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Default image file type in Browse (Nitpick Alert)


Is there any way to change the default file type in the Browse window for images, or can I at least add file types to the filter?


My images are mostly Illustrator files. When I go to place a new image, I'd really appreciate NOT having *.jpg come up as the default, and it would be almost as nice to filter by the file type that I actually use without having to select *.* and wade through everything.

table number xrefs disappear when roundtripping the XML doc back to FM

I'm using FM 7.2p158 running on Windows XP on a Dell Optiplex GX520 with 1GB RAM. I've converted my legacy FM docs to structured FM, but my (CALS-formatted) table number xrefs disappear when I roundtrip the XML docs back to FM. How can I remedy this?

Initially, I used my own conventions to name the table part elements as I have about 10-15 specific table types and I used those Table Tag names as table elements names (Invisible2, Invisible4, StepTable, ...), so I had 10-15 elements that were true "is fm table element" types in the EDD, DTD, and R/W rules. The table number xrefs worked as they should after roundtripping FM-XML-FM and the tables' shading, ruling, and Table Tags were correct.

I consulted our XSLT developer for proper browser display of the XML files, and he suggested that I should use the CALS table model. I studied the Struct Dev Gd, then I searched this forum for postings on CALS tables and related topics and used suggestions offered by many of you good folks to create an EDD, DTD, and R/W rules to that end.

I've run some tests using many iterations of my files (both CALS and non-CALS types) to roundtrip the FM files, but I cannot get the xrefs of the table number from the CALS-version table title element to display when I roundtrip the XML doc and open it in FM. I get this:
-- In the XML doc text opened in FM, instead of "Table 1-1" for the xref, it leaves a blank space (although the source numbered table title is there).
-- In the Structure View of the same XML doc, I see the following:
- The CROSSREF element text says WHITESPACE.
- Both the CROSSREF element and its source element continue to have the (matching) "Idref" and "Id" number displayed in this view.
- The Idref attribute is disconnected from the CROSSREF element.
- The "table" element is disconnected from its container element (TableAnchor).

Once I apply the File/Import/Element Definitions command in the XML doc in FM, the XML becomes valid and both the CROSSREF Idref attribute and the table element are reconnected, but my xref of the table number is still WHITESPACE.

The XML-converted doc source text reads:

If you're using WebDrive, you will want to use the options shown
in [CROSSREF Idref = "BEHJCAJB" format = "Table Number"/] on the [IndexEntry
type = "Index" text = "WebDrive options"/]WebDrive control panel.[/Para]
[table tabstyle = "Expressroom2" cols = "2"
colwidths = "2.198in 3.500in" colsep = "1" rowsep = "1"
frame = "all"]
[title Id = "BEHJCAJB"][?FM MARKER [Cross-Ref] 86302: TableTitle: Table 1-1
WebDrive control panel options?]WebDrive login values[/title]
[tgroup cols = "2" colsep = "1" rowsep = "1"]
[colspec colnum = "1" colname = "1" colwidth = "2.198in"]
[/colspec][colspec colnum = "2" colname = "2" colwidth = "3.500in"]
[row rowsep = "1"]
[entry colname = "1"][CellHeading]Field[/CellHeading][/entry]
[entry colname = "2"][CellHeading]Value[/CellHeading][/entry]

But when I open the same XML-converted doc back in FM, I get the following:

"If you're using WebDrive, you will want to use the options shown in on the WebDrive control panel."

The CROSSREF Idref "BEHJCAJB" is [WHITESPACE] in the Structure View, so it's a blank space within the actual text in FM.

I have excerpts from my EDD, DTD, and R/W rules that I can post, but would make this even more lengthy. (Sorry about the current length.) What do I need to change to make the xrefs work when I roundtrip the files?

[I don't know whether it makes any difference or not, but I have changed the element names since I originally used a conversion table (to structure my legacy FM files); however, I persisted those element name changes throughout the EDD, DTD, and R/W rules files.]

Forced return, non-breaking hyphens & spaces, suppress hyphenation + XML


Forced return (linefeed), non-breaking hyphens and spaces, suppress hyphenation.


None of these are preserved when exporting from FrameMaker to XML, since they do not seem to be represented by a Unicode code point. My question to you is: How do you deal with those things in XML?


The last issues (non-breaking and suppress hyphen) have recently been brought up in:




Forced return is a common thing in many FrameMaker documents to improve readability of certain phrases.


