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FrameMaker 9: Location of structapps.fm


Hello forum members,


I've recently upgraded from FrameMaker 7.2 (Win) to TCS 2 (Win) on a Windows XP system, with relevant patches applied. I've noticed that a copy of structapps.fm is made in my user profile, and that FrameMaker appears to use only this file when determining the structure applications available. If I make changes to the structapps.fm in the installation directory, they are not carried over to the user profile copy.


Can anyone tell me if there's a way to force FrameMaker to use the structapps.fm in the installation directory? I ask because I will be responsible for rolling out FrameMaker 9 to a group of ten users, and the plan is to update the structure application files using subversion, directly to the FrameMaker installation directory.


Thanks very much,



Non-Breaking Spaces in Structured FM9 Make a File Invalid


Hi All,


I'm working with Structured FrameMaker to author XML and I'm facing a problem that I've never had with FM 7.2: if I have a non-breaking space in a variable definition, when FM saves the file, it replaces the non-breaking space with the character code 0x11. I get the error message that states the file contains invalid characters. Worst of all, I can't reopen this file any longer with FM...


Is there any solution or workaround? For me it's a crucial issue as it just doesn't allow me to continue using FM for XML.


I'll appreciate any advice. Many thanks in advance,


FM 9 Server and S1000D


Still researching feasability of adding S1000D into our doc production and management.  Does anyone know if FM 9 Server's Common Source Database will EFFECTIVELY manage S1000D modules? The product description mentions a CSDB, but really doesn't nail it down definitively and sales just doesn't have the background to provide a concrete answer either.   I've researched and found some 3rd party vendors who do for standard FM 9 (which we are currently using), but their prices don't matchup well with ROI.  FM server does, if it will effectively manage S1000D modules.


Eric G.

Table Title Output


On saving my document as xml the table titles are not carried into the xml the file. Tbale head nd body elemets are created in xml but the table title element is created at all.

Any ideas what I have done wrong would be much appreciated.




<!ELEMENT Table      (Tgroup) >
<!ATTLIST Table      Position  (Anywhere|TopOfPage)  "Anywhere"
                     Orientation  (Portrait|Rotated)  "Portrait" >

<!--Tgroup: Tgroup. Group of elements that go together to form a table.-->
<!ELEMENT Tgroup     (colspec*, spanspec*, Ttitle?, Thead?, Tbody, Tfoot?) >
<!ATTLIST Tgroup     ID        ID        #IMPLIED
colsep      NMTOKEN   #IMPLIED
   cols        NMTOKEN   #REQUIRED
   colwidth    CDATA     #IMPLIED
   rowsep      NMTOKEN   #IMPLIED
   tabstyle    CDATA   #IMPLIED

<!ELEMENT colspec  EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST colspec
   align    (left|center|right|justify|char) #IMPLIED
   char     CDATA     #IMPLIED
   charoff  NMTOKEN   #IMPLIED
   colname  NMTOKEN   #IMPLIED
   colnum   NMTOKEN   #IMPLIED
   colsep   NMTOKEN   #IMPLIED
   colwidth CDATA     #IMPLIED
   rowsep   NMTOKEN   #IMPLIED

<!ELEMENT spanspec  EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST spanspec
   align    (left|center|right|justify|char) #IMPLIED
   char     CDATA     #IMPLIED
   charoff  NMTOKEN   #IMPLIED
   colsep   NMTOKEN   #IMPLIED
   nameend  NMTOKEN   #REQUIRED
   namest   NMTOKEN   #REQUIRED
   rowsep   NMTOKEN   #IMPLIED
   spanname NMTOKEN   #REQUIRED
<!--Ttitle: TabelTitle. Table title text.-->
<!ELEMENT Ttitle     (#PCDATA | Footnote | Tcont | IndexMarker)* >

<!--Thead: Thead. Heading table row.-->
<!ELEMENT Thead      (colspec*, Tr+) >

<!--Tbody: Tbody. Tbale body composed of rows.-->
<!ELEMENT Tbody      (colspec*, Tr+) >

