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"page wide" table attribute, where is it set?


The standard (example) dita topic r/w rules for table elements include:


attribute "pgwide" is fm property page wide;


Does FM have such a property for tables?  It's certainly documented in the struct dev guide and ref, but I don't know what it correlates to.


I would like to use this to set the pgwide attribute in my dita sources.  The only work-around I've found is to change the rule to:


attribute "pgwide" is fm attribute;


add the pgwide attribute to table in the edd, and set it.  It's a no-op as far as FM is concerned, but is at least preserved on reading and writing.  Without changing the r/w rule, FM appears to throw my value away.


I'd like to think there's a better way, and it at least looks like there's intent.




How to insert special character in sgm file and interprete it without isoents while opening in FM9.0


I have an sgm file which contains special characters in different languages.


Polish characters: &oacute;&ecirc;&iquest;&ntilde;&aelig;&Ntilde;&AElig;&Ecirc;&yen;&Oacute;&pound;
Czech characters: &eacute;&igrave;&oacute;&iuml;&aacute;&oslash;&egrave;&iacute;&ugrave;&ograve;&uacute;&Og rave;&Igrave;&Eacute;&Oacute;&Uacute;&Ugrave;&Egrave;&Oslash;&Iacute;&Aacute;&Iuml; aacute: &aacute;</TITEL>


Is there any way to insert special character directly in sgm file, so that it won't have to be interpreted by isoents mapping rules?


isoent.rwr interpretes oacute as:

entity "oacute" is fm char 0x00F3;


But I would like to use 0x00F3 directly in fm file, so that if any additional character is needed - I won't have to update isoent files


I've tested already:





but with no luck


Is there anyone who could help me with it?

I will really appreciate your help



How do you make XML tags display differenty than content?


I am using Structured FM for the first time (prior experience is Epic Editor) and I am using it with SiberSafe.  I cannot locate anywhere in Help or on the toolbar a feature that enables me to "turn on/off" tags from displaying.  What I see is all text, with no font/color differentiation for the tags.  Does FM 9 enable users to do this?  And if so, how do I do this?  Thanks!!

Can't save ]]> in document text to XML


Dear colleagues,


I am currently evaluating a Save-as-XML problem with FrameMaker 9.0p255. The content of the document shows some XML examples which contains CDATA sections, like


<environment>  <var name="service"><![CDATA[Inhalt]]></var></environment>


Reminder: This is in the text of the FrameMaker document.


When I save as XML, the XML parser complains: »Error at line 140, char 77, Message: The sequence ']]>' is not allowed in character data«


When I open the XML file in a XML editor I see that all < are correctly escaped as &lt; and all > are left as is. The built-in Xerxes parser also reports: »The character sequence "]]>" must not appear in content unless used to mark the end of a CDATA section.«

And the XML Recommendation says:

The right angle bracket (>) may be represented using the string " &gt; ", and must, for compatibility, be escaped using either " &gt; " or a character reference when it appears in the string "]]> " in content, when that string is not marking the end of a CDATA section.


It seems to me FrameMaker should either write all > as &gt; to avoid the possibility that it might be used after ]].


Can you reproduce this issue (I can using the UserGuide structured application, by just putting ]]> in any element)?


Have you found a way to workaround this, maybe with a special R/W rule?




- Michael

S1000D 2.3 XML Schemas for FM 10?




Has anyone used Issue 2.3 or 3.0 schemas with Frame 10? 


I understand  the basics of what needs to be done and that I can download  older schemas and DTDs from s1000d.org, but I'm specifically looking for instructions on using Issue 2.3 or 3.0 schemas with FM10 or the feasibility of doing so.





Looking to learn to use DITA and FM9 or 10? Hands-on, online training offered.


I've been asked to train a few people in structured authoring in Frame 9 or 10, specifically for use with DITA. I'd like to know what the interest is in a course like this one:

www.publishingsmarter.com/training/adobe-framemaker-training/framemaker-and-dita-for-autho rs-creating


Generally there are two options that I'm looking at. One is for an online version of the course. I already have delivered it in this fashion often, and am looking to do another course on Thu/Fri April 26/27, 2012. The session would also be recorded so that after the training you can review the materials for several months as needed. You also get a copy of this book:



If you are interested in attending the online course, please email me (bernard@publishingsmarter.com) for more information. The training will address DITA and cover both FrameMaker 9 and 10. In addition, if you need to learn about Structured FrameMaker, but aren't using DITA, the majority of the ideas still apply.


Lastly, if two or more people from the same company register there are discounts available.


