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XML import deletes whitespace after xref element




FM10 not patched, WinXP SP3


I've bumped into a very serious problem that I am able to replicate, but not solve. When I import (custom) XML, any whitespace following <xref> elements is deleted. I don't know if it exclusive to crossreference elements or any no-content elements... but for sure it is happening with xrefs.


Here is a zip with sample files with which I am able to replicate this. The XML file has two <xref>s separated by "and". When you import the XML (using the DTD, rules, and template provided), the whitespace before the "and" is deleted.




I disabled all my personal plugins and all DITA plugins that I could find, same thing.


I don't know if anyone has the time to look at this, but I'd be very appreciative if anyone could confirm the problem. This has caused a real mess in my source files that I can go fix using non-breaking spaces, but this is really a pain and very much suboptimal.




Save Ditamap As FM 11 book with components causing xrefs to disappear


When we used the Framemaker option Save
>Ditamap As > FM 10 book with components, all of our cross references were maintained.

Now for some odd reason with Framemaker 11, all the cross references are
disappearing when you save as FM 11 book with components.


We are using our own defined cross reference formats, such as heading and Page #.

This is repeatable across several machines in our office, and we have the
lastest version of Framemaker installed.

Has anyone seen this, or does anyone have any ideas? I rechecked this on a machine that has Frame 10 and it works fine there. I noticed a template folder was added to Framemaker 11 and I am wondering if we need to import our cross references formats into it.

Thanks in advance.

Conversion from word problems with images


Hi ,

I managed to make a conversion table to structure the documents of out company.I am having a proble with images.I am importing the word file to our template with a custom EDD document.When the import finishes I am having all images at almost correct places.The issue is when i apply the custom conversion table all the images at anchored at insertion point.The correct position would be at below current line.I am stuck and I can not find a solution to this.

My EDD is as follows:


EDD Version is 12.0

Structured Application: ReportPlain

F:\FramemakerBooks\Part B -Section 3.fm

April 14, 2014

Element (Container): Author

General rule:          <TEXT>

Text format rules

In all contexts.

Use paragraph format: ReportAuthor

Element (Container): Emphasis

General rule:          <TEXTONLY>

Text format rules

In all contexts.

Text range.

Use character format: Emphasis

Element (Equation): Equation



Element (Container): EquationPara

General rule:          Equation

Text format rules

Element paragraph format: Equation

Element (Container): Extract

General rule:          (<TEXT> | Emphasis | Term | Superscript | Subscript | XRef)*

Attribute list

Name: ID           Unique ID           Optional

Text format rules

In all contexts.

Use paragraph format: Extract

Element (Container): Figure

General rule:          (<TEXT> | Frame)*

Attribute list

Name: ID           Unique ID           Optional

Name: XRefLabel           String           Optional

Default:          Figure

Name: Imported           Choice           Optional

Choices:          Yes, No

Default:          No

Text format rules

In all contexts.

Use paragraph format: Figure

Element (Footnote): Footnote

General rule:          <TEXT>

Text format rules

In all contexts.

Use paragraph format: Footnote

If context is: * < Table

Use paragraph format: TableFootnote

Element (Graphic): GRAPHIC

Initial graphic element format

In all contexts.

Insert anchored frame.

Anchored Frame Object Style:FiguredCentered

Element (Graphic): Frame

Initial graphic element format

If context is: Figure[Imported = "Yes"]

Insert imported graphic file.


Insert anchored frame.

Element (Container): Head

General rule:          <TEXT>

Text format rules

Count ancestors named:          Section

If level is: 1

Context label: H1

Use paragraph format: Heading1

Else, if level is: 2

Context label: H2

Use paragraph format: Heading2

Else, if level is: 3

Context label: H3

Use paragraph format: Heading3

Else, if level is: 4

Context label: H4

Use paragraph format: Heading4

Else, if level is: 5

Context label: H5

Use paragraph format: HeadingRunIn


Numbering properties

Autonumber format:

If context is: {first} < Report

Use paragraph format: ReportTitle

Else, if context is: HeadingRunIn

Use paragraph format: HeadingRunIn

Element (Container): HeadingRunIn

General rule:          Head, Para+

Element (Container): Item

General rule:          (<TEXT> | Emphasis | Term | Superscript | Subscript | XRef | Para)*

Format rules for first paragraph in element

If context is: List[Type = "Plain"]

No additional formatting.

