Channel: Adobe Community : Popular Discussions - FrameMaker Structured
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Attribute I deleted in edd is still available in FrameMaker


I delete in the dita-map.edd in the element topicref the attribute navtitle.
I save the edd, import the element definition from the edd in the dita-map.template and create a new map.
I reference a topic to the edd. The element topicref contains/have the invalid attribute navtitle.

Is this possible?

With kind regards,


XML Cell shading


Hallo at all,


it's possible to control the shading property of a cell via xml?




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>





  <tablecell shading=??background color??>A</tablecell>








FrameMaker and S1000D


I'm currently using FM 9 and a iSpec2200 plug-in (I'm not a developer....just a tech-writer) to author aircraft Component Maintenance Manuals (CMMs).  The plugin is very protective about customizing, so much so I'm pretty much stuck with using it for just authoring CMMs.  I have a need to author other types of documents and from what I've read about S1000D, I think an S1000D plug-in just might be the ticket.  I did query the Adobe forums for S1000D and got very few hits that involved FM.  None that were in 2010.  This is concerning to me.  Should I be concerned...what's the scoop on FM and S1000D?

Problem Working With Framemaker 9 Dita XML Files in Framemaker 10


I just upgraded to Framemaker 10. I am encountering a number of problems when I try to work with my Dita XML help topics, which were last saved in Framemaker 9 format.


1. Using the Default Dita Template


When I open one of my documents in Framemaker 10, the Dita 1.2 template ditabase.fm is automatically applied. Everything seems fine. But then when I convert the XML to Eclipse help (which is essentially html, so we're going from XML to HTML) using Dita Open Toolkit ant scripts, I see this message:


[pipeline] [DOTJ013E][ERROR] Failed to parse the referenced file 'html\c_licensing.xml' due to below exception. Please correct the reference base on the exception message.
[pipeline] c_licensing.xml Line 25:Attribute "xmlns:ditaarch" must be declared for element type "dita".



I then opened the xml  file in a text editor, and I saw this on line 25:


<dita xmlns:ditaarch = "http://dita.oasis-open.org/architecture/2005/">


Line 25 looks fine to me. Am I missing something? 


2. Switching to a 1.1 Dita Template


I tried to work around the above problem. In Framemaker, I tried to set a different structured application as the default one. I closed all files and chose the default Dita 1.1 structured application (it defaults to the Dita 1.1. Composite app.)


Then I tried to open my file: I got this message inside Framemaker:


"Validation of XML failed. Continue?
Error at [FILE PATH], line 25, char 72, Message: Attribute '{http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/}ditaarch' is not declared for element 'dita'


Sounds familiar, doesn't it?


I switched from the default Dita 1.1. Composite structured application to the Dita 1.1. Topic structured application. Then I dirtied the source file and saved it. The messages I got in FrameMaker log window included the one above, plus I got a variety of Unknown Element messages, things like this:


Unknown element dita,

unknown element concept,

various attributes are not declared for concept,

unknown element conbody.


If I switch back to the Dita 1.1 Composite application all of these messages diappear except for this one:


Attribute '{http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/}ditaarch' is not declared for element 'dita'

My ant conversion scripts from the Dita Open Toolkit are still unable to process this file. They give the same message as is listed in (1) above and the file is not converted to HTML.

Can anyone help me with this problem? I've also posted this question to the Dita Users Group on Yahoo Groups. If I get an answer in one place, I'll post it in the other.



Nina P.

Which template file is used for DITA 1.2 publishing?


Hi all,

when I save a ditamap as composite document, which template file must I edit to change the layout?


So far I have modified the topic templates (task.template.fm etc.) but I have not found the template relevant for the output yet.




The ditafm_output.ini file contains the line CompositeDocTemplate_1.2=ditabase.template.fm but exchanging all ditabase.template.fm files in the FM directory did not do the job.


This seems like is a very basic question so I wonder why it is not documented - or am I missing something? The only workaround I found was to manually import the EDD and formatting from my template into the FM document each time after publishing.





Why is some of my text not formatted correctly in xml?




I've been trying to do some xml publishing via Framemaker 9.


I've created EDD, DTD, rules, structapps, CSS (style sheet), and template files to transition manuals from framemaker to xml. However some of the text I see in the xml file isn't formatted quite right. The element tags are there, but some of the text/paragraph tag formatting hasn't carried over.


What I'm trying to figure out is if this means I have an issue in my rules file or in my stylesheet file? As anyone had a similar experience?