Thanks to all,




Bernard Aschwanden

Publishing Smarter



Write Less. Write Better.

Postcripted FrameMaker 8 Colors Converting from Spot Colors to CMYK


I am working with Structured FrameMaker 8 files in which all of the colors are set as spot colors. Some of the spot colors in a postscripted FrameMaker 8 file processed as CMYK files when the postscripted version of the file was sent to the print vendor yesterday. This did not occur with past postscripted files that have been sent to the print vendor. The postscript files are generated directly from FrameMaker files. The final FrameMaker files are created by flowing an xml feed into a Structured FrameMaker template. This process is performed every 3 months. In the past the print vendor has had no issues with the colors in the postscripted files. I have compared the FrameMaker color definitions in the FrameMaker files processed 3 months ago with the color definitions in the FrameMaker files processed yesterday. I’m not seeing any differences in the color definitions in FrameMaker.


We recently upgraded our Adobe Acrobat and distiller to version 10.1.3. I was told that the postscripting process does not utilize Adobe Acrobat and distiller, so the color issue would not be tied into this upgrade.

I needed to update some text on the FrameMaker template for this quarter, so the new FrameMaker files were generated from this revised template. I did not modify color in the template, so I am not certain that the modified template is the problem.


Does anyone have any ideas what might be creating this color conversion issue?

XRef idref attribute not recognized upon opening of XML file


***I suspect this might be an XSL-related solution***


I've inherited a client's xml structapp that goes out to XML quite nicely, but doesn't read in the requisite idref upon opening in FM11.


The read/write rules are fairly straightforward:


element "xref"


  is fm cross-reference element "XRef";

  attribute "xrefstyle" is fm property cross-reference format;

  attribute "linkend"           is fm property cross-reference id;



However, the linkend attribute is not populated upon opening, nor is the value (which is present in the XML file) passed as the cross-ref id into FM.


Anyone have a solution?


Could this be a result of XSL parsing, and might the XSL be dropping the attribute upon import prior to application of the RWR? I haven't dug into the import XSL yet, but suspect that's where I need to go.



Why am I getting this error message in my DITA Topic? "Element (concept) is undefined"


Frame 11

DITA 1.2


I was finally able to create a DITA topic (rather than a reference, concept, or task). However, when I try to insert a task, concept, or reference element after the prolog, I get the following error message:

     Element (concept [or task, or reference]) is undefined.


My Topic general rule looks like this:

title, titlealts?, abstract?, prolog>, body?, related links?, (topic | concept | task | reference)*

in the topic.eddmod.fm and has been imported into topic.edd.fm, and topictemplate.fm in addition to concept.edd.fm, reference.edd.fm and a whole boatload of others and their related templates.


Doesn't my general rule "define" concept, task, and reference? If not, what am I missing?


Thanks in advance all you helpful people.



EDD formatting won't appear in chapter template output?


I've been working with FM for a little while now and have gradually picked up how to manipulate EDDs and such to do what I want. I've also learned a bit about output templates and how to work with them. But here's the thing that's driving me crazy:


I make changes to a template; I make sure to import the EDD into it; I can test that EDD formatting within the template and it works. I then attempt to create output from a DITA map, and the EDD formatting does not appear.


I have seen similar topics in this forum, but in those cases it seems to be a case of the OP forgetting to import the EDD into their templates. I know I have done this, and repeatedly at that. I also know that FM is looking at the template I created, because I can see other changes I've been making to the paragraph formats n the template.


I've imported the same EDD into every output template I can find (I have backups of the originals), and the formatting still does not seem to take.


Oh, and the EDDs used to import with errors, so I fixed those. They now import cleanly.


I also want to reiterate this: My EDD formatting works in the template itself.


In case it's relevant, the formatting I'm particularly interested in at this point adds a small graphic frame from the template reference page before each note tag; the graphic varies depending on the note tag's attribute. I'd like to figure out how to get that graphic into the side head, but that's another topic. First things first.


What am I doing wrong?

Fm11 does not have the buttons to change from XML to WYSIWYG views


Hi, my Fm11 does not have the buttons to change from XML to WYSIWYG views. It only has the WYSIWYG view, and it does not have the Structure Tools,DITA, S1000D menu options.

In File>New, there is not XML option neither…. What am I doing wrong? Thanks

Setting Preferences--Structured Authoring cause FM11 to crash



I changed Preferences setting to Structured Authoring.  I was prompted to restart FrameMaker 11.x.