Else, if context is: List[Type = "Bulleted"]

Use paragraph format: Bulleted clean

Else, if context is: {first}

Use paragraph format: Numbered1


Use paragraph format: Numbered

Element (Container): List

General rule:          Item+

Attribute list

Name: ID           Unique ID           Optional

Name: Type           Choice           Optional

Choices:          Plain, Bulleted, Numbered

Default:          Bulleted

Automatic insertions

Automatically insert child:          Item

Element (Container): Para

General rule:          (<TEXT> | Emphasis | Term | Superscript | Subscript | XRef | Footnote | Table )*

Attribute list

Name: ID           Unique ID           Optional

Text format rules

If context is: {after Head }

Use paragraph format: Body

Else, if context is: {after List}

Use paragraph format: BodyAfterHead


Use paragraph format: Body

Element (Container): Part

Valid as the highest-level element.

General rule:          (Para | Footnote | Table | Section )*

Attribute list

Name: ID           Unique ID           Optional

Control flags: Read-only

Automatic insertions

Automatically insert child:          Head

Text format rules

Element paragraph format: Body

Element (Container): Purpose

General rule:          <TEXT>

Text format rules

Element paragraph format: ReportPurpose

Element (Container): Section

General rule:          (Section,Head |Section | Para | List  | Table | Figure  | HeadingRunIn )*

Attribute list

Name: ID           Unique ID           Optional

Name: XRefLabel           String           Optional

Default:          Section

Automatic insertions

Automatically insert child:          Head

Element (Container): Subscript

General rule:          <TEXTONLY>

Text format rules

In all contexts.

Text range.

Font properties

Superscript/Subscript: Subscript

Element (Container): Superscript

General rule:          <TEXTONLY>

Text format rules

In all contexts.

Text range.

Font properties

Superscript/Subscript: Superscript

Element (Table): Table

General rule:          TableTitle?, TableHead?, TableBody

Attribute list

Name: ID           Unique ID           Optional

Control flags: Read-only

Name: XRefLabel           String           Optional

Default:          Table

Control flags: Read-only

Initial table format

In all contexts.

Table format: Format A

Element (Table Body): TableBody

General rule:          TableRow+

Element (Table Cell): TableCell

General rule:          (<TEXT> | Emphasis | Term | Superscript | Subscript | XRef | Frame| Para)*

Text format rules

Element paragraph format: Bodycell

Element (Table Heading): TableHead

General rule:          TableHeadRow+

Element (Table Cell): TableHeadCell

General rule:          <TEXT>

Element (Table Row): TableHeadRow

General rule:          TableHeadCell+

Element (Table Row): TableRow

General rule:          TableCell+

Element (Table Title): TableTitle

General rule:          <TEXT>

Text format rules

Element paragraph format: TableTitle

Element (Container): Term

General rule:          <TEXTONLY>

Text format rules

In all contexts.

Text range.

Use character format: Emphasis

Element (CrossReference): XRef

Attribute list

Name: IDRef           ID Reference           Required

Control flags: Read-only

Limit values for format change list properties

First indent

Maximum: 39.0"

Minimum: 0.0"

Left indent

Maximum: 39.0"

Minimum: 0.0"

Right indent

Maximum: 39.0"

Minimum: 0.0"

Space above

Maximum: 32767.0 pt

Minimum: -32767.0 pt

Space below

Maximum: 32767.0 pt

Minimum: -32767.0 pt

Line spacing

Maximum: 32767.0 pt

Minimum: -32767.0 pt

Tab stop position

Maximum: 39.0"

Minimum: 0.0"