<!--Tfoot: Tfoot. Tabel footer row.-->
<!ELEMENT Tfoot      (colspec*, Tr+) >

<!--Tr: Tr. Table row composed of table cells-->
<!ELEMENT Tr         (Td+) >

<!--Td: Td. Table cell containing text.-->
<!ELEMENT Td         (#PCDATA | Para | Footnote | XRef | Part |
                              PartNumber | PartDescription | Graphic |
                              IndexMarker)* >
<!ATTLIST Td         VertAlign  (Top|Middle|Bottom)  "Top"
                     HozAlign  (Left|Centre|Right)  "Left" >

<!--Tcont: Tcont. Table continuation.-->
<!ELEMENT Tcont      EMPTY >



Element (Container): Table
General rule:  Tgroup
Attribute list
Name: Position  Choice  Optional
Choices: Anywhere, TopOfPage
Default: Anywhere
Name: Orientation  Choice  Optional
Choices: Portrait, Rotated
Default: Portrait
Automatic insertions
Automatically insert child: Tgroup
Text format rules
In all contexts.
Use paragraph format: Table
If context is: [Position = “TopOfPage”]
Pagination properties
Start position: Top of page
Tgroup. Group of elements that go together to form a table.
Element (Table): Tgroup
General rule: Ttitle?, Thead?, Tbody, Tfoot?
Attribute list
Name: ID  Unique ID  Optional
Control flags: Read-only
Initial table format
If context is: Table < RevDetails
Table format: RevisionDetails
Ttitle. Table title text.
Element (Table Title): Ttitle
General rule: (<TEXT> | Footnote | Tcont | IndexMarker)*
Text format rules
In all contexts.
Use paragraph format: TableTitle
Thead. Heading table row.
Element (Table Heading): Thead
General rule: Tr+
Tbody. Tbale body composed of rows.
Element (Table Body): Tbody
General rule: Tr+
Tfoot. Tabel footer row.
Element (Table Footing): Tfoot
General rule: Tr+
Tr. Table row composed of table cells
Element (Table Row): Tr
General rule: Td+
Td. Table cell containing text.
Element (Table Cell): Td
General rule: (<TEXT> | Para | Footnote | XRef | Part | PartNumber | PartDescription | Graphic | IndexMarker)*
Attribute list
Name: VertAlign  Choice  Optional
Choices: Top,Middle,Bottom
Default: Top
Name: HozAlign  Choice  Optional
Choices: Left,Centre,Right
Default: Left
Text format rules
If context is: Tr < Thead
Use paragraph format: CellHeading
Use paragraph format: CellBody
If context is: [VertAlign = “Top”]
Table cell properties
Vertical alignment: Top
Else, if context is: [VertAlign = “Middle”]
Table cell properties
Vertical alignment: Middle
Else, if context is: [VertAlign = “Bottom”]
Table cell properties
Vertical alignment: Bottom
If context is: [HozAlign = “Left”]
Basic properties
Alignment: Left
Else, if context is: [HozAlign = “Centre”]
Basic properties
Alignment: Center
Else, if context is: [HozAlign = “Right”]
Basic properties
Alignment: Right
Tcont. Table continuation.
Element (System Variable): Tcont
System variable format rule
In all contexts.
Use system variable: Table Continuation

How can a structured frame be used for translating books to foreign languages?


I keep reading about how a structured approach can improve the translation process (from english to foreign languages), however, i can't seem to find specifics about a particular method or tutorials about how to go about it (specifically). My question is, how (specifically) can structured framemaker be used for translation from english to foreign languages?  Links to tutorials on this issue would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Losing shift-returns in XML roundtripping




In a couple of locations - mainly table cells - my customer is using shift-returns to spread the data over multiple lines. The table cell does not currently allow a paragraph. But when the files get converted to XML and back (which will be part of the translation process), the shift-returns are eaten by the conversion process. Is there a way to prevent this ?





FM9: Import of previously created xml file back to FrameMaker


Hi all,


I have saved a FrameMaker document as an XML file and would like to import it back to FrameMaker. I am guessing it needs a little more skills and attention than just hitting "Open file" cause previous attempts to convert that xml file back to how it used to look in FrameMaker  obviously failed.


