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Problem Working With Framemaker 9 Dita XML Files in Framemaker 10


I just upgraded to Framemaker 10. I am encountering a number of problems when I try to work with my Dita XML help topics, which were last saved in Framemaker 9 format.


1. Using the Default Dita Template


When I open one of my documents in Framemaker 10, the Dita 1.2 template ditabase.fm is automatically applied. Everything seems fine. But then when I convert the XML to Eclipse help (which is essentially html, so we're going from XML to HTML) using Dita Open Toolkit ant scripts, I see this message:


[pipeline] [DOTJ013E][ERROR] Failed to parse the referenced file 'html\c_licensing.xml' due to below exception. Please correct the reference base on the exception message.
[pipeline] c_licensing.xml Line 25:Attribute "xmlns:ditaarch" must be declared for element type "dita".



I then opened the xml  file in a text editor, and I saw this on line 25:


<dita xmlns:ditaarch = "http://dita.oasis-open.org/architecture/2005/">


Line 25 looks fine to me. Am I missing something? 


2. Switching to a 1.1 Dita Template


I tried to work around the above problem. In Framemaker, I tried to set a different structured application as the default one. I closed all files and chose the default Dita 1.1 structured application (it defaults to the Dita 1.1. Composite app.)


Then I tried to open my file: I got this message inside Framemaker:


"Validation of XML failed. Continue?
Error at [FILE PATH], line 25, char 72, Message: Attribute '{http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/}ditaarch' is not declared for element 'dita'


Sounds familiar, doesn't it?


I switched from the default Dita 1.1. Composite structured application to the Dita 1.1. Topic structured application. Then I dirtied the source file and saved it. The messages I got in FrameMaker log window included the one above, plus I got a variety of Unknown Element messages, things like this:


Unknown element dita,

unknown element concept,

various attributes are not declared for concept,

unknown element conbody.


If I switch back to the Dita 1.1 Composite application all of these messages diappear except for this one:


Attribute '{http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/}ditaarch' is not declared for element 'dita'

My ant conversion scripts from the Dita Open Toolkit are still unable to process this file. They give the same message as is listed in (1) above and the file is not converted to HTML.

Can anyone help me with this problem? I've also posted this question to the Dita Users Group on Yahoo Groups. If I get an answer in one place, I'll post it in the other.



Nina P.

User-defined DITA cross-reference formats


Hello again,


I am using FrameMaker 10 and need to add a new cross-reference format type to my XML files. The "Edit Format" button does not exist when the DITA Cross-reference dialog opens (it does in the normal un-structured Cross-reference dialog). I need to know how to create a new cross-reference format and have it automatically available when I create a new XML file of any type (topic, reference, concept, task).


I can create a new cross-reference type at the file level and then import the cross-reference format into a single XML file, although I currently have over 1000 XML files in a single project. Updating the XML in this project alone will be massive under-taking and one I do not wish to have to repeat with every project I work on.


I tried the solution posted here: http://www.scriptorium.com/2011/07/framemaker-dita-xrefs-i-could-tell-you-but/


The file-level format import option works but modifying the topic.template.fm file had no effect.


Is there any way to create a user-defined DITA cross-reference format that is automatically available in new XML files?


Is there also a way to perform a mass import of cross-reference formats to multiple files at the same time? (As I said, importing formats to 1000 files one at a time is not appealing to me)



How can I resolve the following postscript error: [ Error: undefined; OffendingCommand: ct_T3HdrDict


I know the error is caused by using a character definition that uses the Courier font (indicating 'user input' in a technical documentation document). FM indicates that Courier is an available font.

FDK - Change highest level element (NoName) to get a new FM Book valid


Hi everyone,


Using the FDK I have saved a DITAMAP (referencing several concept files) as a Book with FM components and the resulting book is invalid with the highest level element of NoName.

If I select the NoName element in FrameMaker's structure view, then select concept within the element catalog and click the Change button my book is now valid after an Update Book.


Is there a way using the FDK to achieve a valid book after the save operation?

Using the FDK I am outlining a means of selecting all elements in the book, wrapping everything in a concept element, then selecting the NoName element and unwrapping it. To me this option feels like I am correcting structure as a result of not previously defining the structure of the saved book.


The newly created book file already has element definitions for concept without importing.

Could this be a case of some way specifying a template to be used during the save?


If I can provide any further details please don't hesitate to ask.

