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FrameMaker 8 Memory Issues



      Working with FrameMaker 8, I've been finding that after opening and closing structured files, (either through the UI or through the FDK) the memory usage of Frame seems to noticable increase. This doesnt seem to happen with unstructured documents. Is this a known memory issue in FrameMaker? Is there any way around it?



To import a pdf file in FrameMaker


How do we import a pdf file with all its pages in a FrameMaker file ?


I found that we can import only one sheet of the pdf in a FrameMaker file.

Carriage Return in Autonumber Format?



I've set up my Structured EDD with some Headings that have Autonumbering.  I'm wondering if there is any way to put a return between the number and the text?


In other words, can I make this:

Chapter 2: This is the Chapter Title


look like this:

Chapter 2:

This is the Chapter Title


As a secondary question, in my search for the answer to this question, I discovered the <r>. <r+>, <R>, etc. "building blocks".  I can't find them mentioned anywhere in the user manual or developing structured application manual.  Can anyone tell me exactly what their function is?



AXCM plug-in question


Not sure if this is the best forum to post this question -- hoping someone else is using this plug-in and has a suggestion.


I'm running FM 10 on Win7 and using West Street's free AXCM plug-in to filter structured files from the book level (FM 10's attribute filtering feature seems  limited and kind of clunky). To filter a book and create duplicate files (leaving the original, unfiltered files untouched), you need to specify a filtered book folder via a browse button in the plug-in's Filter Book dialog box. But, the problem I'm having is that clicking the browse button in the AXCM dialog box doesn't do anything, which prevents me from filtering my FM book.


I've tried different book files on different Win7 systems, with the same result: nothing happens when I click the browse button. Changing the filter type to "Source file" rather than "Duplicate file" does work  (but overwrites the original FM files). I don't have the same problem running the AXCM plug-in with FM 8 on the same Win7 system.


Anyone else have a problem with this plug-in? Thanks for any help.



FM 10 xref format changes when updating file


I'm authoring in structured FM 10 using a DITA 1.2 application on Windows 7, but working with FM documents rather than XML files. I was having problems updating cross-references in my existing (structured FM 7.2) files after upgrading to FM 10 -- FM was changing all xref formats to DITA Default Format, which blew away all of my defined formats. So I opened one of the standard structured templates included with FM 10 (DITA_1.2/app/technicalContent/template/topic.template.fm), thinking that I set up my structured application incorrectly.


I know I must be missing something simple, but this is what happens when I create and update a cross-reference:


  1. Using the unmodified structured  template and the unmodified DITA 1.2 application that comes with FM 10, add an fm-xref element.
  2. Using the DITA-Cross-Reference dialog box, create the xref (doesn't  matter if it's an internal or external xref).
  3. Select See_Title_and_Page xref format. Xref looks fine in the source document.
  4. Select Edit > Update Reference, and select All Cross-References.


When I click Update, FM updates the xref but changes the xref format to DITA Default Format. I can see that the See_Title_and_Page format included in the template uses the <$paratext> building block instead of <$elemtext>, but  I can't delete or modify this format and I can't create a new xref format, either, since the DITA  Cross-Reference dialog box doesn't give me those options.

However, if I create a new FM book and add this file to it, and then  select Edit > Update Book, and select All Cross-References, FM  updates the xref and maintains the xref format I chose.


So, why does updating a file remove the selected formats from all xrefs and replace them with DITA Default Format, while updating a book does what I'd expect (and what FM has always done)? And why can't I modify an xref format using the template/DITA 1.2 application that comes with FM10?


Thanks for any assistance.



EDD Context Rules for a parent element possible?


Hi all,


I understand the use of {first} when identifying the context of an element, such as:


If context is: {first}<Section


But what if I want to set whether Section is first inside its parent?


For instance, for this hierarchy:







I want to say that if <title> appears in the first <section> element within a <chapter>,  then apply a particular format.  Otherwise, apply a different format if <title> appears in a <section> that is not first within a <chapter>. -- i.e. a parent element context, if you will.