For export of FM to XML, there have been proposals to use a special element with a prefix just to capture the special FrameMaker symbol. It works, and may be a valid useful path in certain cases, but I think that it is a questionable way of dealing with it for several reasons:

  1. It is only relevant for roundtrip, since these special elements will hardly be interpreted by other XML tools, which of course limits the value of XML export.
  2. It is unwieldy, to say the least, to require the user to insert special elements for saying simple things that otherwise are just natural key strokes in the regular text flow, and which are not perceived as structural elements of information. Most users would think of these symbols/charactes as control characters, and there is no validation warning that says you may not use these characters/symbols.
  3. An element is used for formatting purposes only, whereas all other elements are used for content or structure.
  4. There is no automatic way of transforming an existing text that has these "symbols" into some special element when a document is structured with a conversion table.
  5. There is no automatic way of transforming a structured FM document to XML such that these special "symbols" get translated to some suitable XML construct.



If the last point could be solved, i.e if all those control characters or markers could automatically be translated to a suitable XML representation, then I would consider the whole issue as solved, otherwise not.


Even without FrameMaker, how do people deal with these things in "pure xml". For instance, when XML is used for publishing (which I know Arnis Gubins is doing), there will guaranteed be a need to control both hyphenation and line breaks. So how do you (they) do that?


How do other vendors cope with these issues, e.g XPP?

FrameMaker 9 plug-in for DITA Open Toolkit/ RoboHelp 8


Hi -


Does anyone know where to download the FM9 plug-in for DITA-OT?


Also, do you have to have the FM9 DITA-OT plug-in installed in order to import a Ditamap into RoboHelp 8? I am working in a Windows 7 Premium/64 bit enviroment... RoboHelp 8 crashes/stalls whenever I try to import a Ditamap.


Thank you for any help/suggestions -


converting Framemaker files into PDF progaramatically using publishing server


Hi All


We are going for upgrade of  Frame maker 8 which is on unix system  to FM 10 or 11. We are using Framemaker mainly for renditions, i.e to convert the fm documents to PDF. To convert fm document to PDF we are using the below mentioned command line utility available in FM 8.(on unix). /opt/app/frame8.0/bin/fmprint -i -p Sample.fm.fmtpl Sample.fm Currently the the fm file which need to converted to PDF and the FM 8(installed) are available on the same unix system ,so we were able to initiate/use the command line utility of FM 8. The rendition of the FM to PDF is On -Demand.( We are not running any batch activities/ bulk renditions).We are rendering the document as soon as the document  is available.

As we are going to  upgrade the FM to newer versions which would be installed on the Windows machine as Frame maker 10 or 11 will not support unix plat form, so can you please let us know which option is better to use i.e we want to convert fm file to PDF using java program without any manual intevention using publishing server/client version.
can any one help us as it is very urgent for us.
please let us know the ways to do and links for helpful documents .

thank you very much for your help in advance!!\


Best reagrds

Ramesh babu

How to eliminate the default line break while exporting to XML?



I use FDK 11 to convert a FrameMaker File to XML. Basic example as in the "Structured Import/Export API Programmer guide" works pretty well. But all my frame files have lengthy paragraphs which on conversion finds a line break after a length which seem to be set as default. By this, the XML length and readability becomes tedious. Here is the snap shot of transformation adn the piece of code used. Please let me know if there is any function which can eliminate this default behaviour.

#include "futils.h"

extern VoidT Structured_ApiEmergency FARGS((VoidT));

extern VoidT Structured_ApiInitialize FARGS((IntT init));

extern VoidT Structured_ApiCommand FARGS((IntT command));

extern VoidT Structured_ApiNotify FARGS((IntT notification,

F_ObjHandleT docId, StringT sparm,

IntT iparm));


VoidT F_ApiEmergency() {



VoidT F_ApiInitialize(IntT init) {



VoidT F_ApiCommand(IntT command) {



VoidT F_ApiNotify(IntT notification,

F_ObjHandleT docId, StringT sparm, IntT iparm) {

Structured_ApiNotify(notification, docId, sparm, iparm);








[Message moved from General Discussion by moderator]

How do I get multiple lines in ?


FM 11


I know that <codeblock> is designed to represent lines of program code and that line endings and spaces must be preserved. However, my line endings are not being preserved; turn into a new <codeblock> leaving me with line after line of <codeblock> elements like this:

<codeblock>Do forever.</codeblock>

<codeblock>Say "Hello World"</codeblock>



Rather than like this:


     Do forever

          Say "Hello World"




These are my Text format rules in my EDD:


1.   If context is: * < stepresult < substep

         Use paragraph format: CodeBlock2

Else, if context is: li < * < choice

     Use paragraph format: CodeBlock3

Else, if context is: * < stepresult < step

    Use paragraph format: CodeBlock1

Else, if context is: * < stepxmp

    Use paragraph format: CodeBlock1

Else, if context is: * < step

     Use paragraph format: CodeBlock1


     Use paragraph format: Codeblock

2.     If context is: [expanse="page"]

               Pagination properties

                    Placement: Across all columns and side heads


CodeBlock is defined like this in the FM Paragraph Designer (with only the margins differing for CodeBlock1, CodeBlock2, etc.)





