Channel: Adobe Community : Popular Discussions - FrameMaker Structured
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Nested tables


Hi all,

there is some Information in the Framemaker help how to nest tables in structured documents but I simply don't understand how to implemend this. This is a DITA document and I know that nesting tables is very bad style. However it is a requirement and after all DITA does support it.


In unstructured documents we used anchored Frames in table cells. The approach for structured documents seems similar:

"Select a graphic element for empty anchored frames in the Element Catalog, and click New Frame"


I wonder how I can accomplish this. In the EDD I would have to set up an element (perhaps a dedicated paragraph class) to insert an anchored Frame in which then the table is inserted.


Has anybody succeeded in using nested tables in structured documents with Framemaker?



Conrefs in xml files disappear in generated book file


I'm using FM 8 in Tech Comm Suite 1 in a Windows XP environment.


I've used a conref in a number of my topics. The conref is a note tag. I have just generated a book file and the conrefs are not displaying in my chapter files.  Why?



Windows 7 & FrameMaker




We would be upgrading to Windows 7 soon. I would like to know if my existing application (export client) would work on the following versions of FM  when I upgarde to Win 7?


Win 7 + FrameMaker 7.1?

Win 7 + FrameMaker 7.2?

Win 7 + FrameMaker 8.0?

Win 7 + FrameMaker 9.0?



To make the first page of the file as hyperlink using framemaker API


How can I make the first page of the file as a hyperlink using framemaker API ?

This should make the entire page as clickable  to open the link on creation of pdf .



Asha Rayakar

Save book as xml


Hi all,

here is a strange(?) behaviour of FM8:

If a book

is saved as XML, the behaviour is

In FM7.x:

The book

file is saved in several xml files - one for each component (which is correct).

The .fm and backup.fm files remain untouched (which is correct).


In FM8:

The book

file is saved in several xml files - one for each component (which is correct and the same as above).

The .fm and backup.fm files are saved in addition and moreover: .fm and backup.fm are identical (same timestamp, same content, same ...).


This is very dangerous especially if some components have been modified during the session (for example delete hidden text). Then the original file is totally lost.

In addition this is valid for the commands "save as" (with xml as fileextension), for "save as xml" and for "saveas xml" command in the DLL. And equivalent for HTML and SGML.

Is this behaviour already known?

Are there any ideas for a workaround?

Are there any possibilites to adapt FM to suppress the saving as .fm?

Thanks for help


Importing SVG images into DITA topics / controlling the size


Hi Framers,


I'm currently evaluating DITA using FM9 p250 and the DITA FMx plugin. If we should adopt DITA, we'd need a replacement for the vector graphics formats we currently use. I'm considering SVG because of the roundtrip options. We could use Illustrator or Visio to create them. I created some sample files and imported them into a DITA topic but I can't seem to control the display size.


When I use File - Import - File, the size settings in the import dialog seem to have no effect. I can then scale the image via the object properties, but I'm losing these changes when the topic is closed.


I believe that someone reported a problem with SVG and FM 8 in this forum. Is this behavior a known bug, even in FM 9, or am I doing something wrong during the import?


Are there any DITA attributes I could set to control the size?


Thanks for any help



You gotta love error messages!


You've got to love error messages and the people who put them together. On the one hand they can be useful and tell you (or at least guide you in the right direction to) the problem so you know not to do it again; on the other hand they're plain mystifying.


I'm working in WinXP with structured FM7.2. What does 'unexpected purge 4000' mean? I received this message while working in a table, however it didn't result in me losing any work (which is good). It's as mystifying to me as 'A Type 11 error has occured' (yes, I used to work with Macs).


Advice appreciated.





Tables within Structure Documents... Lots of Questions


Hi Everyone,


Glad to see some other FrameMaker users out there, as I've been feeling on a bit lonesome lately on my new position.


A bit of background... I was recently hired as a contractor to help a company maintain and re-do some FrameMaker documentation in a Structured environment. Big manuals, many 300+ pages, full of diagrams, tables, etc. I am the only FrameMaker user here, having previously been experienced with unstructured FrameMaker, but not with structured...


