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Fellow Forum Members,

Does FrameMaker offer a S1000D specification publishing solution that includes a Common Source Data Base (CSDB)? And outputs an Interactive Electronic Technical Publication (IETP) as well as a PDF? 


Any info will be greatly appreciated.  Thanks in advance

Can't Save As PDF


I am working with DITA files in Frame 8, and am unable to save a generated Frame file as a PDF. I keep getting these errors:

  • "To execute "Save as PDF" command you must have Acrobat Distiller version 5.05 or higher installed."
  • "To execute "Save as PDF" command you must have PDF Job Options defined.


I have Acrobat Distiller 8 installed, so I don't know why I'm getting the first error. I opened Distiller, and still got the error.


Also, I did try to set job options using Format> Document> PDF Setup. On the PDF Setup dialog box, the only job option in the PDF Job Options drop-down list was High Quality Print. When I clicked Set, I got a message stating that "The selected PDF Job Option does not existing in the current installation. Either create this Job Option or select an available Job Option."


How do you create a valid job option? How do you get it to show up in the drop-down list? I looked at the Adobe PDF properties in Print Setup, and the Default Settings show several job options including the High Quality Print option.


Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

converting Framemaker files into PDF progaramatically using publishing server


Hi All


We are going for upgrade of  Frame maker 8 which is on unix system  to FM 10 or 11. We are using Framemaker mainly for renditions, i.e to convert the fm documents to PDF. To convert fm document to PDF we are using the below mentioned command line utility available in FM 8.(on unix). /opt/app/frame8.0/bin/fmprint -i -p Sample.fm.fmtpl Sample.fm Currently the the fm file which need to converted to PDF and the FM 8(installed) are available on the same unix system ,so we were able to initiate/use the command line utility of FM 8. The rendition of the FM to PDF is On -Demand.( We are not running any batch activities/ bulk renditions).We are rendering the document as soon as the document  is available.

As we are going to  upgrade the FM to newer versions which would be installed on the Windows machine as Frame maker 10 or 11 will not support unix plat form, so can you please let us know which option is better to use i.e we want to convert fm file to PDF using java program without any manual intevention using publishing server/client version.
can any one help us as it is very urgent for us.
please let us know the ways to do and links for helpful documents .

thank you very much for your help in advance!!\


Best reagrds

Ramesh babu

How to create a frame or box to surround a element



Would appreciate some help on this one, as I can't seem to figure it out.

How do you create a frame or box to surround an element, for example when using Hazardstatements.

The only way I can think of is to use tables, but is there any other way?



Some warning text
Some warning text




Best regards


Highlight text in FrameMaker.

I want to highlight text in FrameMaker.or add shadow for the text.How can I deal with it?

Assigning a Root Element



Using: FM 8.0

I am working with a single fm file (not a .book) and its associated EDD file was generated from an DTD. I then attached the “ValidHighestLevel” element to one of the element tags in the EDD in hopes of making it the root element. After importing the EDD back into the .fm file, the element fails to change to the root element, it still shows the default “NoName” in structure view.


I believe that this document would be valid if I could get the root element “NoName” to be replaced, but I cant seem to figure this out. In the example below, I am attempting to show the structured view of the file as it currently is displayed, also I have shown my Ideal view below it. If the “NoName” element was eliminated and then replaced by the “Product” element this would solve my issue. Can someone explain what I am doing wrong.


Additionally, is there a way of assigning the Root Element directly by using the read/write rules?


Thanks in advance.


<<<<Current file Struct View>>>>







<<<<Current file Struct View>>>>


<<<<Ideal file Struct View>>>>






<<<<Ideal file Struct View>>>>


attribute value with special characters to running header/footer




I need to create XML attribute value with text containg registered sign and trademark characters with FM8 and have it in running H/F. I can enter TM-character from kb (ansi code 0153) to attribute value and it appears as superscripted in H/F, but registered sign (0174) does not, it has same baseline as rest of the string.


How to enter this character in attribute value as superscripted?

inch/mm units in EDD generated from template


I have templates with indents/tabs etc. originally defined in mm, but when I export the element catalog as EDD, indents/tabs etc. in the generated EDD are defined in inches. (This is in FM9)

The Display Units in View Options is set to mm, but even changing this to other settings has no effect.

In FM8, the units in the generated EDD are in mm as expected.

Is there a preference setting somewhere that i am missing?

Save book as xml


Hi all,

here is a strange(?) behaviour of FM8:

If a book

is saved as XML, the behaviour is

In FM7.x:

The book

file is saved in several xml files - one for each component (which is correct).

The .fm and backup.fm files remain untouched (which is correct).


In FM8:

The book

file is saved in several xml files - one for each component (which is correct and the same as above).