What am I doing wrong?



column width from xml attribute to framemaker table


I'm trying to set the column widths of a table in framemaker by importing the width from an attribute in the imported xml file. But it doesn't work...


This is from my read/write rules:


element "ITEM-CELL-LIST"


is fm table cell element;

attribute "width" is fm property column width;

fm property column width value is "2cm";



The last line that specifies the width to 2cm seems to be accepted as I can save the EDD as DTD without errors, but it has no effect on the actual widths of the table created.

The line above it doesn't work at all. When I try to save the EDD, I get the following error: "Invalid property specified for the element (ITEM-CELL-LIST)."


I've tried every way I can think of, but nothing seems to work

The only way I've been able to actually set the widths is by creating a table in the master template page and resizing the columns. That carries over to the imported xml.

How to rotate an A4 page without rotating the contents?


I have a fat table to build, so the traditional A4 size page doesn't fit any more, I want a "fat" page, but only one page.

Not generating a Structured Master Page Map


I have created a Structured FrameMaker template. When I attempt to generate a  Structured Master Page Map by selecting Format > Page Layout > Apply Master Pages, it generated an Unstructured Master Page Map. Why can’t I generate a structured page map?

How to place two tables one beside the other in XML strutured template



I've created the EDD and DTD required to import /export tables in the structured XML template, the required read/write rules are also proper place . My application works fine as far as tables are placed one bellow the other. My requirement is to place two tables one beside the other. I'm tried to place two frames one beside the oher and put the tables within the frame. It did not work. Am I missing some attributes in EDD which is not allowing me to place the tables one beside the other.?


Please help..!




Absolute path in Doctype DTD makes DTD unavailable on other machines


Hi all,


When saving to XML, I understand that Frame takes the relative path to the DTD as described in structapps.fm (in our case, $STRUCTDIR\xml\xdocbook\app\docbookx.dtd) and generates an absolute path in the XML it writes, like this:


DOCTYPE chapter SYSTEM "file:///C:/Program%20Files/Adobe/FrameMaker9/structure/xml/xdocbook/app/docbookx.dtd"...


This, of course, makes the files impossible to open on a machine that has Frame installed in something other than "Program Files".  Any way to get around this?  Have Frame generate a relative path in some way?  I've researched this in the ref and dev guides and don't see any way to control this.  I did try adding something to the rules, like this...


writer external dtd is system "docbookx.dtd";


but then Frame just looks directly in the folder that contains the document you're trying to open.


Thanks for any suggestions.


- Shelley

General Question about Structured Philosophy


Hi all,


After reading my previous question, I have realized I have a more fundamental question about the general philosophy of creating structured documents and EDDs.


I would like to get some opinions on this subject:



Is it better to have a smaller number of total elements, and to use a lot of "If"s that look at where these elements are located to determine the style for them.

Or, is it better to have many unique elements that each only appear in fixed locations, thereby being more strictly and clearly defined.



For example, a person could have one "p" element that is used throughout the document, but that receives many different styles depending on what Chapter, section, or subsection level it is at. Or, on the other hand, if the style is always different and unique depending on whether it is at the Chapter, section, or sub-section level, would it make more sense to just have separate elements called "pChap", "pSection", "pSub", etc.



What are your thoughts?


Of course, I know there is probably no real "better" on this, but I am wondering about the pros and cons of these approaches.  In my real-world situation, there will likely rarely be "expert users" working with Frame, so do you think one method is easier than another for an average Frame Author?



Thanks in advance!



Basic List Numbering Question


I am trying to create a numbered list element, that will restart at 1 each time it is used.  The User Guide says "By default, each counter is initially set to zero. The counter can maintain its current value, be incremented by 1, or be reset to a different value. For example, use <n=1> in the format that resets numbering to 1 at the beginning of a new set of numbered steps."


So, I've built my EDD like this:



But when I import the EDD to test in a document, each list continues the numbering of the one before it. I've tried playing around with the syntax, but it's new to me and I can't figure it out.  How do I set it up so that each list starts with 1?


Here's an example of what I get (sorry it's ugly, I'm following advice and getting the structure set up before I do the pretty formatting!)



Selectively "Flowing" Lists into Two Columns on a Single-Column Layout


I am a one-man Tech Writing department using Structured FrameMaker with a collection of home-brewed EDD's. I create technical documentation for a software product. My documents are currently all single-flow, single-column documents. In the last few releases of our software, some of our feature sets have created the need for long bulleted lists. When it gets to the point where a single bulleted list takes up more than a page (ugly!), it's time to start looking for another way to get the job done. 


