Channel: Adobe Community : Popular Discussions - FrameMaker Structured
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FM11 creates blank pages on refresh book


Hi guys,

I'm struggling here with some very strange behavior of FM11.

I've got a book (unstructured) with multiple FM binaries (structured).

The first book component is the front cover with some inlay pages including a self generated TOC (out of cross references to the start and end pages).

This book needs to be printed and contains 48 pages total, including the cover as the first and last book component.

Now the first component contains 3 pages and a double sided layout using several self defined master pages (I know there's an issue with deleting surplus pages with no left/right MP).

But that's not exactly my problem.

The problem arises when I try to refresh the book. There's a blank page being created in the first book component, which I got rid of in the first place.

That wouldn't be much of a problem since I can delete that page manually (and it keeps being deleted if I don't refresh anything).

But the real issue is, that the references are updated AFTERWARDS, meaning all page references within the book are one page ahead.

This is unacceptable, as it spans all references in the whole document, which are wrong due to this.


Is there any way I can get FM to not create this surplus blank page?

I'm tight on schedule and cleaning up the mess my boss left me behind with this document,, so quick answers are really appreciated.



How can I set the position of my graphics?


In Frame10, I am converting my unstructured documents to structured. I found Russ's sample conversion and EDD files (Resources/downloads - West Street Consulting), and I'm customizing those with great success so far. (Thanks, Russ!)


When I convert and apply my EDD, an extra paragraph is inserted to contain my anchored frame and marker. I don't want the extra paragraph. I have tried with and without the (promote) qualifier, both add the extra paragraph, but the promote sticks it in a Body paragraph with no formatting.


In Russ's original EDD, there was a GraphicSpacer inserted for every Figure. I removed this, as I thought it was adding the extra paragraph. Alas, still getting the paragrapg insert,


Here's my EDD spec (which of course is copied from Russ's):


Element (Container): Figure

General Rule: Graphic+ (Caption |CaptionNumbered)?

Automatic Insertions

Automatically insert child: Graphic



Element (Graphic): Graphic

Initial graphic element format

1. In all contexts.

Insert imported graphic file.


And this is how it looks

structured graphic.jpg

And this is how it should look


Thank you!


FrameMaker 10 - Is there a way to search for broken structure in a book?


Is there a way to search in FrameMaker 10 for broken (ie: red + symbols or red boxes) structure in a book?

It seem like the only way to find broken structure is by viewing the structure tree of each document.

I would like to be able to search for broken structure, using some kind of search parameter in the book.

Is that possible?


Word Wrap Lost When Switching Between XML and Author Views


I compose DITA topics in the XML view with the word wrap option selected. If I switch to the Author view to check something and then return to the XML view, my nicely formatted XML view with all the happy element-nesting tabs goes away. I wind up with an ugly chunk of flush-left code and text that's difficult to read. Is there a reason why FM can't remember the tabs and word wrap when I return to the XML view?


I'm relatively new to using FM's structured side for DITA, so perhaps I'm missing the obvious solution to this problem. If you know the answer, I'd appreciate if you'd clue me in.



FrameMaker - Good choice for building database driven website?


I am moving toward data heavy websites (the more data the better) and wondering if FM 12 will work for creating the database and the site. Obviously I am new to FM but I have been reading the help files and various white papers but there is not much info on this so I am wondering if my assumption is incorrect. Can I create interactive forms in FM? Webpages that run from a database created in FM? Will web pages created in FM be bulky with extra unnecessary code or will they be lean? I have read about FM being able to export in HTML5 but I wonder what the actual quality and functionality of the resulting pages/website/mobile site. Your opinions are welcome.

Roundtripping Frame Table Cell Properties


Hi all,


We have a requirement for some custom table ruling, and, as we all know, this is not supported natively by structured Frame. We don't need to enforce it via the EDD, but just need to be able to apply it and have it persist in the XML somewhere.


So I read a useful post here (Re: Control table row or cell formatting via EDD context rules?) where Lynne  P. provided info on table properties now supported in Frame 11 and 12, and we have tried to implement this.