When I tried to open a file, I got this error message:


FM11_internal_error_PrefsStructAuthor_mar132014.pngAny suggestions on what I might have done wrong?  If there is a bug or workaround for this, I would love to find it.  Thanks!  Laura Ferrer

"Topic templates" for providing a base structure


Hi all,

is there a way to provide "content templates" for the autor, containing a certain base structure with which to continue his work? The goal is to provide a set of topic templates with different base structures, i.e. elements already inserted when creating a new topic. Technically these will all be DITA concepts. I want to avoid specialization (with different topic types defined in the structapps) just for this reason because the DTDs will all be identical. It is just meant as an assistance in every-day work.


Do you know a script that could be used, or do you have any other suggestion?



What is the cost level of EMC Documentum or MS SharePoint?


I just want a general idea about the cost level, no need to be detailed. Because I understand the enterprise-level software has complex price calculations.

FrameMaker 12 won't startup




I'm running FrameMaker 12 on Windows 7.

When I startup the program, I must select one of the follow three.(in 'Choose Interface' window.)

- FrameMaker

- Structured FrameMaker

- FrameMaker XML Author


Unfortunately, after clicking 'Structured FrameMaker' or 'FrameMaker XML Author', error is occurred.

Error message is follows.

- Internal Error 12004, 23459156, 23459450, 26389685. FrameMaker has detected a serious problem and must quit.




Please, I hope that I receive a good solution.


Best Regard.

Export paragraph format tag to attribute


Hi All,


Using structured FM 11 on Windows 7.


I need a way to round-trip paragraph format tags. I know it is easy to assign them on import with the EDD, but I'm not sure how to save them on export.


I was hoping the read/write rules could contain something along the lines of:


attribute "paraFormat" is fm property paragraph format tag;


I figure it can probably be done with ExtendScript or a custom API, but I would rather avoid these if possible.



FM 11 and entities


We have a process for typesetting large amounts of text which involves importing SGML content into FM11, and then importing formats and element definitions onto that content.


We recently upgraded from using FM6, and with that previous version of FrameMaker, when the content contained an unusual entity (e.g. a letter i with a macron above it), the system would default to using a different font in which we had the correct symbol for the entity. Unfortunately we cannot work out how to get FM11 to replicate this, so end up with question marks replacing the entity.


We do not currently use a Structure Application or DTD, and have a very simple default.rw file:


fm version is "11.0";


* Include all ISO entity mapping rules.


#include "isoall.rw"


element "Paddr" is fm footnote element;

element "Paddrstart" is fm footnote element;


What is the best way to get FM11 to recognise that these entities need to use a different font? I've tried looking in the various online documentation pdfs, but couldn't see how to solve this problem.





Having Problems with to render to PDF directly from FrameMaker11?


We are using structured FrameMaker11 to generate tagged information in accordance with S1000D build rules, and after we created all our (newlink) targets, and then built the corresponding (gotolink) pointers in our table of contents, list of figures, and list of tables, etc., we tested each one in FrameMaker11 and they all seemed to work. However. When we made a print to PDF (with links) some of the links did not work in the rendered PDF. We could not see what we were doing wrong.


One of our team used "CutePDF Writer" and all the links in the rendered PDF worked perfectly.


What's going on, and how can we use our FrameMaker product to produce reliable PDF links?


[Message moved to Structured FM forum by moderator]

FrameMaker SDK Question: How to read an XML file



I am using FDK 12.0 on Windows (using Visual Studio 2012) to make some changes in a FrameMaker document programmatically. I have never used this or any other Adobe API before and am somewhat struggling with the concepts. Primarily I am using the sample programs, coming along with the FDK to guide me.


Now, I want to open and parse an XML file, whose content I will use later to manipulate the texts in a FrameMaker document. In .NET framework there are several classes (XMLReader, XMLTextReader etc.) to read and parse XML files easily. However, it seems I cannot use these Common Language Runtime classes because, apparently, a FDK plug-in needs to be a) C program and b) should not use CLR. In view that, can anyone please indicate if there are any suitable set of functions in FDK itself for parsing an XML file. Otherwise, is there any pure C based XML parser I can use? Some actual sample will be very helpful.


Thanks in advance,



[Discussion moved by moderator]

Windows 7 & FrameMaker




We would be upgrading to Windows 7 soon. I would like to know if my existing application (export client) would work on the following versions of FM  when I upgarde to Win 7?


Win 7 + FrameMaker 7.1?

Win 7 + FrameMaker 7.2?

Win 7 + FrameMaker 8.0?

Win 7 + FrameMaker 9.0?



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