Font size

Maximum: 400.0 pt

Minimum: 2.0 pt


Maximum: 1000.0%

Minimum: -1000.0%


Maximum: 1000.0%

Minimum: 10.0%

Cell margins


Maximum: 32767.0 pt

Minimum: 0.0 pt


Maximum: 32767.0 pt

Minimum: 0.0 pt


Maximum: 32767.0 pt

Minimum: 0.0 pt


Maximum: 32767.0 pt

Minimum: 0.0 pt


And my conversion table is:



Wrap this object or objects          In this element          With this qualifier

TC:          TableCell

P:Body          Para

P:Normal          Para

P:Heading 5          Head          head5

E:Head[head5],(Para | Frame | List | Table )*          Section          section5

P:Heading 4          Head          head4

E:Head[head4],(Para | Frame | List | Table |  [section5])*          Section          section4

P:Heading 3          Head          head3

Head[head3],(Para | List | Frame | Table | [section4])*          Section          section3

P:Heading 2          Head          head2

Head[head2],(Para | List | Frame | Table | [section3])*          Section          section2

P:Heading 1          Head          head1

Head[head1],(Para | List | Frame | Table | [section2])*          Section          section

T:Table          Table (promote)

TT:          TableTitle

TH:          TableHead

TB:          TableBody

TF:          FOOTING

TR:          TableRow

RE:RootElement          Part


P:List Paragraph          Item

Item+          List

G:          GRAPHIC(promote)



RE:RootElement          Part




I am almost done with the template"Application"I just need to place the pictures in the correct position.Can anyone point me to the right direction?


Thanks a lot in advance

How do I change Caution to red text?


I am writing a DITA document. I am trying to change the color of the Note element choice "caution" text from black, which is the default, to red. I've tried changing things in the commonelements.mod, but with no luck. I know you can do this. I am not a programmer, so it would be helpful to have it explained in a step-by-step manner.





Forced return, non-breaking hyphens & spaces, suppress hyphenation + XML


Forced return (linefeed), non-breaking hyphens and spaces, suppress hyphenation.


None of these are preserved when exporting from FrameMaker to XML, since they do not seem to be represented by a Unicode code point. My question to you is: How do you deal with those things in XML?


The last issues (non-breaking and suppress hyphen) have recently been brought up in:




Forced return is a common thing in many FrameMaker documents to improve readability of certain phrases.


For export of FM to XML, there have been proposals to use a special element with a prefix just to capture the special FrameMaker symbol. It works, and may be a valid useful path in certain cases, but I think that it is a questionable way of dealing with it for several reasons:

  1. It is only relevant for roundtrip, since these special elements will hardly be interpreted by other XML tools, which of course limits the value of XML export.
  2. It is unwieldy, to say the least, to require the user to insert special elements for saying simple things that otherwise are just natural key strokes in the regular text flow, and which are not perceived as structural elements of information. Most users would think of these symbols/charactes as control characters, and there is no validation warning that says you may not use these characters/symbols.
  3. An element is used for formatting purposes only, whereas all other elements are used for content or structure.
  4. There is no automatic way of transforming an existing text that has these "symbols" into some special element when a document is structured with a conversion table.
  5. There is no automatic way of transforming a structured FM document to XML such that these special "symbols" get translated to some suitable XML construct.



If the last point could be solved, i.e if all those control characters or markers could automatically be translated to a suitable XML representation, then I would consider the whole issue as solved, otherwise not.


Even without FrameMaker, how do people deal with these things in "pure xml". For instance, when XML is used for publishing (which I know Arnis Gubins is doing), there will guaranteed be a need to control both hyphenation and line breaks. So how do you (they) do that?


How do other vendors cope with these issues, e.g XPP?

RegNum in FrameMaker 8


In previous versions of FrameMaker serial number is contained in ini file under RegInfo > RegNum key. In FM8, however, this key, although still present, is 0. Can anybody tell me if there is a way to get serial number in FM8 programatically? I need it for plugin licensing purposes.


FM8 and DITA -- Correct way to insert non-breaking spaces, etc.?

I've gone round in circle trying to figure this out.