One of my primary tasks is to convert old unstructured framemaker documents, as well as non-framemaker documents (interleaf) into Structured Framemaker. A previous contractor made an attempt at setting up some Master EDD docs as well as Master Style templates, which do work for new documents, but I'm not convinced that they are really set up correctly for the main task of being a recepticle for converting these other docs.


So, here's a few questions I have:


1. Is my thought correct that if the main goal is to convert into Structured Frame, then the main templates and EDD may possibly need some extra elements and hierarchy that is specifically there to help be able to make the conversion to Structured more automatable via conversion tables?


2. A big difficulty I am having is with Tables. I can't seem to quite grasp the best or correct way to do tables within the Structured format. Should there be one element that is called "Table" that works for all tables, and then this is wrapped in something to identify the formatting for a specific type of table? Or should each type of table be it's own independent element? Or is there no choice on this?  I can't tell if there are standard pre-defined table elements that I shouldn't be messing with, or whether these need to be defined by me?


3. For example, the previous person who set up the EDD (or modified some other EDD, to be more precise), has different names for the standard table elements. For example, instead of what I presume are the standard TITLE, HEADING, BODY, FOOTING, ROW, CELL, there are elements called THead, Tbody, Tfoot, Trow, Tentry, and one called TGroup that is not a standard table part. Is this good practice to have these be different? Or is this just creating an extra layer of confusion?   I can't seem to be able to use the conversion table to get this stuff to heirarch these correctly, but I don't know if it is somehow because of the different names, and I should be referencing these table elements somehow differently.



Well, as you can see, I am a bit lost.  Any thoughts, words of wisdom, or examples of good ways to do things would be appreciated.







where to find the trial version of FM9?




I would like to know where I can download the trial version of FM9 - it doesn't seem available from the Adobe site.

Also, if a trial version is installed and uninstalled, then it can no longer be re-installed a second time. The system says the trial period has expired. Can you help?


Rowsep and Colsep attributes to for Cells and Rows


I have been having trouble getting table cell borders to display. I have successfuly used the frame and rules attributes on the table element, but those are kind of an all-or-nothing property. I want to be able to control the cell borders on a per-cell basis.  I have read that rowsep and colsep can be used as cell and row attributes, but I haven't been able to get them to actually affect my FrameMaker doc.


I am working in FM10. I am using a modified version of the XHTML app.


I have tried adding the rowsep and colsep attributes to the rules file for td and tr. I have also tried adding the colsep and rowsep attributes to the DTD under the TD element and the TR element.  None of these seems to work.


This is the resulting appearance I am trying to create.


Does anyone have any suggestions about what to try.



Can't save ]]> in document text to XML


Dear colleagues,


I am currently evaluating a Save-as-XML problem with FrameMaker 9.0p255. The content of the document shows some XML examples which contains CDATA sections, like


<environment>  <var name="service"><![CDATA[Inhalt]]></var></environment>


Reminder: This is in the text of the FrameMaker document.


When I save as XML, the XML parser complains: »Error at line 140, char 77, Message: The sequence ']]>' is not allowed in character data«


When I open the XML file in a XML editor I see that all < are correctly escaped as &lt; and all > are left as is. The built-in Xerxes parser also reports: »The character sequence "]]>" must not appear in content unless used to mark the end of a CDATA section.«

And the XML Recommendation says:

The right angle bracket (>) may be represented using the string " &gt; ", and must, for compatibility, be escaped using either " &gt; " or a character reference when it appears in the string "]]> " in content, when that string is not marking the end of a CDATA section.


It seems to me FrameMaker should either write all > as &gt; to avoid the possibility that it might be used after ]].


Can you reproduce this issue (I can using the UserGuide structured application, by just putting ]]> in any element)?


Have you found a way to workaround this, maybe with a special R/W rule?




- Michael

Looking for documentation about conversion table syntax


I'm looking for a guide explaining all the operators that may be used in the Wrap this object or objects column of a conversion table. Can someone please point me in the right direction?



FrameMaker 10 not allowing track text edits when ditamap is open


I am new to structured FrameMaker (and FM as well).  I have been editing my colleague's DITA XML files in FrameMaker 10.  I

typically open a variables.xml file first, then I open the individual xml files to edit, using the Track Text Edits feature.  Now, I opened the ditamap for these files (for the first time).  Then I clicked one of the xml files in the ditamap to edit, and the Track Text Edits looks like it's analyzing the ditamap file for several minutes, then displays this message:  "Finished Enable Track Text Edit in Map."  It will not let me select the xml file to edit.  It works fine as long as I don't open the ditamap.  Does anyone know why?