The .fm and backup.fm files are saved in addition and moreover: .fm and backup.fm are identical (same timestamp, same content, same ...).


This is very dangerous especially if some components have been modified during the session (for example delete hidden text). Then the original file is totally lost.

In addition this is valid for the commands "save as" (with xml as fileextension), for "save as xml" and for "saveas xml" command in the DLL. And equivalent for HTML and SGML.

Is this behaviour already known?

Are there any ideas for a workaround?

Are there any possibilites to adapt FM to suppress the saving as .fm?

Thanks for help


FM9 Generating .cgm files on xml export...




I am using FM9 but this issue has been hanging around since my company got FM 8.


We only import jpg files into framemaker, but when exporting to XML FM generates cgm and changes the reference in the xml to point to the cgm file it generates. But this only happens once or twice out of the 100s of images we import...i cannot find anything differnt about the files or the way they were imported...any thoughts as to why this happens?

FDK - Formatting paragraphs not in Conversion table




I am structuring a document using a conversion table. I want to be able to apply a specific paragraph format to those paragraph format names that do not appear in the conversion table. I am having difficulty getting text from the cellIds in the Conversion table. All I get are the format names in the paragraph catalog. Maybe I am missing something here...I would appreciate any inputs.

Am pasting some code, where I've gotten so far...Questions pertaining to this issue are in the comments inline.



//Get docId, flowId, textFrameId and pgfId here...
//Open Conversion Table document here...ID is "convTabId"

F_TextRangeT ctr;
F_PropValsT props;

while(pgfId) {

//Traverse through paragraphs in the current document (docId) and get their format names.
    pgfName = F_ApiGetString(docId, pgfId, FP_Name);

    if(!pgfName) return;

    //Check if this pgfName is in the conversion table's first column..RICI, R2C1,R3C1...
    retVal = IsInConvTable(convTabId,pgfName);

    //retVal contains 1 if pgfName is in Conversion table, 0 otherwise..
    if(!retVal) {

            //Apply "Body" format to this paragraph.
            bodyFmtId = F_ApiGetNamedObject(docId,FO_PgfFmt,"Body");
            if(!bodyFmtId) return;
            props = F_ApiGetProps(docId,bodyFmtId);
            if(props.len == 0) return;

            ctr.beg.objId = ctr.end.objId = pgfId;
            ctr.beg.offset = 0;
            ctr.end.offset = FV_OBJ_END_OFFSET;
            F_ApiSetTextRange(FV_SessionId, docId, FP_TextSelection, &ctr);

    pgfId = F_ApiGetId(docId,pgfId,FP_NextPgfInFlow);

int IsInConvTable(F_ObjHandleT convTabId, ConStringT paraName)
    //declare tblId, rowId, cellId, paraId;
    F_TextItemsT textItems;
    IntT retVal=0, i;
    F_TextRangeT tr;

    //Get Table and Row Ids

    tblId = F_ApiGetId(FV_SessionId, convTabId, FP_FirstTblInDoc);
    rowId = F_ApiGetId(convTabId, tblId, FP_FirstRowInTbl);

    while(rowId) {   

        //Get Cell Ids of only the first column in each row of the Conversion table.

        cellId = F_ApiGetId(convTabId, rowId,FP_FirstCellInRow);
        paraId = F_ApiGetId(convTabId, cellId, FP_FirstPgf);
        tr.beg.objId = tr.end.objId = paraId;
        tr.beg.offset = 0;
        tr.end.offset = FV_OBJ_END_OFFSET;
        F_ApiSetTextRange(FV_SessionId, convTabId,FP_TextSelection,&tr);
        textItems = F_ApiGetTextForRange(convTabId,&tr,FTI_String);

        //Here textItems contains names in Paragraph Catalog, such as, P:Body, P:Heading1...
        //I require the entries in the conversion table and not those in the Paragraph catalog...
        //This happens if the following command is used too:
        //textItems = F_ApiGetText(convtabId,cellId,FTI_String);

        if (textItems.len != 0)
        //How do we cast textItems values to ConStringT, for the following substring operation?
             i = F_StrSubString(textItems,paraName);

        if ( != -1)


        rowId = F_ApiGetId(convTabId, rowId, FP_NextRowInTbl);

    return retVal;


Many thanks,



Context Rules


I need to be able to describe a context to identify the first sibling PARA tag in a sequence.  I think the {first} qualifier means the first sibling - not the first sibling of the same element type.  I have used the firstpargraph rule to implement numbering for the first paragraph in a prcitem and it works for all cases except this stupid REVST case.  Note that the REVST/REVEND need to be placed in this location so that the whole paragraph can get a revision bar.  I use the "between" qualifier in a PARA rule to turn the rev bars on.  If the REVST/REVEND were inside the PARA I don't see a means to turn the rev bars on.