FrameMaker's "good old" method of inserting a non-breaking space -- CTRL+SPACE -- doesn't work if the content is output as a DITA XML file: XML requires a string consisting of Ampersand-"nbsp"-semicolon (I can't enter the actual token because browsers evidently see it as a "real" non-breaking space...)

What's the trick for entering non-breaking spaces in content that will be saved asboth:

  • DITA / XML

  • FrameMaker binary (.fm)

Is this one of those ALT+keypad things? Or...?

Cheers & thanks,



When comes Framemaker with a version how support a 64-bits computer?

Kind Regards,

Marcel Vogelzangs

Saving Autonumbering to attribute?


If it isn't one thing it's another.  It seems after each problem I solve, another one pops up!  If you value your sanity, don't convert extremely complicated and large documents to XML using a custom application!  LOL  Anyway....


I think this is a lot to hope for but I was asked if I could make FrameMaker export a paragraph's numbering as an attribute value.


For example, if we have a Section called, "1.2.3  Purpose", then Purpose is the text and 1.2.3 is an autonumber.  Can I save the document to XML and store that number (1.2.3) as an attribute?

Preserving cross-references to/from XML


Hello all,


I am roundtripping from stuctured Frame to XML and cannot figure out how to make FM restore my cross-reference targets.


My edd shows the <xref> element as this:


Element (CrossReference): xref

     Attribute List

          1.     Name: XrefTarget     IDReference     Optional


The DTD was generated by Frame from the EDD, and shows the following definition for <xref>:


<!ELEMENT    xref       EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST     xref       XrefTarget  IDREF     #IMPLIED
                     format    CDATA     #IMPLIED
                     srcfile    CDATA   #IMPLIED>


The read/write rules should not be required, but after it did not work without a specific rule, I included this one:


element "xref" {

          is fm cross-reference element;

          attribute "XrefTarget" is fm property cross-reference id;

          attribute "format" is fm property cross-reference format;



The XML output (with or without the read/write rules, that does not seem to make a difference) show this:


<xref format = "NumberRef"
    srcfile = "../RepGeneral.fm#t-replace-reagent-rotor"/>


The @srcfile is generated by Frame. What is worrying is that @XrefTarget is not set here. And indeed, when I read the XML back into Frame, <xref> shows up with the correct format but no content in its @XrefTarget. I tried everything and I am getting just a little annoyed with Frame's supposedly intelligent default behavior. I do NOT want to get into API programming, I just want Frame to do what it claims to do by default. If I need to make changes to the EDD or read/write rules, I will, but I am not finding useful information on what exactly is expected here.


Anyone ?


Thanks a lot in advance



Book file has issues -


We are reviving an old DTD and check-in and -out system for use in a new Structured project document. (don't ask...). 

Writers delivered everything in a single XML file, which the -check-in and -out system converts into a FrameMaker SGM file (was originally done in FramewMaker 7. I'm working in 10).


Old documents in the set show that FrameMaker used individual files for each chapter, which were then built into a single Book file, where TOC was done. The name of each individual chapter is used to get the running header. So I divided the master file into individual files, which I am able to print out using Save as PDF... Have now put all chapters into a single book, named it by saving,  and am attempting to process.


1. The book does not print using either Save as PDF or Print Book. The Log includes this statement: "Couldn't open [Book path and name]. Book Error Report.

2. Cannot insert a TOC into book. I can open Add>>Table of Contents, select the desired paragraph styles, go to the Update Book dialog, and select Generate.


All books are rejected, with the individual error messages: Could not open [filename], because it uses unavailable fonts.


There are no unavailable fonts in any of these files, so far as I can tell.


Anyone got any ideas as to what is going on?



How to get the Figure Title to appear below the graphic, not above


I have valid XML that I am importing into FrameMaker just for printing.


My <figure> element contains a <title> and a <graphic> element. The graphic comes in within an anchored frame, appearing after the figure title. The figure title needs to be below the graphic. How do I get this to work? I read a couple of threads that used tables to wrap the graphic & the title and to make the title appear below, but that was during an export function to XML, not an import. Short of editing the DTD, EDD & all of the XML data to have the graphic element structure come before the title within <figure>, how would this be accomplished? Thanks in advance.