I am importing it back to the same system so the styles and everything are exactly the same.


The idea behind this is that my boss wishes to check in the manual with every software release so a specific version of the manual for a specific release can be recreated at any time. Just that I have no idea how that will work if I cant import it back into FrameMaker to convert it into the manual I'd need. I am not familiar with the structured operation and I am desperately hoping theres a solution I can work with.


Thank you!!!

Creating Unique IDs for elements (non-DITA)...



I know there's a solution to this somehow via scripting - problem is, I have no clue so far about FM scripting

We're using the standard XML API for our structure and everything works out fine, except one thing that we stumbled over.

When creating a TOC in FM11 based on XML files within a book, we're receiving good results (pages are referenced correctly). As long as it doesn't come down to jump marks.

FM11 doesn't create the correct jump marks for the TOC entries. After an analysis, this is because the unique IDs for the referenced elements are non-existant (they're required and declared as UniqueID in the DTD and EDD, but not set automatically). Therefor FM11 points his jump marks towards the nearest element with an unique ID.

This behavior points me to two questions:

1. can I get FM11 to create unique IDs upon creation of the TOC (same way it creates the IDs when using XRef)? or

2. what can I do to get FM11 to create unique IDs automatically on insertion of an element, that requires an ID?




Cheers Gorly

FrameMaker 11: Internal Error 11004, 17075188, 14420806, 14421392


To whom it may concern,


Recently I keep having a problem with FrameMaker 11 and the application would crush and close. The error message I got is like this:  error message.PNG

Here is the txt file FrameMaker generated: txt file1.PNGtxt file2.PNG


I searched in your website and could not find an answer. Please help me solving this problem,


Thank you so much,



Structured FrameMaker conditional text




I have a problem with Conditional text in Structured FrameMaker.


I have to use conditional text for different customers. I have to use the same content and should get displayed for the particular customer when I publish that particular customer. It is more or less product conditioning.


How do I deal with it.


Please give me the solution at the earliest.




Open topics by double-clicking them in the DITA map - not working any more?


Hi all,

I just noticed when I double-click a topicref in a DITA map in FM12 then the referenced topic does not open any more. I checked the problem with several maps. Is this a bug/feature or do I need to activate this function somewhere in the options?



Conversion table-nesting elements




I am new to structured FM and was trying to migrate a few unstructured FM documents to structured using the "conversion table". After generating the conversion table, I am not able to create a proper heirarchy (nesting) of the elements.


Could any one help me with the basics of 'element nesting'. I read the documentation provided by Adobe and tried to do it, but without much success.

The generated conversion table is given below.




































Inline MathMl




I am using FM12, and I can create display equations using "Special->MathML equation" menu. How to generate inline MathML equations? ie., I want to have equation along with text, something like


some text goes here and having inline equation (x+y+z=10)


[Thread moved by moderator from FM General Discussions Forum]

Master pages failing to be applied (along with some unexpected behavior)


Hi all,


I am having trouble getting our structured app/template to apply master pages properly. We're on Frame 11 using an XDocbook, customized app.


Here is the configuration:

1. Reference page structMasterPageMap:

  • Maps element E:BookInfo  to the "Title Page" master page. 
  • Maps element E:PrefaceInfo to the "Frontmatter" master page.


2. Frame XML document content:







As you can see, this doc does not yet have a PrefaceInfo element, although one is allowed by the DTD.  So the obvious solution is to either: 1) add one (wrap the <copyright> element in a <prefaceinfo> element as allowed); or 2) add an "E:Copyright" mapping to the ref page. Yet, neither of these work.  Here's what occurs:


Solution A: On the Ref page, add a mapping from E:Copyright to the "Frontmatter" master page:

1. Open the document in Frame and note that the master page Title Page is applied, but the master page Frontmatter is not, as expected.

2. On the ref page, add the E:Copyright mapping to apply the Frontmatter master page.

3. Reapply Master Pages, and the Frontmatter page is applied, as expected.  All is good....except.  When you close and then re-open the document, no master pages are applied, not even the Title Page which had previous worked. Huh, what?

