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I'm trying to use keys as variables in my DITA project, but I can't figure out how to insert a "variable" in a topic using keys?


This is what my dita map looks like:


<map xmlns:ditaarch = "http://dita.oasis-open.org/architecture/2005/">

     <title>Product variables</title>

          <keydef keys = "product_name">



                             <keyword>Sample Product Name</keyword>






This is what the topic looks like but nothing happens


<concept id = "id144FF0W0FFP"

    xmlns:ditaarch = "http://dita.oasis-open.org/architecture/2005/">

<title>General description</title>


          <p><keyword keyref = "product_name"></keyword> is a great product.</p>




Can anyone help me?

How do I change Caution to red text?


I am writing a DITA document. I am trying to change the color of the Note element choice "caution" text from black, which is the default, to red. I've tried changing things in the commonelements.mod, but with no luck. I know you can do this. I am not a programmer, so it would be helpful to have it explained in a step-by-step manner.





Building the EDD


In making an EDD for a book where one file might be a chapter (or appendix), is the

Element (Container): Chapter

Valid as the highest-level element?


or is only the whole book (FrameBook) valid as the highest-level element?



Using Frame 12.


[Discussion moved by moderator]

FrameMaker - Good choice for building database driven website?


I am moving toward data heavy websites (the more data the better) and wondering if FM 12 will work for creating the database and the site. Obviously I am new to FM but I have been reading the help files and various white papers but there is not much info on this so I am wondering if my assumption is incorrect. Can I create interactive forms in FM? Webpages that run from a database created in FM? Will web pages created in FM be bulky with extra unnecessary code or will they be lean? I have read about FM being able to export in HTML5 but I wonder what the actual quality and functionality of the resulting pages/website/mobile site. Your opinions are welcome.

FrameMaker SDK Question: How to read an XML file



I am using FDK 12.0 on Windows (using Visual Studio 2012) to make some changes in a FrameMaker document programmatically. I have never used this or any other Adobe API before and am somewhat struggling with the concepts. Primarily I am using the sample programs, coming along with the FDK to guide me.


Now, I want to open and parse an XML file, whose content I will use later to manipulate the texts in a FrameMaker document. In .NET framework there are several classes (XMLReader, XMLTextReader etc.) to read and parse XML files easily. However, it seems I cannot use these Common Language Runtime classes because, apparently, a FDK plug-in needs to be a) C program and b) should not use CLR. In view that, can anyone please indicate if there are any suitable set of functions in FDK itself for parsing an XML file. Otherwise, is there any pure C based XML parser I can use? Some actual sample will be very helpful.


Thanks in advance,



[Discussion moved by moderator]

Roundtripping Frame Table Cell Properties


Hi all,


We have a requirement for some custom table ruling, and, as we all know, this is not supported natively by structured Frame. We don't need to enforce it via the EDD, but just need to be able to apply it and have it persist in the XML somewhere.


So I read a useful post here (Re: Control table row or cell formatting via EDD context rules?) where Lynne  P. provided info on table properties now supported in Frame 11 and 12, and we have tried to implement this.


We are working in Frame 11 using a modified Docbook XML DTD, and we work only in XML, i.e. we never same the documents as Frame binaries.


Here's what we did:


1. In our DTD, we added these attributes based on the list of custom ruling properties from the Frame 12 Dev Ref Guide:

        use-bottom-rule-override          CDATA                 #IMPLIED

        bottom-rule-override                 CDATA                 #IMPLIED

        use-top-rule-override                CDATA                 #IMPLIED

        top-rule-override                       CDATA                 #IMPLIED

        use-left-rule-override                CDATA                 #IMPLIED

        left-rule-override                       CDATA                 #IMPLIED

        use-right-rule-override             CDATA                 #IMPLIED

        right-rule-override                    CDATA                 #IMPLIED

2. In the EDD, we added these pairs of attributes on our <entry> element (representing a table cell):









All attributes are optional. Each of the "Use....Override" attributes have a possible value of "0" or "1" to act as a switch for true/false. Each of the other attributes have possible values based on Frame's style of the custom ruling as defined in the Table Designer, in this case, "None, Double, Medium, Thick, Thin, Very Thin".


3. In our rules, we added these attributes to the <entry> element, like so:

element "entry"


  is fm table cell element "Entry";

  attribute "UseBottomRulingOverride" is fm property use bottom ruling override;

  attribute "BottomRulingOverride" is fm property bottom ruling override;

  attribute "UseTopRulingOverride" is fm property use top ruling override;

  attribute "TopRulingOverride" is fm property top ruling override;

  attribute "UseLeftRulingOverride" is fm property use left ruling override;

  attribute "LeftRulingOverride" is fm property left ruling override;

  attribute "UseRightRulingOverride" is fm property use right ruling override;

  attribute "RightRulingOverride" is fm property right ruling override;


We also mapped the Frame attributes above to the XML attributes in the DTD, i.e. for example:

attribute "use-bottom-rule-override" is fm attribute "UseBottomRulingOverride";



Here's the result:

It seems that everything is "working", meaning that Frame is recognizing the attributes and is not throwing any parsing errors, however:


I create a new table, then:

1. In a cell (entry element), I set any of the "use...." true/false attributes to "1".  Then I set the other one in the pair to some supported value, such as "Thick".  No visual change occurs.  I close the file, re-open it, and the values are still set, but no custom ruling occurs.