I would appreciate any help and thanks in advance.

re: Linking to an XSL/FOS stylesheet!


Hi Everyone!


I am working in structured framemaker....on developing an update manual based on a mil-std dtd 40051c. I have the dtd as well as an official FOSI (stylesheet) file and need a bit of help.


Here is a recap of what I have done thus far:


  • Create an EDD based off the MIL-STD DTD file
  • Create a DTD based on my EDD
  • Create new file and imported element definitions, followed by building the top-level tree structure for the entire manual
  • I have put the FOS, as well as an XSL (I simply converted the FOS file) into my structapps directory


My question is this:


Seeing as I have the entire tree structure built already, I could potentially go through each element and add my content. The problem however is that in Framemaker I cannot see the styles of each element in the document itself. I have done many tests and my modifacations to structapps have not worked. I also know that I am building the document correctly because after finishing a test section I save my framemaker file to an XML file and open it up in Arbortext. At that point I can associate it to the stylesheet and it looks perfect. This is an extremely tedious process though and I would really love it if we could somehow view the correct styles as we inputted text in Framemaker. (We only have one copy of Arbortext as well so there is no way I can update all of these documents on my own)


I hope I have explained this well - so if anyone can please give me information on correctly linking an fos/xsl stylesheet within Framemaker it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much

How can I extract data from unstructured frameMaker?



Is there any possible techniques to convert unstructured frameMaker to structured frameMaker in order to have data from unstructured FM in a standard XML file?

Otherwise is there any tools or methods to have data in an XML file from unstructured FrameMaker?

Please Help.


Cross reference issues in FrameMaker 11 DITA


I'm trying to upgrade from FrameMaker 9 to FrameMaker 11. My files are set up using structured FrameMaker and DITA. The ditamap is comprised of both FM files and XML files. I'm attempting to use the ditabase template and DTD and DITA 1.2.


When I open my XML files in Framemaker 11, any cross references to other chapters in the book and gone. The fm-xref tag that is there is empty. I know there are some changes to cross references between DITA 1.1 and DITA 1.2, but I'm wondering if there is a way to retain the cross references when I open the file in FM11 even if the cross reference does actually link to the referenced location. Or do I have to manually go through my document and re-enter all the cross references?


I'm also having trouble getting the cross references to use the correct font format. After searching through all the various edd files that are referenced, I found the section that applies to cross references and it seems to indicate that the font format is set in the cross reference format in FrameMaker, but I can't figure out how to change the cross reference format.


Then instructions in the Framemaker help say:


  1. Choose Special > cross-reference.
  2. Click Edit Format.
  3. ....


But I can't find anything that says "Edit Format".


Thanks for the help,



Use condition indicators setting is inconsistent


Getting an error while generating TOC in structured framemaker 11

"Unwrap" CDATA with XSLT


I know this isn't necessarily a FrameMaker question, but it is a place where I know people. So forgive me for asking it here.

I have some CDATA sections in an XML file that contain markup that I want to be parsed eventually, and I want to be able to extract it with the markup intact. Can I do this with XSLT, or does the nature of CDATA negate the use of retrieving the markup with an XML-parser-dependent technology?

Here's a sample element (element tags replaced with curly braces)

{documentation}{![CDATA[{p}Some text{/p}]]}{/documentation}

Is there any way I can get that p element out of there with XSLT, without excaping any of the characters, so it is parsable markup in the output?

[{p}Some text{/p}


Problem with Table Continuation variable


When saving a structured document to XML, the Table Continuation variable is translated to an entity named "fm.tcont".

Strangely, the content of the entity is a control character (0x11). The file is saved as XML, but the parser returns an error,

Error at file d:\test\100219\doc_test.xml.1F0, line 31, char 22, Message: Invalid character (Unicode: 0x11)
Error at line 31, char 24, Message: Expected a literal entity value or PUBLIC/SYSTEM identifier
Parse error at line 31, char 20: Not well-formed (invalid token)
Parsing aborted.

The content of the variable is nothing suspicious, just " (continued)", where the first character is a normal space.


Did anyone encounter the same problem and knows how to fix it?


This is on FM8.0p277 on Windows XP.



Thanks a lot in advance,


Stumped. How to set colspec/@colwidth units?


In a CALS table (in DITA), the colspec/@colwidth value is written with an "in" suffix. I'd like to use other units (like "mm"). For a frame, equation or facet, you can use the r/w rule of ..


     specify size in mm;


.. to set the units. But this doesn't work for tables (or the colspec element). I've tried setting the global units in the document properties. It shows as "mm" in the UI for setting a column width, but in the XML it's always written out as "in". FM will properly read colwidth values other than "in", but on save they always go back to "in".