In the following example the first para numbers correctly.  The second one does not get a number.  This is probably because the <revst/> is considered the first paragraph so the first para rule does not fire.




<para>This is the first (and only) para in a prcitem and it is numbered correctly based on the firstparagraph rule.</para>





<revst/><para>This is the first paragraph in the prcitem so it should be numbered but it is not because the REVST seems to be treated as the first paragraph in the rule.  I need to number the first sibling PARA tag.


<para>This is a second paragraph in a prcitem - and this one should never be numbered.







Is there any syntax to describe the first sibling of a specific type?

Perhaps something like para{first}<prcitem<prclist1

That does not work because I think it thinks I am asking for para whose parent is the first sibling.


Thanks - Jim

HTML XML Framemaker


I've been searching around on the web for a couple of hours and haven't found anything useful, so I hoping someone on this forum can help point me in the right direction.

As part of our company, we use framemaker extensively for documenatation. However, for our automated measurement flow we typically generate HTML directly.

To enable us to also import these measurements into Framemaker, I would like to lever XML. What I'm looking for, therefore, is a way of generating XML such that

  1. it can be easily (without framemaker) converted to HTML,
  2. if can be easily imported into a structured framemaker document

Thanks for any feedback!


pdf to docbook




how to convert pdf to docbook xml using framemaker 10.0 version.  i am new to the framemeker tool.



please explain step by step.




if there video tutorial send me the URL.



Thanks in advance.

Need help with ditaval


I've created a very simple ditaval file to filter by attribute, but it's not working. I've probably made a basic mistake. Here's what I've done:


  1. Created a simple DITA topic (two paragraphs).
  2. Set the "audience" attribute on both paragraphs. The first is set to "beginner" and the second is set to "advanced," as shown below:

    <title>My Topic</title>
      <p audience = "beginner">First paragraph. </p>
      <p audience = "advanced">Second paragraph.</p>
  3. Created a simple ditaval file:

      <prop att="audience" val="beginner" action="exclude" />
      <prop att="audience" val="advanced" action="include" />

  4. Created a ditamap and added the topic to it.
  5. Saved the ditamap as a composite document and checked the

ATA iSpec 2200 CMM book validation


Hi all,


I am a technical writer and I am new to structured authoring.


I have a structured CMM for a component with ATA number 11-22-33 (example). Taking Source files of this CMM, i have to create a new CMM whose ATA number is 11-22-34. Contents of both CMMs are similar except some minor changes.


I have made all the required changes and now I am facing a problem with MTOSS Numbering.


I have to update ATA Number as 11-22-34 for TASK and Subtask level, but there is no Element Attributes for chapno, subno, secno. for TASK and Subtask


I have updated Book level attributes as chapno=11, subno=22, secno=34, but it is not reflecting throughout CMM pageblocks.


How can I change the attributes as chapno=11, subno=22, secno=34 for TASK and Subtask.


Please help me in this..

XML export of marker-based xrefs?




I'm pulling my hair out a bit over issues with external cross-references in an unstructured>structured conversion. (FrameMaker 11, custom DTD).


First, I've not found a way to automatically convert _external_ cross-references from marker-based to element-based. This is a historical issue, but I thought I would raise it in case any new solutions or approaches have appeared.


If FrameMaker won't convert marker-based external cross-references, I would prefer to do this clean-up in XML. But...FrameMaker unwraps these (marker-based, unresolved) cross-reference elements on save to XML. (FM retains the _text_ of the cross-reference, but removes the cross-reference element).


Is there any way to prevent this unwrapping? The presence of an empty cross-reference element is more important to me than the cross-reference text.



How to name topics better when developing a new documentation?


Hi all,

I am encountering a problem about topic name. I think a suitable topic name is key to make href/xref or display the topic's main content. Currently, there are two solutions to the problem, for example, a topic named t_define_product_name or t_DefineProductName.

I wonder how you design the topic name or depend some rules?

Thank u in advance.

What is the cost level of EMC Documentum or MS SharePoint?


I just want a general idea about the cost level, no need to be detailed. Because I understand the enterprise-level software has complex price calculations.

Quick way to validate DITA specializations


Hi guys,

is there any way to quickly validate a DITA specialization against standard DITA resulting in a list of what had been specialized?

I'm necromancing a long dead legacy document here, that had been written in some DITA specialization.

Problem is, nobody remembers about there wheres' and whats' of the document (my boss even barely remembered that there had been "something").

For now I managed to save it as XML, but the error logs went crazy while doing so

The only person who might have had an idea about the case left the company years ago, too.


The issue at hand is, that the document needs to be imported into some CMS with DITA import filters - and I need to know at least where problems may occur.

As I have literally no time and budget for this, I need some quick and dirty solution

Maybe you guys have some bright idea.



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