Hi all,
We have Frame 11 and a doc set based on xDocbook 4.2 -- I know that's way back, but that's not our question. :-)
We are adding support for a <refentry> element to our docs. This exists in Docbook and appears in various parent elements, including a <chapter> element. We need to insert it anywhere in a chapter.
Our Chapter General Rule has been quite simple: Title, Section+
Now we just want the ability to add a RefEntry anywhere that we can add a Section. I tried this, which seems logical:
Title, (Section | RefEntry)+
With this, we can insert one or more RefEntry elements as the first elements, but if we try to put one after a Section element, we get parsing errors that RefEntry is not allowed in a chapter. I've tried editing the EDD in numerous ways and have not been able to support a RefEntry to appear anywhere.
I believe -- from what I have read and from looking at the DTD -- that the Docbook DTD should support a RefEntry at any location. I have not tried to customize the chapter element in the DTD regarding the refentry element, although we did add a <textinset> element some years ago, so that the primary content of a chapter in the DTD now looks like this:
<!ENTITY % bookcomponent.content
| (sect1+|(%refentry.class;)+|simplesect+|section+)">
And the chapter element itself is this (default Docbook):
<!ENTITY % chapter.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT chapter (chapterinfo?,
One thing that I don't understand is that the refentry element is always in parens, unlike all the others.
In case anyone can help with this, I think I need to paste the error (sorry, this is an eyeful, but it reveals the details of the entire chapter element):
Element 'refentry' is not valid for content model '(chapterinfo?,title,subtitle?,titleabbrev?,((toc|lot|index|glossary|bibliography))*,tocc hap?,((((textinset|calloutlist|glosslist|itemizedlist|orderedlist|segmentedlist|simplelist |codeannotlist|variablelist|caution|important|note|tip|warning|literallayout|line|programl isting|programlistingco|screen|screenco|screenshot|synopsis|cmdsynopsis|funcsynopsis|class synopsis|fieldsynopsis|constructorsynopsis|destructorsynopsis|methodsynopsis|formalpara|pa ra|simpara|address|blockquote|graphic|graphicco|mediaobject|mediaobjectco|informalequation |syntax|informalfigure|informaltable|equation|example|figure|table|msgset|procedure|sideba r|qandaset|anchor|bridgehead|remark|editorialnote|highlights|abstract|authorblurb|epigraph |indexterm|beginpage|tocchap|refentry))+,(sect1*|refentry*|simplesect*|textinset*|section* ))|sect1+|refentry+|simplesect+|section+),((toc|lot|index|glossary|bibliography))*)'
Thanks in advance for any help, I appreciate it.
- Shelley
Shelley Hoose
RogueWave Software