Error if an element name is declared more than once in XSD. But e.g. Dot.Net accepts this


Frame Maker 11 reports an error if an element name is declared more than once in XSD. However Dot.NET 4.0 validation with the same XSD is OK with such model and validates the different modeled elements with the same name (e.g. fett) correctly. We need the "double declaration of the same element" feature in Frame Maker 11 in a big migration project. We migrate  SGML data to XML. How can we solve this?


Hint: we explicitly want to prohibit an endless recursive nesting of elements!


Sample XSD:

<xs:schema xmlns="http://tempuri.org/test-rekursion" xmlns:tr="http://tempuri.org/test-rekursion" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" targetNamespace="http://tempuri.org/test-rekursion" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" > <xs:group name="inlineBase"> <xs:choice> <xs:element name="sup" type="xs:string" /> <xs:element name="sub" type="xs:string" /> <xs:element name="keyword" type="xs:string" /> <xs:element name="inline-graphics" type="xs:string" /> </xs:choice> </xs:group> <xs:element name="paragraph"> <xs:complexType mixed="true"> <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xs:group ref="tr:inlineBase" /> <xs:element name="bold"> <xs:complexType mixed="true"> <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xs:group ref="tr:inlineBase" /> <xs:element name="italic"> <xs:complexType mixed="true"> <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xs:group ref="tr:inlineBase" /> </xs:choice> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> </xs:choice> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="italic"> <xs:complexType mixed="true"> <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xs:group ref="tr:inlineBase" /> <xs:element name="bold"> <xs:complexType mixed="true"> <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xs:group ref="tr:inlineBase" /> </xs:choice> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> </xs:choice> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> </xs:choice> <xs:attribute name="autor" type="xs:string" /> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> </xs:schema>


Sample XML:

<paragraph xmlns="http://tempuri.org/test-rekursion" xsi:schemaLocation="http://tempuri.org/test-rekursion test-recursion2.xsd" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" > Lorem ipsum <bold>dolor <italic>sit amet<sup>hoch 2</sup>, consetetur </italic>sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod</bold> tempor invidunt ut labore et <italic>dolore <bold>magna aliquyam<sup>hoch 3</sup> erat</bold>, sed diam voluptua</italic>. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. </paragraph>

Opening the XML in Frame Maker 11 results in following error:

XML Read Report Log Source Document: C:\Work\DOCS\120820-Base-Umstrukturierung\Bold-Italic-Test-2.xml XML Parser Messages (Document Prolog) Error at file C:\Users\t25681a\AppData\Local\Temp\FMTCCD7.tmp, line 18, char 17, Message: Element 'italic' has already been declared Error at line 19, char 15, Message: Element 'bold' has already been declared


Thanks a lot for any suggestions


Cross references in conrefs - FrameMaker does not update


Hi all,


the scenario: file A has cross refs to file B ("see chapter xxx on page yyy") and vice versa.


When I insert both files into file C via conrefs, then the cross refs do not update to show the propers chapter/page numbers when I update file C.


How can I get this to work? These are structured FM documents using the DITA 1.1 structure.



Why is my rules.txt file invalid?


I get an error that says A Valid Read/Write rules file must begin with "fm version is" rule.



Rules File Contents:

fm version is "11.0";



* Include all ISO entity mapping rules.




#include "isoall.rw"



element "Graphic"


  is fm graphic element;

  attribute "Fileref" is fm property file;

  attribute "dpi" is fm property dpi;

  attribute "width" is fm property width;

  attribute "height" is fm property height;

  fm property import by reference or copy value is "ref";

  attribute "scaled_width" drop;

  attribute "scaled_height" drop;



  writer anchored frame export to file "$(entity).gif" as "GIF";








element "Table"


   is fm table element;

   attribute "Columns" is fm property Columns;

   attribute "Frame"


          is fm property table border ruling;

          value "All" is fm property value all;

          value "N" is fm property value none;







element "THead" is fm table heading element;

element "TBody" is fm table body element;

element "TRow" is fm table row element;

element "TCell"