The syntax to do this is eluding me.  My EDD has a series of context rules for a <title>, including for when it appears within a <section>, like this:


Else, if context is: Section < Chapter
     If context is: <{first}<Chapter
        Use paragraph format: Heading1NoNewPage
        Use paragraph format: Heading1


Whatever syntax I try for the context rule above (that the section be first within the chapter), I get parsing errors or the rule is not read.  I've tried:

If context is: Section<Chapter{first}

If context is: <{first}<Chapter                   // invalid

If context is: Section{first}<Chapter          // applies only Heading1; never reads this

If context is: Section < {first} Chapter       // invalid


Any ideas if there is a syntax that allows you to set a context for  the parent element, and not just for the element in question?


Thanks for anyone's help on this.




Shelley Hoose

Rogue Wave Software

Senior Documentation Developer

blank pages not deleted


Greetings all,


Am working on a FM 7.2 structured document. The history of this file: a document that I deleted all the irrelvent content and then added the new content.


The setting for Pagination is Before Saving & Printing> Delete Empty Pages.


The content fills 56 pages and from then onwards to page 113 there are blank pages that I can't figure out how to delete.


(The computer is Windows XP Pro. SP3 )


Would greatly appreciate advice on how to deal with this issue.



S1000D Publish IETP not available


I am attempting to build an IETP from the sample S1000D bike data provided with TCS 4.  I have opened the S1000D bike sample Publication Module (PM) in Framemaker 11.  I followed  the help file instructions but have encountered a couple of issues.  First, when I attempted to set global applicability for the book, there are no applicability values available (see help file instructions below).


To implement applicability (Global) at a book level,

  1. When the book file is in focus, select S1000D > Common Source Data.The S1000D Common Source Data dialog appears.
  2. In the Common Source Data dialog, select the Applicability tab and then PCT.
  3. In the list of products, select the applicable product and click Apply.


I am beginning to think that the Book/PM is not properly set up with applicability values.


Second, the "Publish IETP" menu item is grayed out and not available.


Any ideas on what I am doing wrong?



Using code view adds an invalid attribute to fm-xref element


I've just upgraded from structured FM9 using DITA to structured FM11 using DITA1.1 based on the composite structured application. The project includes a number of XML files and they seemed to finally be validating correctly. Until I opened a file I had saved and found an invalid outputclass attribute in my fm-xref element. In fact, all of the fm-xref elements had this invalid attribute. Trying to discover where it came from, I opened up my backup files and checked the element, no outputclass attribute.  I switch to code view and back to WSYWIG view and there is now a value in the outputclass attribute.


It also seems that the attribute value that is added is actually the cross reference format (fm:Title_and_Page) rather than one of the accepted attributes (TopicTitle, See Figure, and so on). 


I've seen that there have been some other issues with code view. Has anyone else encountered this one or know of a fix for it?




Graphic elements in XML


Guys, I guess I'm kinda stupid or blind or both, but I got this trivial issue:


I try to roundtrip graphics from a simple EDD to XML and back.

So I got this pretty simple rules in EDD, DTD and RWR:



element (graphic): image

   attribute list

      1. Name: href          String          Optional

   Initial graphic element format

     1. In all contexts

           Insert anchored frame




<!ELEMENT image       EMPTY>

<!ATTLIST image      href       CDATA       #IMPLIED>



element "image"


          is fm graphic element;



          attribute "href" is fm property file;



I got a basic element as top level element defined to get the image placed...

So, what bothers me is, how the hell do I get the damn href attribute told, where the image reference is? The XML output places the image element without problems - but the ref is missing.


Pulling my hairs out on this one...


Cheers Alex

Creating Unique IDs for elements (non-DITA)...



I know there's a solution to this somehow via scripting - problem is, I have no clue so far about FM scripting

We're using the standard XML API for our structure and everything works out fine, except one thing that we stumbled over.

When creating a TOC in FM11 based on XML files within a book, we're receiving good results (pages are referenced correctly). As long as it doesn't come down to jump marks.

FM11 doesn't create the correct jump marks for the TOC entries. After an analysis, this is because the unique IDs for the referenced elements are non-existant (they're required and declared as UniqueID in the DTD and EDD, but not set automatically). Therefor FM11 points his jump marks towards the nearest element with an unique ID.