Any input at all would be much appreciated.

default fonts in structured interface


Dipping a cautious toe in the exciting waters of structured documentation; or, rather, trying my hand at using structured FrameMaker instead of / as well as my usual DITA IDE.

First minor question:

The Courier font is not available
The Zapfdingbats font is not available


Quite right; they aren't! so, how do I persuade structured FM to use something else, from now on and for ever? I'll probably have more interesting questions later ;-}

Managing EDD, DTD, and templates in Framemaker 11 and DITA 1.2


I'm in the process of upgrading from FM9 with DITA to Framemaker 11 with DITA 1.2 I'm using the ditabase template, EDD, and DTD. I've made some paragraph format changes in the template and will need to make changes to the EDD as well. Once all the changes are made, I will need to distribute the changes to other writers. I'm wondering what is the best way to go about making the changes so the distribution process is as simple as possible?


In FM 9, the EDD was a single file so we only had to update 2 files (the template and the EDD). In FM11 with DITA 1.2, there are multiple EDDmod files. Do I need to distribute all of these files to apply the changes?


Also, I haven't actually been able to apply the changes to the EDD to my documents and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. This is what I did to change the prefix text applied to the postreq element:


1. Open the task.eddmod.fm file. Find the postreq element and change the prefix text. (Note that this is the only change I made to the document) Save the document.

2. Open the ditabase.edd.fm file. Find the text inset to the task.edd,mod. fm file. Update the text inset. Save the document.

3. Open the dtiabase.template.fm file. Import the Element Definitions from ditabase.edd.fm file.

Expected results: the element definitions are imported with no errors.


Actual result: I get the following error messages:

Format rule specification (| bookmeta) is invalid.

Elements that are defined but not referenced.


Elements that re reference but not defined.




I didn't make any changes to these elements so I don't understand why they are now invalid. Did I miss a step or do something incorrectly that would affect these elements?


Note that I'm making the changes to the original documents that are referenced in the structured document, the template, and so on. I have saved backups of all the original files before I make changes to them.


Thanks for you help,



What is each element used for?


Hello out there! I'm new to FM for a year now and have a long way to go.  I'm trying to figure out what each of the elements is used for. They are not named in such a way to explain to me what they are for and what will happen in my document if I use them.  Is there a table out there or document that will list out this information so that I can understand it? Thanks. -T


[Thread moved]

Do I need a seperate XML editor to edit FrameMaker DITA generated files?


I am familiar with FrameMaker. However, I have never used structured FrameMaker or DITA. I am just starting a new project and need to make recommendations.

Do we have an option to disable the FrameMaker error console programmatically in FDK11?



I would like to know if there is any option in the FDK11 to disable the

FrameMaker console window which runs on every frame file transformation. This

was happening with FrameMaker 10 too but it had never affected the performance.

With FrameMaker 11 the performance takes a huge hit and code slumps in the

middle of the transformation. Throw your thoughts on how to disable or to

periodically clear the contents running on the console.




Can FrameMaker 10 and/or 11 *output* raw SGML data?


Our group has a requirement from the government to output SGML data. Right now, the group from whom we're inheriting data are using UltraEdit to write the text, Arbortext to tag the documents as SGML, and outputting to Xysoft (XPP). The writers are separate from the "coders/taggers." We're hoping to use FM to reduce that process to a single doc for writing and output. There's another requirement to output to pdf, but Acrobat will handle that.


Right now, my concern is finding a way to simplify this process. Can FrameMaker output raw SGML data? If 10 and/or 11 cannot, is there a version that can?



Thanks for any help. I've done some research online, and from what I've read, it's a possibility, but then the tech support guy I spoke with said that neither 10 nor 11 is capable of outputting to SGML ... which is why I'm here.



Any help is appreciated.


Thanks, everyone.

Kontext rule for formatting only the first child section in a chapter


Hi all, I have run into a DITA problem. Each chapter of the document, i.e. top-level topic, contains a miniature toc of the nested sections. Therefore the first child topic's title should receive a page break.




I tried this context rule for the title element, below you find the screenshot which I have tried to translate because the EDD is in German. Even though I define that the context should be the first parent topic only, the result is that every second-level topic now has a page break. Any ideas?


8. Count ancestors: topic




    If level is: 2

      8.1 If context is: (topic{first} | concept{first} | task{first} | reference{first})

            ..then set page break.