Error # 10024, 5989862, 5990284, 4795407


Hi all,


today i try to open my saved *fm document but framemaker crashes all the time. The *.backup.fm also the same, *.recover.fm does not exist!


I need help as soon as possible!

How can I resolve the following postscript error: [ Error: undefined; OffendingCommand: ct_T3HdrDict


I know the error is caused by using a character definition that uses the Courier font (indicating 'user input' in a technical documentation document). FM indicates that Courier is an available font.

XSLT to convert XML into Tables




I'm trying to import my XML data into a table format. After adding an XSL file to my Structure Application as a Preprocessing Stylesheet, and importing my XML instance file with the Template file opened, the "Unknown File Type" error window appeared asking for a file format to Convert From. Picking any one doesn't create a table.


The XSL file tranforms the XML data into an HTML file that has a table with columns corresponding to the XML data. I was thinking using that type of XSL because it renders tables.


Below is the XSL markup:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">


<xsl:template match="/">




    <table border="1">

      <tr bgcolor="#9acd32">





      <xsl:for-each select="Products/Product">


        <td><xsl:value-of select="Title"/></td>

        <td><xsl:value-of select="Number"/></td>

        <td><xsl:value-of select="Date"/></td>









Title, Number, and Date are child elements of the Product element, which is a child element of the Products root element in my XML file.


Am I applying the stylesheet correctly here? Am I using the write kind of stylesheet?




Best way to upgrade an old EDD


Hello All


I have a DITA EDD that dates back to FM7 and is therefore based on DITA 1.1 (or maybe DITA 1.0!). It allows creation of composite document made up of concepts,references, tasks, and topics, and also contains lots of formatting information and so on.


Now that I am using FrameMaker 11, I'm thinking about upgrading this EDD to accommodate the DITA 1.2 Technical Content structures. I've been doing some reading about DITA 1.2 DTDs and EDDs, and understand the modularity that is involved.


So my question is: What is the best way to upgrade this EDD so that the new structures are included, without losing my formatting information? Do I need to copy/paste format rules, etc. into a new EDD, or can I somehow import the DITA 1.2 structures into my old EDD? (Or does my question betray some basic ignorance on my part?)


Thanks for your help.


Roger Shuttleworth

London, Canada

FDK - Change highest level element (NoName) to get a new FM Book valid


Hi everyone,


Using the FDK I have saved a DITAMAP (referencing several concept files) as a Book with FM components and the resulting book is invalid with the highest level element of NoName.

If I select the NoName element in FrameMaker's structure view, then select concept within the element catalog and click the Change button my book is now valid after an Update Book.


Is there a way using the FDK to achieve a valid book after the save operation?

Using the FDK I am outlining a means of selecting all elements in the book, wrapping everything in a concept element, then selecting the NoName element and unwrapping it. To me this option feels like I am correcting structure as a result of not previously defining the structure of the saved book.


The newly created book file already has element definitions for concept without importing.

Could this be a case of some way specifying a template to be used during the save?


If I can provide any further details please don't hesitate to ask.

Any input at all would be much appreciated.

FM 11 XML View corrupts DITA source files


This behavior is observed in DITA on FrameMaker on Windows 7.


If I am editing a file that contains the <codeblock> element, make any change to that file in the XML View, and then save the file, FrameMaker adds 4 tab characters to the beginning of every line in the file and also deletes any leading spaces that exist inside <codeblock>. In effect, it is saving pretty printing from the XML View, corrupting my DITA source in the process. It does not matter whether I make the save in the XML View or return to WYSWIG View before doing so.


If the file does not contain a specialization of <pre>, no corruption occurs (evidenced by no proliferation of tab characters).


Please tell me I have missed a setting that would eliminate this problem.

Do I need a seperate XML editor to edit FrameMaker DITA generated files?


I am familiar with FrameMaker. However, I have never used structured FrameMaker or DITA. I am just starting a new project and need to make recommendations.

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