4. Remove the E:Copyright mapping from the ref page, reapply Master Pages, and the Title Page master page is again applied.

Note: This behavior is reproducible whether I replace the E:PrefaceInfo with E:Copyright on the reference page, or retain both. I can also reproduce this by using the paragraph tag instead, of the element, i.e. P:FrontmatterCopyright.


Solution B: In the document, add a <prefaceinfo> element:

1. Open the document in Frame and note that the Title Page master page is applied while the Frontmatter is not, which is expected.

2. Wrap the <copyright> element in <prefaceinfo>.

3. Reapply Master Pages.  Nothing happens, i.e. the Frontmatter master page is not applied.

4. Save, close, and reopen the document.  The Title page is applied, but the Frontmatter is not.

Yes, I have checked and rechecked that the actual master page names match those entered into the reference pages, including case.  :-)


Possible conflicts/factors?

1. Could the structure of the document (as allowed by the DTD) affect master page application? The element <copyright> can exist both inside a <prefaceinfo> and independently under <bookinfo>.  This doesn't seem likely, especially because as a test, I saved the doc as .fm, discarded the structure, updated the ref page to use para tags instead -- and still the master pages are not applied correctly.

2. Pagination can affect this -- at first we had Format>Page Layout>Pagination set to "Single Sided" so I thought that was why the left-hand Frontmatter was being ignored. But I have ruled that out; the template is now double sided, and Frontmatter is a left page.


I am stumped!  Thanks in advance for any ideas.


- Shelley


Shelley Hoose

Sr. Docs Developer, Rogue Wave Software

Running header/footer background color from XML attribute


I'd like to set the background color of running headers and footers, based on an attribute from an element in my imported XML-file.

Basically what I want is to have different colors of headers or footers for different chapters in the book (catalogue).


Is there any way to do formatting like this from the EDD or rules? Or is there some other way to achieve a similar result?


[Moved to Structured Forum by moderator]

pagination for books with xml files


I need to use the "read from file" pagination option for a book I'm generating using xml files, but that option is greyed out! How do I make that option available?

Using PDF as image format


Hi, Frame users


What is your opinion on using Graphics with PDF-format when authoring DITA content, as I'm not sure that PDFs are supported as Graphics-format in DITA?

Reason for this is that I'm trying to switch from using grapics with WMF-format (exported from cad) to SVG-format, but I have experienced some problems when importing Graphics with SVG-format to FrameMaker.

Sómetimes it works, but not always, for example "the filter encountered a problem and could not complete the translation".

I have also tried checking if the files are valid with the W3C online validator.


Best regards


FMv7, Open With/File Association


Installed FMv9 after installing FMv7.

On file server, v7 files now show v9 Icon.

When doubleclicking v7 files, they open in v9.

When right clicking v7 file, to Open With, v7 is not listed as an option. If I Browse to v7.exe and select it, the Open With dialog still does not show v7.

We have to abort Open With, start FMv7, and then drag v7 file onto FM program window. Or, in FMv7 program, do File Menu > Open and navigate to v7 file.


What happened to the File Association to FM v7? And why can we not open v7 files via Open With?




How to replace a user variable from a selected text range.

I want to replace a user variable which is wrapped with Emphasis element.

While I am doing this replacement I need to change the Emphasis element's attributes in which the variable is been wrapped.

I am using fdk-api for the Framemaker 7.2.
VC++ 6.0 to automate this process.
and Windows XP as my OS.

NATEC Pubs and Modular DTDs

Has anyone had experience with NATEC pubs in FM?
I have FM 7.2 in Windows.
To summarize how they should be asembled:
All versions of the MIL-STD-3001 DTDs are organized as modules, with each
module (collection of Work Packages) and TM front matter represented as a separate module (DTD). Once all pieces of a TM are created, they may be assembled together using the Assembly DTD (milstd1.dtd).

I am creating the Front Matter with one DTD(milstd1.dtd) and the body with another DTD(maintim.dtd). I have both DOCTYPES listed in my application file with one application name. But I don't know how they are to be combined to create the whole pub. How does one bring in a whole FM document into another? Can't find anything about this in the FM Developer's Guide.

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