FrameMaker 12 Publish Crash


Using Framemaker all publish operations crash if the document contains a UserString of 1 or more characters in a table element.  We use UserStrings in this way to hold metadata about tables such as database keys and effective dates.


The Mif looks like this:  [We would normally have an xml fragment here but this is enough to produce a crash]



  <TblID 10>

<UserString `A'>

  <TblTag `Format A'>




Incidently a zero length UserString doesn't result in a crash.


Looks like a bug to me.





FrameMaker 12 Save as XML crash


Has anyone had any trouble saving as xml in FM12? Using the same structured applications that have worked through framemaker 8, 9, 10 and 11 we now get a crash in Framemaker 12.

The crash doesn't seem to be in our IO client. The last notification we receive is:

notification [13] sparam [TryAlternativeExtensions 0]


Has Framemaker 12 changed anything in this area?




   Colin Clark

FrameMaker 12 issue: copying inline element also copies paragraph style


When I copy an inline element then sometimes the paragraph style is copied as well. The happens frequently when I copy a cross-reference. If the source context is a list then the target paragraph is formatted as list after I insert.


This is quite awkward in a structured document in which the style should of course be ther result of the EDD, not manual formatting.


Has anybody encountered this problem or do you know a solution?



Unreliable display of named image frames via EDD


Hi all,

I have formatted my <prolog> element to display named images frames from the reference page above and below. The intention is to distinguish this area for the editor.


However, the lower frame is displayed very unreliable. For example, if I insert a <keywords> element with a single <kexword> child element then it is not displayed. As soon as I add another <keyword> child the line appears. But if I delete this second <keyword>, the line stays visible the way it should have been from begin with. After saving and reloading it usually is not visible either, moving the elements in the prolog around a bit makes the lower line visible again.


I could not get this to work reliable, does anybody have a recommendation?



Transfer attribute values to Entities in rw-rules for table creation




I try to fight my way through the xml Structured FM jungle.To this I read various documents (e.g. STRUCTURE APPLICATION DEVELOPER REFERENCE).At the moment my main goal is to find out what works and how to do it best.Therefore I will probably here in the forum to try one or the other question to be answered.


I want to create a message tree in xml and publish via FM PDF.Because I want to filter the messages, I have declared various descriptive numbers of the message as an attribute.


As far as I understand, attributes are the only way in FM to do some filtering of the content which will appear in the document (without a CMS). If I am wrong, please correct me.





    <MESSAGE Group="FF03" Message_No="1" Status_No="1">

        <Message_Text>Message Example 1</Message_Text>

        <Status_Text>Message 1</Status_Text>  


    <MESSAGE Group="FF04" Message_No="1" Status_No="1">

        <Message_Text>Message Example 2</Message_Text>

        <Status_Text>Message 2</Status_Text>  




In the FM PDF output the attributes values should appear in a table cell. They should not only be used for the filtering.

If I understand correctly, I always have to go for the creation of tables the detour via rw-rules. Again if I am wrong, please correct me.


In the rw-rules I can transform entities in other FM entities. But I can apparently not transfer attributes in FM entities.


Please can anyone give me an idea how I can manage this?


Thanks a lot.



How to withdraw a wrong open and save of a structured fm file in unstructured mode?


I opened a structured fm file wrongly in unstructured mode and saved it. When I opened this fm file again in structured mode, the structure view has been blank. Does anyone no how to withdraw this?

Why Read/write rules and round tripping?



I'm planning to set up a documentation project using DITA and I'm evaluating which editor would be better. I don't know Framemaker and one of the things I don't understand is what are the read/write rules? When do I need them? What does it take to define them?  My output will be PDF files and the content will be translated in more than 20 languages.

Many thanks if one of you can clarify that point for me,



How to import a table from an excel for word into an fm file?

I cannot update my re-installed FM 11 on my new computer


My computer was just updated. I now have Win 7 on a 64 bit system. Tech. Comm. Suite 4 was installed on it. My apps run fine, but I cannot update FM11. When I use the Product Updates from the splash screen, the extracted .exe file opens a blank dialog and does nothing. When I use Help > Updates, the Application Manager runs until I finally use Task Manager to shut it off, usually after 10 minutes. My co-workers computer updates in next-to-no-time.

On a side-note, I now cannot generate a book with FM components from a ditamap. It generates the files, but the TOC and Index are empty, and it won't create the book file.


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