This behavior points me to two questions:

1. can I get FM11 to create unique IDs upon creation of the TOC (same way it creates the IDs when using XRef)? or

2. what can I do to get FM11 to create unique IDs automatically on insertion of an element, that requires an ID?




Cheers Gorly

Structured FrameMaker11 Unstable (multiple crashes).


Can anyone who has dealth with structured documents using external DTDs/Schemas tell me if they've had this similar problem? Our whole department just recently got FrameMaker11, and uninstalled our FrameMaker10s. Using the computers and the same DTDs we're experiencing crashes ... frequently. Is there something we're doing or not doing? Appreciate the help.

FrameMaker 11: Internal Error 11004, 17075188, 14420806, 14421392


To whom it may concern,


Recently I keep having a problem with FrameMaker 11 and the application would crush and close. The error message I got is like this:  error message.PNG

Here is the txt file FrameMaker generated: txt file1.PNGtxt file2.PNG


I searched in your website and could not find an answer. Please help me solving this problem,


Thank you so much,



Font management issue


My office recently upgraded to FrameMaker 11 in a Windows 7 environment. We previously used FrameMaker 8 | Windows XP.

We are in the process of replacing the following fonts:


Zapf Dingbats


With the following:

Courier New

ITC Zapf Dingbats Std Medium


I am having problems with Zapf Dingbats being replaced with ITC Zapf Dingbats Std Medium. I have used the fonts pod to update these fonts for all of the appropriate FrameMaker files.


We use an automated process to create the FrameMaker files. The process involves importing XML feeds into Structured FrameMaker 11 using an automated process. After the XML has been imported, it is fully formatted in FrameMaker 11. After I select the xml file to import and the automated process is about to import the xml file into FrameMaker 11, the FrameMaker console is displaying this message:

The “Zapfdingbats” font is not available.

It will be replaced by “AdobePiStd”.

The “Zapfdingbats” font is not available.

It will be replaced by “AdobePiStd”.

The “Courier” font is not available.

It will be replaced by “Courier New”.


When I view the fonts in this newly created FrameMaker 11 file in the font pod, the “AdobePiStd” font is displayed as part of the fonts in this file. I did update the Zapf Dingbats occurrences in the FrameMaker template to ITC Zapf Dingbats Std Medium and I updated all of the other systems files as well. I did update the FrameMaker Edd.


I looked at the maker.ini file and I noticed the following code:

; Font Entries Added in Frame 8 due to Font Set Changes

Zapfdingbats, *,*= Adobe Pi Std,*,*


In the automated process that I am using, when the xml feed is about to be imported is this line of code causing FrameMaker 11 to override the font changes that I made to all of the FrameMaker 11 files? Should I change this line of code to this in order to fix the problem:

Zapfdingbats, *,*= ITC Zapf Dingbats Std,*,*


Any help that you can give me will be appreciated.

Topichead does not convert properly when ditamap saved as book and hierarchy not maintained


I'm new to DITA and piloting some documents in FrameMaker 12, trying to get the output that I need.


I have created a ditamap with a structure as follows:


Map title

- Concept A

- Topichead

   - Task A

   - Task B

- Concept B

  - Task C

   - Task D


I would like this to ouptut a PDF with TOC and bookmarks as follows:


Map title => book title

- Concept A => Chapter 1

- Topichead => Chapter 2

   - Task A => Chapter 2.1

   - Task B => Chapter 2.2

- Concept B => Chapter 3

  - Task C => Chapter 3.1

  - Task D => Chapter 3.2


To do this I save the ditamap as a "Book 12.0 with fm components (*.book)" and set the Bookmark levels in the PDF Setup as follows:









However, the output systematically comes out wrong because the Topichead element, which is just a title and is not attached to any topic, is not taken into account as a hierarchical element in the output. It generates an empty fm document containing just the topichead title, output as a ChapterTitle or Title depending on whether I set its toc attribute to yes. But the TOC is all wrong - instead of taking Task A and Task B as children of Chapter 2 it puts them all at level 1 so I get:


- Concept A => Chapter 1

- Topichead => ignored

   - Task A => Chapter 2

   - Task B => Chapter 3

- Concept B => Chapter 4

  - Task C => Chapter 4.1

  - Task D => Chapter 4.2



If I output using the bog-standard DITA-OT instead of fancy and expensive FrameMaker, everything comes out correctly.