  is fm table cell element;

  attribute "Colspan" is fm property horizontal straddle;

  attribute "Rowspan" is fm property vertical straddle;

  attribute "ColumnName" is fm property column name;




element "colspec"


  is fm colspec;

  attribute "ColumnName" is fm property column name;

  attribute "ColumnWidth" is fm property column width;




element "spanspec"


  is fm spanspec;

  attribute "ColumnName" is fm property column name;




element "FigNumXRef"


          is fm cross-reference element;

          attribute "id" is fm property cross-reference id;

          attribute "format" is fm property cross-reference format;





element "TOCXRef"


          is fm cross-reference element;

          attribute "id" is fm property cross-reference id;

          attribute "format" is fm property cross-reference format;





element "SeeHeadPageXRef"


          is fm cross-reference element;

          attribute "id" is fm property cross-reference id;

          attribute "format" is fm property cross-reference format;



Why is some of my text not formatted correctly in xml?




I've been trying to do some xml publishing via Framemaker 9.


I've created EDD, DTD, rules, structapps, CSS (style sheet), and template files to transition manuals from framemaker to xml. However some of the text I see in the xml file isn't formatted quite right. The element tags are there, but some of the text/paragraph tag formatting hasn't carried over.


What I'm trying to figure out is if this means I have an issue in my rules file or in my stylesheet file? As anyone had a similar experience?


I would appreciate any help and thanks in advance.

Unresolved cross refs


I am trying to open FM10 files with FM10 but I get hundreds of unresloved cross refs, and it does not work properly.  Can I get a copy of FM10 or is there a solution?

Note element with additional paragraphs



DITA 1.2


We need to have our <note> element so that the first or only paragraph is *not* wrapped in a <p> element. However, we want to add additional <p> elements after the first paragraph when necessary.


Here is what we want:



Here is what we get:



I have defined the following paragraph tags:

Note1Top (includes the frame above with the Note graphic and the rule)

Note1Middle (no rules and no graphic)

Note1Bot (a bottom rule and no graphic)

Note1 (use for scenarios where there are no additional paragraphs)


I have defined the <p> elements in my EDD and they are working correctly. I need to figure out how to define my <note> element in the EDD so that it uses Note1Top when they are child paragraphs or Note1TopBot when there are no child paragraphs.


Currently I have this in my <note> element in the EDD:

Else, if context is: note < (stepxmp | stepresult | info) < step

     1.1.7. If context is: {first}

                    Use paragraph format: Note1Top

               Else, if context is: {only}

                    Use paragraph format: Note1


I think the reason that the {first} and {only} sibling indicators are not working is that there are no siblings.   But what is my alternative?


Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.



Converting large complex unstructured set to structured.


I am converting a large complex unstructured doc set to Structured Frame. I'm starting off with Tom Aldous' webinars. I have many questions. First, I am performing my conversion to DITA (because this is how the webinar guides us). Is this the best format to use? I will have PDF User Guide with multiple role based outputs and Robohelp Webhelp output. Am I better with a DITA or Custom Structure?


I am using TCS 3.

Conversion Table with P tags to Body


I am converting from unstructured to structured XML in DITA.


In my conversion table, I have multiple paragraphs tagged with p, like this:


P     p[otherprops="ProcTitle"]     ProcTitle

P     p[otherprops="Paragaph"]     Paragraph


I apply my Conversion Table to my Unstructured doc, then save as XML using the Dita1.2 application. The conversion to structured completes fine. The save as xml has errors, but i expected that at this point.


I now want to edit the Dita EDD to use my formatting. When I apply the Dita EDD, all the "p" paragraphs convert to Body.


How to I configure the EDD to see the difference among the types of p paragraphs? I tried the following command in the EDD, but it was frankly just a guess based on similar configuration I saw in the EDD:


Under Body Element


Text format rules

       if context is [otherprops !="ProcTitle"]

          Use paragraph format: ProcTitle


          Use paragraph format: Paragraph 


As I'm sure is no surprise for those of you in the know, this did not work. .


How can I do this?


Thanks in advance for any help you can give

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