We are working in Frame 11 using a modified Docbook XML DTD, and we work only in XML, i.e. we never same the documents as Frame binaries.


Here's what we did:


1. In our DTD, we added these attributes based on the list of custom ruling properties from the Frame 12 Dev Ref Guide:

        use-bottom-rule-override          CDATA                 #IMPLIED

        bottom-rule-override                 CDATA                 #IMPLIED

        use-top-rule-override                CDATA                 #IMPLIED

        top-rule-override                       CDATA                 #IMPLIED

        use-left-rule-override                CDATA                 #IMPLIED

        left-rule-override                       CDATA                 #IMPLIED

        use-right-rule-override             CDATA                 #IMPLIED

        right-rule-override                    CDATA                 #IMPLIED

2. In the EDD, we added these pairs of attributes on our <entry> element (representing a table cell):









All attributes are optional. Each of the "Use....Override" attributes have a possible value of "0" or "1" to act as a switch for true/false. Each of the other attributes have possible values based on Frame's style of the custom ruling as defined in the Table Designer, in this case, "None, Double, Medium, Thick, Thin, Very Thin".


3. In our rules, we added these attributes to the <entry> element, like so:

element "entry"


  is fm table cell element "Entry";

  attribute "UseBottomRulingOverride" is fm property use bottom ruling override;

  attribute "BottomRulingOverride" is fm property bottom ruling override;

  attribute "UseTopRulingOverride" is fm property use top ruling override;

  attribute "TopRulingOverride" is fm property top ruling override;

  attribute "UseLeftRulingOverride" is fm property use left ruling override;

  attribute "LeftRulingOverride" is fm property left ruling override;

  attribute "UseRightRulingOverride" is fm property use right ruling override;

  attribute "RightRulingOverride" is fm property right ruling override;


We also mapped the Frame attributes above to the XML attributes in the DTD, i.e. for example:

attribute "use-bottom-rule-override" is fm attribute "UseBottomRulingOverride";



Here's the result:

It seems that everything is "working", meaning that Frame is recognizing the attributes and is not throwing any parsing errors, however:


I create a new table, then:

1. In a cell (entry element), I set any of the "use...." true/false attributes to "1".  Then I set the other one in the pair to some supported value, such as "Thick".  No visual change occurs.  I close the file, re-open it, and the values are still set, but no custom ruling occurs.

2. I set some custom rules using only the Custom Ruling and Shading dialog. I have the XML open in a text editor, so look at it and Frame has set the relevant values to the appropriate attributes, i.e. the "use..." are now "1" and the matching pair is whatever I choose, for instance, "Medium".  When I save, close and reopen, some of the custom ruling is retained -- inside borders but never outside borders.  Also, never the ruling between the heading row and a regular body row -- yet the attribute values are retained.


So, while Frame allows me to set the attributes explicitly and retains them in the XML, any custom ruling set via attributes and not the dialog is not retained.


Thoughts, anyone?





Shelley Hoose

Sr Doc Developer, Rogue Wave Software

How to rotate an A4 page without rotating the contents?


I have a fat table to build, so the traditional A4 size page doesn't fit any more, I want a "fat" page, but only one page.

FDK 7.2 : FA_Note_Dialog Notification Problem


I am developping a tool with FDK 7.2 and Sourcerer plugIn.

In this tool, i need to launch some scripts when a notification is done.

This notification is FA_Note_Dialog and is registred like this in F_ApiInitialize(...) :
F_ApiNotification(FA_Note_Dialog, True);

In fapidefs.h, it is written for FA_Note_Dialog "/* NB experimental interfaces */"

In my understanding, every time that FA_Note_Dialog is launched, it will be notified.

All others notifications are well notified (I have made some debugging F_Printf), but this one is not always notified.

It seems that fm keeps in memory notification.

Sourcerer can bad notified or this is experimental so it is bugged or ... i'm crazy.

Do you know how to solve this problem?


Highlight text in FrameMaker.

I want to highlight text in FrameMaker.or add shadow for the text.How can I deal with it?