2. I set some custom rules using only the Custom Ruling and Shading dialog. I have the XML open in a text editor, so look at it and Frame has set the relevant values to the appropriate attributes, i.e. the "use..." are now "1" and the matching pair is whatever I choose, for instance, "Medium".  When I save, close and reopen, some of the custom ruling is retained -- inside borders but never outside borders.  Also, never the ruling between the heading row and a regular body row -- yet the attribute values are retained.


So, while Frame allows me to set the attributes explicitly and retains them in the XML, any custom ruling set via attributes and not the dialog is not retained.


Thoughts, anyone?





Shelley Hoose

Sr Doc Developer, Rogue Wave Software

DITA specialization - domain specialization




I'm trying to create some special elements with DITA domain specialization in Adobe FrameMaker 10. I tried first with "codetable". It's derived from "simpletable", and can be inserted directly after "cmd" in task topics. I followed instructions in http://help.adobe.com/en_US/FrameMaker/10.0/DITA/framemaker_10_dita_integration.pdf. Everything goes well with the specialization. After the EDD, r/w rule, and template files are created, I modified elements "step" and "substep" in EDD to the following and import the EDD to the template:


General rule:(note | hazardstatement)*, cmd, (codetable | choices | choicetable | info | itemgroup | stepxmp | substeps | tutorialinfo)*, (stepresult)?


Then I create a new task (with structured app properly set), insert step, cmd, codetable. Everything is fine until I save the file. It prompts:


Image 4.png

It seems that my changes are not adopted by the content model. Anything I was missing during the process. Could anyone please help? Thanks!




Rebecca Lai


[Moved to FM Structured forum by moderator]

Use condition indicators setting is inconsistent


Getting an error while generating TOC in structured framemaker 11

dynamically read topics




I'm very new to DITA, I understand XML but am looking to create more documents using it and DITA/Framemaker seems the way to go.


Is it possible to create a document that looks through all of the topics in a folder then creates a new topic from those (essentially a summary), pulling out certain elements?


I'm looking at a timesaving mechanism, so that I can have lots of folders with subjects in each (ie - several topics) then be able to quickly create either summary sheets or note sheets from that content


Many thanks



Trouble with Cross-References


FM11 / DITA 1.2


What could cause a particular cross reference to consistently NOT work? I know that's vague. I'll try to give a more specific example:


Let's say I have a collection of xrefs across several XML files in a DITA map. Some xrefs might even point to the same item (usually a <title> tag with an ID attribute). On output to a book with FM components, particular xrefs just will not work (they output as "unresolved"). I can fix it manually in the FM file, but I'd rather it work correctly in the first place, especially since I deal with translation in to several languages, and if I can't get an xref to just work, I have to fix it many, many times.


I've tried deleting the xref and starting again; I've tried changing the ID attribute in case there was some kind of conflict...I still have trouble with that particular xref (and this happens with more than one xref). What else can I try?


Again, I know this is vague. I'd be happy to elaborate on relevant points. I just don't currently have time to write a massive description and I want to get this question out.


Thanks in advance.

Nested tables


Hi all,

there is some Information in the Framemaker help how to nest tables in structured documents but I simply don't understand how to implemend this. This is a DITA document and I know that nesting tables is very bad style. However it is a requirement and after all DITA does support it.


In unstructured documents we used anchored Frames in table cells. The approach for structured documents seems similar:

"Select a graphic element for empty anchored frames in the Element Catalog, and click New Frame"


I wonder how I can accomplish this. In the EDD I would have to set up an element (perhaps a dedicated paragraph class) to insert an anchored Frame in which then the table is inserted.


Has anybody succeeded in using nested tables in structured documents with Framemaker?



I cannot update my re-installed FM 11 on my new computer


My computer was just updated. I now have Win 7 on a 64 bit system. Tech. Comm. Suite 4 was installed on it. My apps run fine, but I cannot update FM11. When I use the Product Updates from the splash screen, the extracted .exe file opens a blank dialog and does nothing. When I use Help > Updates, the Application Manager runs until I finally use Task Manager to shut it off, usually after 10 minutes. My co-workers computer updates in next-to-no-time.