I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction here. What I'd ideally like to be able to do is set up my "List" element in my EDD with an attribute that will allow me to specify whether or not the list should "wrap" (which I would set manually based on the final length of the list itself.)  I will try to include an example here...hopefully the formatting comes out OK.


For example, the following page with this attribute OFF:



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ut a sapien. Aliquam aliquet purus molestie dolor. Integer quis eros ut erat posuere dictum. Curabitur dignissim.


* Item 1

* Item 2

* Item 3

* Item 4

* Item 5

* Item 6


Integer orci. Fusce vulputate lacus at ipsum. Quisque in libero nec mi laoreet volutpat. Aliquam eros pede, scelerisque quis, tristique cursus, placerat convallis, velit. Nam condimentum. Nulla ut mauris.



would become the following once that "re-flow" attribute was turned ON:



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ut a sapien. Aliquam aliquet purus molestie dolor. Integer quis eros ut erat posuere dictum. Curabitur dignissim.


* Item 1              * Item 4

* Item 2              * Item 5

* Item 3              * Item 6


Integer orci. Fusce vulputate lacus at ipsum. Quisque in libero nec mi laoreet volutpat. Aliquam eros pede, scelerisque quis, tristique cursus, placerat convallis, velit. Nam condimentum. Nulla ut mauris.

Does anyone know of a way to do this in FrameMaker that doesn't require a bunch of manual fiddling every time you need to add one of these "wrapped" lists? Of course, it doesn't make sense that a shorter list with only a few items would be wrapped in this way...so I need to be able to turn it on and off (even manually) as the list gets longer (although I'm not opposed to using two different element tags for this purpose.)
The best idea I've come up with so far is to use a table without borders, but that feels like a formatting nightmare waiting to happen.
Thanks a million for any and all suggestions -
Brandon Wright
Technical Writer
Management Information Tools, Inc.

fatal error on trial download?


Trying to download FM 10/Windows from the download page, and get this message from the Akamai download tool:

"Download manager fatal error: Could not find the requested file on the server."


This seems to reference a file named WWEFDJ.exe. Can anyone confirm where the files can be successfully downloaded? Thanks.

XSL Preprocessing: Does Xalan’s document(URI) work?


Hi fellows,


For the first time I have XML source file with xi:include tags, like


<xi:include href="other.xml"/>


Many XSLT processor automatically process the xi:include element, but Xalan-C as shipped with FrameMaker apparently does not. So I added this to my preprocessing stylesheet:


<xsl:template match="xi:include">
   <xsl:apply-templates select="document(@href)/*" />


FrameMaker 10 (in this case, hadn't had the time to test with previous version) hangs with 100% processor usage as soon as I access the document() function.


Has anyone successfully used the XSLT document() function with FrameMaker?




- Michael

Can't save ]]> in document text to XML


Dear colleagues,


I am currently evaluating a Save-as-XML problem with FrameMaker 9.0p255. The content of the document shows some XML examples which contains CDATA sections, like


<environment>  <var name="service"><![CDATA[Inhalt]]></var></environment>


Reminder: This is in the text of the FrameMaker document.


When I save as XML, the XML parser complains: »Error at line 140, char 77, Message: The sequence ']]>' is not allowed in character data«


When I open the XML file in a XML editor I see that all < are correctly escaped as &lt; and all > are left as is. The built-in Xerxes parser also reports: »The character sequence "]]>" must not appear in content unless used to mark the end of a CDATA section.«

And the XML Recommendation says:

The right angle bracket (>) may be represented using the string " &gt; ", and must, for compatibility, be escaped using either " &gt; " or a character reference when it appears in the string "]]> " in content, when that string is not marking the end of a CDATA section.


It seems to me FrameMaker should either write all > as &gt; to avoid the possibility that it might be used after ]].


Can you reproduce this issue (I can using the UserGuide structured application, by just putting ]]> in any element)?


Have you found a way to workaround this, maybe with a special R/W rule?




- Michael

pdf to docbook




how to convert pdf to docbook xml using framemaker 10.0 version.  i am new to the framemeker tool.



please explain step by step.




if there video tutorial send me the URL.



Thanks in advance.

DITA vs. roll-your-own


My team is just getting started with structured FrameMaker, and we're trying to determine whether we should use DITA or define our own EDD (etc.). DITA seems overly restrictive for our needs, so I'm leaning toward defining our own. Is there anything in DITA that we couldn't recreate (for example, tagging or map files)?

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