Table: Validation error for TableTitle - "More contents required at end"

Validating table - error message:
Why do I keep getting the error message, "More contents required at end" for the TableTitle element?
(FYI: I'm following Scriptorium's FM 201 tutorial < http://wiki.scriptorium.com/tiki-index.php?page=Inserting+table+elements>)

Unable to print to PDF Oversize pages from FrameMaker 9.0 and 7.2


Hi All,


I am trying to print to PDF a publication that is full of oversize wiring diagrams. The pages are all images ranging in size from standard A3 and A4 siz sheets through to a foldout being 1470 mm W X 297 mm H. We have no problem printing A3, A4 and 630 mm W X 297 H. These are all Portrait images. When we set up our custom print size to accomodate the 1470 mm W X 297 mm H we get the pages without the content, and even some of the oversize pages are not the correct size on print.


The page sizes we are using are:

  • A4
  • A3
  • 630 x 297 mm
  • 840 x 297 mm
  • 1050 x 297 mm
  • 1260 x 297 mm
  • 1470 x 297 mm

The procedures we are using to set up the printing are:


1.      Print to PDF (Do not Save to PDF, you do not have control over paper sizes)

Under Print Setup make sure you select PDF Driver and select the Paper size as largest that is in your book.  Example: If A4 and A3 pages, print to A3

2.      Select Generate Acrobat Data and select



Note: Back in FM Print dialogue; make sure Print to File is turned OFF, before you click Print

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.




AJ Wilkinson




MIL-STD 40051C - where to begin


Hi everyone...I am fairly new to structured framemaker and spent the last week reading every piece of information I could on the subject.


I've been given the task here at work of taking some unstructured framemaker documents and structure them using MIL-STD 40051C as a guide.


If someone could please give me some help on this....I don't even know where to begin. Information overload. I have a DTD provided to me, as well as a folder containing XSL stylesheets for what seems like nearly every tag and a boilerplate folder.


Some of the links for my source material can be found here:






So far I have imported the DTD to framemaker and saved as an EDD. Everything seems to be fine there. As far as the next step, I really have no idea.


I presume that if I wanted to build, lets say, a cover page...I would refer to the standard and build a page using the tags described.


I have given this a try and all I get is a tree structure with no formatting. How am I supposed to link to a stylesheet in Framemaker? What's more...there are about 50 styles in the folder I was provided so how do I know which one I am supposed to refer to?


Basically this is a huge scope of an effort that I am just getting my feet wet in, so if someone who is familiar can PLEASE give me some initial guidance it would be sincerely appreciated. I can't even find any documentation for this stuff on the web so this is my only hope.


Thanks very much


- Doug

Book file has issues -


We are reviving an old DTD and check-in and -out system for use in a new Structured project document. (don't ask...). 

Writers delivered everything in a single XML file, which the -check-in and -out system converts into a FrameMaker SGM file (was originally done in FramewMaker 7. I'm working in 10).


Old documents in the set show that FrameMaker used individual files for each chapter, which were then built into a single Book file, where TOC was done. The name of each individual chapter is used to get the running header. So I divided the master file into individual files, which I am able to print out using Save as PDF... Have now put all chapters into a single book, named it by saving,  and am attempting to process.


1. The book does not print using either Save as PDF or Print Book. The Log includes this statement: "Couldn't open [Book path and name]. Book Error Report.

2. Cannot insert a TOC into book. I can open Add>>Table of Contents, select the desired paragraph styles, go to the Update Book dialog, and select Generate.


All books are rejected, with the individual error messages: Could not open [filename], because it uses unavailable fonts.


There are no unavailable fonts in any of these files, so far as I can tell.


Anyone got any ideas as to what is going on?



Changing Backslash to Front Slash In Conref Paths


I have quite a few conrefs within my existing content, primarily used for branding purposes. Recently we changed publishing platforms and now run this process on a Linux system. Content authoring continues to take place on Windows using Frame. When creating a conref, the path information in the conref attribute uses Windows-style backslashes. This casues problems in Linuc, of course, which requires forward slashes. My question is this: Is there a way to configure Frame to use forward slashes in conref paths when added to content?