On a side-note, I now cannot generate a book with FM components from a ditamap. It generates the files, but the TOC and Index are empty, and it won't create the book file.


FrameMaker 10 - Finding all graphics in a book with a Object Properties Scaling equal to 0%?


Is there a way in FrameMaker 10 in the book to quickly find all imported graphics (.bmp, .cgm, .jpg, & .wmf) that are out-of-aspect ratio or where the Object Properties Scaling equals 0%?


I import a lot of graphic (around a 100 or so) in FrameMaker 10 and I would like to be reassured that all imported graphic have the correct aspect ratio, and find any that are wrong quickly.


I would like to be able to do this search in the Book format rather than each section.


Is there a way to do this?



How to remove certain elements when saving as a pdf




Still finding my way around Framemaker! I'm trying to save as a pdf but exclude some XML elements


I have used DITA for the files (chapters) but seem to have ended up with a framemaker TOC and book format (.fm), but if that will work, that's k for now.


BUT I have cone to save as PDF, then under tags excluded 'note' and 'related links' but they still appear in the pdf output.


Can anyone give me some advice?


Many thanks



Default image file type in Browse (Nitpick Alert)


Is there any way to change the default file type in the Browse window for images, or can I at least add file types to the filter?


My images are mostly Illustrator files. When I go to place a new image, I'd really appreciate NOT having *.jpg come up as the default, and it would be almost as nice to filter by the file type that I actually use without having to select *.* and wade through everything.

Structured Product Labeling (SPL) in FrameMaker 9

Ok, I am very new to the FrameMaker environment and need some help. I purchased FrameMaker 9 to creat structured product labeling with. The FDA is now requiring all product labels be submitted to them in SPL format which is a form of XML. According to the Adobe Lifesciences website they have a solution using Adobe FrameMaker (http://www.adobe.com/lifesciences/)and (http://www.adobe.com/lifesciences/pdfs/structured_product_labeling_sb.pdf)

I've worked with the FrameMaker support team and have downloaded the SPL Schema and SPL Style Sheets from the FDA Website (http://www.fda.gov/oc/datacouncil/spl.html) but have no idea how to use this in FrameMaker to create the label like that shown in (http://www.adobe.com/lifesciences/pdfs/structured_product_labeling_sb.pdf)

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you

FM8 - F9 functionality


I recently converted my files to FM8 and I noticed that the F9 functionality does not work.  Do I need to set up something to get it to work?

hooking up DITA structure and house style(s)


OK ... I've never yet managed to get a DITA project up and running to the point where I can work on it every day with a view to delivering something. But today I hope this has finally changed, so I'll start trying to post here and improve my grasp of the essentials. My thanks to all those, especially Rick Quatro, who have replied to earlier postings now sunk beneath the forum's event horizon never to be seen again <g>

First question, leaving myself wide open to correction:

I observe, on opening a DITA file in FM 9.0p237, that FrameMaker has thoughtfully provided a slew of styles related to elements and their position in the document structure. I am aware that really clever people can set up rules so that formatting is applied very cleanly, without using styles; but (certainly at this early stage) should I try updating the style-definitions based on what we're already used to?

"title.0", for instance: from the Element Context Format Rules, it looks as though that's equivalent to a chapter heading where my not-technically-speaking-structured documents would use the style ":h1".

Got to learn somehow! so thanks in advance for pointers along the path to enlightenment.

Niels Grundtvig Nielsen

Using F_ApiOpen


I am running a while loop to open 1000 files ( read only files) in framemaker using F_ApiOpen. However files are unable to open after the 800th file.

Is there any restriction on the number of files that can be open in Framemaker ?

How do we know the reason for failure of the open call ?

MIL-STD 40051C - where to begin


Hi everyone...I am fairly new to structured framemaker and spent the last week reading every piece of information I could on the subject.


I've been given the task here at work of taking some unstructured framemaker documents and structure them using MIL-STD 40051C as a guide.


If someone could please give me some help on this....I don't even know where to begin. Information overload. I have a DTD provided to me, as well as a folder containing XSL stylesheets for what seems like nearly every tag and a boilerplate folder.


Some of the links for my source material can be found here:






So far I have imported the DTD to framemaker and saved as an EDD. Everything seems to be fine there. As far as the next step, I really have no idea.


I presume that if I wanted to build, lets say, a cover page...I would refer to the standard and build a page using the tags described.


I have given this a try and all I get is a tree structure with no formatting. How am I supposed to link to a stylesheet in Framemaker? What's more...there are about 50 styles in the folder I was provided so how do I know which one I am supposed to refer to?


Basically this is a huge scope of an effort that I am just getting my feet wet in, so if someone who is familiar can PLEASE give me some initial guidance it would be sincerely appreciated. I can't even find any documentation for this stuff on the web so this is my only hope.


Thanks very much


- Doug

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