Is there any way to correct this?





How can I add an mp4 to a DITA topic?



I'm new to structured FrameMaker and to DITA. I'm using TCS5.


I'm having to compile a set of training materials that include video tutorials generated out of Captivate. I'm thinking I might have a ditamap of the text tutorial with all its concepts and tasks as topics, and then a separate topic at the end with the video, to which the others could link. I'd prefer to use the mp4 format rather than the outdated swf.


I've found how to do this by saving the ditamap as a Frame book with composite fm files. Of course I can just import the mp4 into the corresponding fm file. But this import is then not reflected or present in the pure dita topic and that makes exchangeability and re-use problematic. Ideally I would like to be able to do everything in pure dita without having to pass through fm files, much harder to maintain.


I've seen there is an "object" element in DITA which can be used to include video streaming, but I can't for the life of me find intelligible instructions on how to use it. The mp4 files would be in a folder of a local directory, or eventually in a sub-folder of our company web-site host.


Many thanks to anyone who can help.



Cambridge Imaging Systems

How to modify the color of an "xref" element existing as a cross-reference?


How to modify the color of an "xref" element existing as a cross-reference? It's color now is black, but I want it blue. Excerpts from the EDD file are as follows. Can someone help? Thanks in advance. You can also give me your skype if you have the answer.



Element (CrossReference): xref

Attribute list

Name: show Choice Optional

Choices: new, replace, automatic

Default: automatic

Name: ref-text String Optional

Name: ref-external-id String Optional

Name: ref-file String Optional

Name: ref-id String Optional

Name: window-number Choice Optional

Choices: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Default: 1

Name: condition String Optional

Name: condition-model String Optional

Name: property String Optional

Name: revision Choice Optional

Choices: changed, added, deleted, off

Name: anchor-id String Optional

Name: msg-info String Optional

Initial cross-reference format

If context is: * < (list-steps | block)

Use cross-reference format: number


Use cross-reference format: number-and-text

DITA specialization - domain specialization




I'm trying to create some special elements with DITA domain specialization in Adobe FrameMaker 10. I tried first with "codetable". It's derived from "simpletable", and can be inserted directly after "cmd" in task topics. I followed instructions in http://help.adobe.com/en_US/FrameMaker/10.0/DITA/framemaker_10_dita_integration.pdf. Everything goes well with the specialization. After the EDD, r/w rule, and template files are created, I modified elements "step" and "substep" in EDD to the following and import the EDD to the template:


General rule:(note | hazardstatement)*, cmd, (codetable | choices | choicetable | info | itemgroup | stepxmp | substeps | tutorialinfo)*, (stepresult)?


Then I create a new task (with structured app properly set), insert step, cmd, codetable. Everything is fine until I save the file. It prompts:


Image 4.png

It seems that my changes are not adopted by the content model. Anything I was missing during the process. Could anyone please help? Thanks!




Rebecca Lai


[Moved to FM Structured forum by moderator]

I cannot update my re-installed FM 11 on my new computer


My computer was just updated. I now have Win 7 on a 64 bit system. Tech. Comm. Suite 4 was installed on it. My apps run fine, but I cannot update FM11. When I use the Product Updates from the splash screen, the extracted .exe file opens a blank dialog and does nothing. When I use Help > Updates, the Application Manager runs until I finally use Task Manager to shut it off, usually after 10 minutes. My co-workers computer updates in next-to-no-time.

On a side-note, I now cannot generate a book with FM components from a ditamap. It generates the files, but the TOC and Index are empty, and it won't create the book file.


using reltables - creating links to the same type of topics


I have created my relationship table with the three columns (concept, reference and task) and everything works fine. Now what do I need to do in my table if I want to link a *reference* topic to another *reference* topic? I have tried to put the two reference topics in the same cell, but it doesn't work.


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