Level rules for nested codeblocks


I am trying to modify the level rules to apply indentation to codeblock elements, which I have allowed for nesting so we can create good code samples.


I have my level rules set up like this, but everything is still flush with the left margin when I am authoring:


Text format rules

If level is: 1

Basic properties


First indent: 0

Else, if level is: 2

Basic properties


Move first indent by: +0.5”

Else, if level is: 3

Basic properties


Move first indent by: +0.10”

Else, if level is: 4

Basic properties


Move first indent by: +0.15”


Anyone who's done this more often than me have any ideas? I have tried with both a FirstIndent, FirstIndentChange, LeftIndent, and LeftIndent change and whenever I apply the element definitions to my topic it still does not work.

Table Problems (Cell Shading and Default Format from EDD and Template)


I have two problems related to tables using Structured FrameMaker (Version 10), whilst in-processing XML.


I've designed two different table formats in my Template; Format A with black shading - 30% for THead and 3% for row, and Format B with blue shading - 30% for THead and 3% for row.


If I create a structured document from scratch and insert a table, I get the required Black (30%) and Black (3%) shading.   If I then insert an informaltable, I get the required Blue (30%) and Blue (3%) shading.


Although I've given the two table types different default formats in the EDD - Format A for table and Format B for informaltable - when I open the XML file (normally) from within FrameMaker I notice that all the tables default to Format A (black shading).   When I then import my EDD table should stay as Format A and informaltable should change to Format I.   This doesn't happen; they all stay at Format A.


I can change informaltable by manually applying Format I, this worksI.  Obviously, with long documents which might have hundreds of tables we can't afford the time and manpower to do such things one at a time by hand.


Do any of the Structure gurus have a fix for this, or can someone give me a hint of what I might be doing wrong?


The second, but related question was a general one.   I see that Adobe says




FrameMaker table formats are only partially integrated with the structure model. The content of

a FrameMaker table is always fully structured, but the control over cell border ruling is limited and

there is no structure format control over cell shading."


I believe it could be useful to apply cell shading on an individual cell basis (although I'm not sure whether this is possible at the XML level - where someboddy might give an element an attribute of, say, shading (with options, such as, green, red, blue, yellow all at, say, 30%, with a default of red, for example.


I've seen that there has been mention of plugins to achieve cell shading in structure; does anyone have an experience with such things, more to the point, can anyone point me in the right direction?   I don't mind paying fo a solution which I can implement myself.


Any help or advice would be much appreciated.





Font style issues in DITA




I am working on DITA topics, I have defined bodytext paragraph tag font as regular in the template. But i need some words/sentence as bold and italics. If i change a word/sentence as bold, when i close it and reopen the file i am seeing regular font again.


Could some one help on this issue.




FrameMaker 11 and Windows 8.1 - Compatible?


I am a relative newcomer and am not sure if this question belongs here.  If not, please let me know.


I am about to upgrade to Windows 8.1 (won't go into why) and of course I need to make sure FrameMaker 11 works there.  Does it?


Thanks ALOT in advance.



Switching off validation when reading XML

Is it possible to switch off the validation of an XML file when opening it in FrameMaker?

I removed the public and system identifier from the Doctype declaration in the file (tried also removing the whole doctype declaration too) - and removed any reference to the DTD in the structured application definition. But when opening such an XML file, FrameMaker always displays a message dialog saying "Unable to validate because no DTD or Schema was specified in the XML file. Continue reading the file?". Is it possible to suppress this warning - I don't want it?

Thanks for any suggestions.

FrameMaker and S1000D


I'm currently using FM 9 and a iSpec2200 plug-in (I'm not a developer....just a tech-writer) to author aircraft Component Maintenance Manuals (CMMs).  The plugin is very protective about customizing, so much so I'm pretty much stuck with using it for just authoring CMMs.  I have a need to author other types of documents and from what I've read about S1000D, I think an S1000D plug-in just might be the ticket.  I did query the Adobe forums for S1000D and got very few hits that involved FM.  None that were in 2010.  This is concerning to me.  Should I be concerned...what's the scoop on FM and S1000D?

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