Have I completely broken something that should work, or is it not possible to set units other than "in"?





Book Chapters not renumbering


FrameMaker (Structured v.7.2p158)

I copied some unstructured files to a new folder, used the conversion table to add structure...deleted and readded the files to the book file and it won't renumber. I even tried creating a whole new book file from scratch and it still will not renumber the files. So I have 7 chapter files all saying chapter 1.

I've tried using the document/chapter file numbering and set it there and then in the book file tell it to use the file...still didn't work.

Any ideas why it's being so stubborn? Is there a problem/BUG with unstructured having been structured that won't let it renumber?


Highlight text in FrameMaker.

I want to highlight text in FrameMaker.or add shadow for the text.How can I deal with it?

Mil Spec 38784C

Does anyone have a template for the Mil Spec 38784C in Framemaker 7.0?

Can an EDD be devolped for an entire .FM book?


Can and should an EDD be developed for an entire FrameMaker book or should a seperate EDD be developed for the different sections within a book? A title, chapter, glossary, appendicies, and index all may requre different formatting elements so, in my mind, it would be a very involved and confusing process to create one single EDD for an entire book, though my thinking could be due to the fact that I am a neophyte to Structured FrameMaker.


All insights are welcome.



Unable to create a complate PDF (with title page, toc, chapter, backmatter, index) from a valid ditamap


Following is the ditamap i am using to create the PDF. This has booktitle, front matter, toc, chapter and backmatter. I am able to generate a PDF (complete with title page, toc, chapter, backmatter, index) using fop 0.25. However, when I try to create a pdf in FM 9.0, I get only the chapter. How can get the others through FM 9.0. Please provide a solution.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE bookmap PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA BookMap//EN" "bookmap.dtd" [

<!-- Begin Document Specific Declarations -->

<?Fm Validation Off?>

<!-- End Document Specific Declarations -->


<?Fm Condition DITA-Topicref Blue NO_OVERRIDE show?>
<?Fm Condition FM8_TRACK_CHANGES_ADDED Forest%20Green SINGLE_UNDERLINE show?>

<?Fm BoolCondExpr "" State 0?>

<?Fm TrackChange Off PreviewState PREVIEW_OFF_TRACK_CHANGE?>
    xmlns:ditaarch = "http://dita.oasis-open.org/architecture/2005/">
<booktitlealt>Version 4.0</booktitlealt>
<booklists><toc navtitle = "Contents"/></booklists>
<preface id = "preface">
<topicref navtitle = "Preface" href = "nm\concepts\nm_Preface.xml"
    type = "concept"><?Fm Condstart DITA-Topicref?><?Fm Condend DITA-Topicref?></topicref></preface></frontmatter>
<chapter navtitle = "Management" href = "nm.ditamap"
    format = "ditamap" id = "chapter"><?Fm Condstart DITA-Topicref?><?Fm Condend DITA-Topicref?></chapter>
<backmatter><booklists><indexlist navtitle = "Index"/></booklists></backmatter></bookmap>

To Save framemaker book as pdf using framemaker api


When I save a framemaker book as pdf using the F_ApiSave, the imported graphics on a grey background are not getting displayed in the pdf. Graphics on white background get displayed in the generated pdf.

When I save a individual framemaker file with the imported graphic on a greybackground, the image appears in the pdf.

Are there any properties that need to be set for grahics while saving a framemaker file as pdf using F_ApiSave ?

Or what properties should be set for the distiller to display the image on a grey background ?

Structured formatting and contitional text.


Hi all,


I'm working on a Structured FM9 Document.


My problem is a little complicated to explain, so I hope I can be clear.


My document has some text added as an 'Element', the formating for which is in the EDD.


The instructions for formatting is(basically) if 'Element' is last, use format Key1Last.Otherwise use Key1.


The difference between Key1 (the regular format) and Key1Last is that Key1Last adds a line break after the element.


This year we are doing a USA version of the catalogue as well, which for regulatory reasons requires some of the text in the 'Element' tag to be made hidden. I have done this using Show/Hide conditions. The only problem is that when I 'hide' the elements I lose the assosicated formatting of a line break.


My co-worker has suggested that I add a 'blank' Element which I turn on as conditional text when I turn the other conditions off, but I'm hesitent to do this as I feel like it's 'string and sticky tape' approch, just fixing it for a short time, rather than creating a working solution.


Does anyone have any suggestions?

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