?



Framemaker crashes with internal error: 7104, 6062898, 7693379, 0 when saving as XML

Hello all,

we have written a structure application for exporting XML from structure FrameMaker (7.1 p116). An internal error ""7104, 6062898, 7693379, 0" with the message: Allocation at "0x00341469" points to memory address "0x00000000" kept reoccurring during XML export of certain files. The "read" procedure could not be carried out on the memory.

After a number of test we have discovered that the reason lies in resolving external links.
Therefore we tested which links that cause the crash, renamed the corresponding source files, resolved the references again and low and behold - the XML Export worked for all our documents at some point.
Because we need a stable XML export and cannot accept the current state of continually renaming files, we have tried to limit the error and found out the following in the process.

Our structure application contains the instruction that external links should not refer to the original FM but to the corresponding XML.

External X-Ref:
Change Reference To .XML: Enable

During export therefore, FrameMaker has to perform a conversion of the source file names for external links.

If the source file name (.XML) for an external link is 16 characters long (including full path) or a multiple of 16 (i.e. "C:\Test\Doc1.xml"), FrameMaker crashes with the error mentioned above ("7104, 6062898, 7693379, 0").

If the length of the source file name (.XML) (including full path) is not 16 characters (or a multiple of 16 characters) the XML export is successful.

Best regards


graphic element from DTD to EDD

Framemaker 7.2, Windows
I created the EDD from the DTD. But I'm having trouble with the 'graphic' (lower case)Element. It's supposed to be an empty element but when I insert the tag it displays with the open and close element tags. And the only way to actually get the image in is to insert an anchored frame and import the file. Then this automatically inserts a box in my structure view(which indicates an empty element). It is in all caps, 'GRAPHIC', And it's invalid.
Also, isn't the Unique ID attribute on the element 'graphic' used to bring in the correct file? Or do I have to use Anchored Frame and Import?

can you find specific tags in structured FM and clear them?


I'm working with FM 8 in Tech Comm Suite 1 in an XP environment.


We have used the ph tag to indicate sections where text has changed and must be approved by SMEs.  How do we clear the tags when the changes have been approved?



To import a pdf file in FrameMaker


How do we import a pdf file with all its pages in a FrameMaker file ?


I found that we can import only one sheet of the pdf in a FrameMaker file.

Absolute path in Doctype DTD makes DTD unavailable on other machines


Hi all,


When saving to XML, I understand that Frame takes the relative path to the DTD as described in structapps.fm (in our case, $STRUCTDIR\xml\xdocbook\app\docbookx.dtd) and generates an absolute path in the XML it writes, like this:


DOCTYPE chapter SYSTEM "file:///C:/Program%20Files/Adobe/FrameMaker9/structure/xml/xdocbook/app/docbookx.dtd"...


This, of course, makes the files impossible to open on a machine that has Frame installed in something other than "Program Files".  Any way to get around this?  Have Frame generate a relative path in some way?  I've researched this in the ref and dev guides and don't see any way to control this.  I did try adding something to the rules, like this...


writer external dtd is system "docbookx.dtd";


but then Frame just looks directly in the folder that contains the document you're trying to open.


Thanks for any suggestions.


- Shelley

"page wide" table attribute, where is it set?


The standard (example) dita topic r/w rules for table elements include:


attribute "pgwide" is fm property page wide;


Does FM have such a property for tables?  It's certainly documented in the struct dev guide and ref, but I don't know what it correlates to.


I would like to use this to set the pgwide attribute in my dita sources.  The only work-around I've found is to change the rule to:


attribute "pgwide" is fm attribute;


add the pgwide attribute to table in the edd, and set it.  It's a no-op as far as FM is concerned, but is at least preserved on reading and writing.  Without changing the r/w rule, FM appears to throw my value away.


I'd like to think there's a better way, and it at least looks like there's intent.




Carriage Return in Autonumber Format?



I've set up my Structured EDD with some Headings that have Autonumbering.  I'm wondering if there is any way to put a return between the number and the text?


In other words, can I make this:

Chapter 2: This is the Chapter Title


look like this:

Chapter 2:

This is the Chapter Title


As a secondary question, in my search for the answer to this question, I discovered the <r>. <r+>, <R>, etc. "building blocks".  I can't find them mentioned anywhere in the user manual or developing structured application manual.  Can anyone tell me exactly what their function is?



Unable to create a book file of composite docs from multiple ditamaps


I am using TCS3 with FrameMaker 10 (DITA 1.1) in Windows XP. I created a master ditamap that contains topicrefs to other ditamaps. So in effect, each subditamap contains all of the topics for a "chapter" in a book. I tried to save the master ditamap as a "book with FM components," but I didn't get what I had expected. I wanted a single  book file in which each ditamap was converted into a separate composite FM document (a "chapter") that contained all of the topics within the specific map. Instead, each map was converted into a book/folder that contained separate FM documents for each topic that I created. Is there a way to get the results that I want without having to restructure my maps and topics?

New-user resources for authoring DITA with FrameMaker 10?


Might as well ask the same question about DITA. I'm gearing up to write a bunch of new docs and am considering switching to XML. Since we already own FrameMaker, I'll use that if there's no good reason to switch.


Can anyone point me to some introductory material on creating a DITA project in FrameMaker and maybe some better sample projects than come with the product?

FDK How to Detect Structured Book/Document in Unstructured FrameMaker


Hi Everyone,


I have looked from pillar to post on this one.


Basically when you open a Structured document in Unstructured FrameMaker a warning appears stating exactly what you are doing.


I am using FDK and have tried this in both Structured and Unstructured.

The test for structure in a document is to read the FP_HighestLevelElement property,

this returns true in Structured but false for a structured document within Unstructured FrameMaker.


Lost with this one, but if FrameMaker can detect a Structured document in Unstructured then I would much like to do also.


If any input at all could be provided it would be very much appreciated.

FM9: Import of previously created xml file back to FrameMaker


Hi all,


I have saved a FrameMaker document as an XML file and would like to import it back to FrameMaker. I am guessing it needs a little more skills and attention than just hitting "Open file" cause previous attempts to convert that xml file back to how it used to look in FrameMaker  obviously failed.


I am importing it back to the same system so the styles and everything are exactly the same.


The idea behind this is that my boss wishes to check in the manual with every software release so a specific version of the manual for a specific release can be recreated at any time. Just that I have no idea how that will work if I cant import it back into FrameMaker to convert it into the manual I'd need. I am not familiar with the structured operation and I am desperately hoping theres a solution I can work with.


Thank you!!!

FDK - Change highest level element (NoName) to get a new FM Book valid


Hi everyone,


Using the FDK I have saved a DITAMAP (referencing several concept files) as a Book with FM components and the resulting book is invalid with the highest level element of NoName.

If I select the NoName element in FrameMaker's structure view, then select concept within the element catalog and click the Change button my book is now valid after an Update Book.


Is there a way using the FDK to achieve a valid book after the save operation?

Using the FDK I am outlining a means of selecting all elements in the book, wrapping everything in a concept element, then selecting the NoName element and unwrapping it. To me this option feels like I am correcting structure as a result of not previously defining the structure of the saved book.


The newly created book file already has element definitions for concept without importing.

Could this be a case of some way specifying a template to be used during the save?


If I can provide any further details please don't hesitate to ask.

Any input at all would be much appreciated.

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