Channel: Adobe Community : Popular Discussions - FrameMaker Structured
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Highlight text in FrameMaker.

I want to highlight text in FrameMaker.or add shadow for the text.How can I deal with it?

Hard Carriage Returns on Paragraph and XML


I'm still running FM 7.2, I have 8.0, but we are not ready as a company to move yet.

I am capturing legacy FM information and need to save as XML.
This information will at times have paragraphs that used hard carriage returns to build in separation and make things easier to read.

When we export this XML, these hard CRs are removed and all extra white space is compressed out of the element.

This is causing much grief for the people reading the documents and they have asked if I can retain the hard breaks.

I've looked into the Structured Application and found nothing. I've looked at the ReadWrite Rules files in hopes I could map the hard break to a element of some kind, or something like that. I'm not finding any solutions.

Is there a way to keep this information in the resulting XML file?


- mike

FDK - Formatting paragraphs not in Conversion table




I am structuring a document using a conversion table. I want to be able to apply a specific paragraph format to those paragraph format names that do not appear in the conversion table. I am having difficulty getting text from the cellIds in the Conversion table. All I get are the format names in the paragraph catalog. Maybe I am missing something here...I would appreciate any inputs.

Am pasting some code, where I've gotten so far...Questions pertaining to this issue are in the comments inline.



//Get docId, flowId, textFrameId and pgfId here...
//Open Conversion Table document here...ID is "convTabId"

F_TextRangeT ctr;
F_PropValsT props;

while(pgfId) {

//Traverse through paragraphs in the current document (docId) and get their format names.
    pgfName = F_ApiGetString(docId, pgfId, FP_Name);

    if(!pgfName) return;

    //Check if this pgfName is in the conversion table's first column..RICI, R2C1,R3C1...
    retVal = IsInConvTable(convTabId,pgfName);

    //retVal contains 1 if pgfName is in Conversion table, 0 otherwise..
    if(!retVal) {

            //Apply "Body" format to this paragraph.
            bodyFmtId = F_ApiGetNamedObject(docId,FO_PgfFmt,"Body");
            if(!bodyFmtId) return;
            props = F_ApiGetProps(docId,bodyFmtId);
            if(props.len == 0) return;

            ctr.beg.objId = ctr.end.objId = pgfId;
            ctr.beg.offset = 0;
            ctr.end.offset = FV_OBJ_END_OFFSET;
            F_ApiSetTextRange(FV_SessionId, docId, FP_TextSelection, &ctr);

    pgfId = F_ApiGetId(docId,pgfId,FP_NextPgfInFlow);

int IsInConvTable(F_ObjHandleT convTabId, ConStringT paraName)
    //declare tblId, rowId, cellId, paraId;
    F_TextItemsT textItems;
    IntT retVal=0, i;
    F_TextRangeT tr;

    //Get Table and Row Ids

    tblId = F_ApiGetId(FV_SessionId, convTabId, FP_FirstTblInDoc);
    rowId = F_ApiGetId(convTabId, tblId, FP_FirstRowInTbl);

    while(rowId) {   

        //Get Cell Ids of only the first column in each row of the Conversion table.

        cellId = F_ApiGetId(convTabId, rowId,FP_FirstCellInRow);
        paraId = F_ApiGetId(convTabId, cellId, FP_FirstPgf);
        tr.beg.objId = tr.end.objId = paraId;
        tr.beg.offset = 0;
        tr.end.offset = FV_OBJ_END_OFFSET;
        F_ApiSetTextRange(FV_SessionId, convTabId,FP_TextSelection,&tr);
        textItems = F_ApiGetTextForRange(convTabId,&tr,FTI_String);

        //Here textItems contains names in Paragraph Catalog, such as, P:Body, P:Heading1...
        //I require the entries in the conversion table and not those in the Paragraph catalog...
        //This happens if the following command is used too:
        //textItems = F_ApiGetText(convtabId,cellId,FTI_String);

        if (textItems.len != 0)
        //How do we cast textItems values to ConStringT, for the following substring operation?
             i = F_StrSubString(textItems,paraName);

        if ( != -1)


        rowId = F_ApiGetId(convTabId, rowId, FP_NextRowInTbl);

    return retVal;


Many thanks,



DITA: Increasing Space Below Image


Hi All,


I'm authoring in DITA using FrameMaker 9 + DITA-FMx. To output PDF, I use FrameMaker.


I have the following structure:


---- image


The paragraph underneath the figure appears too close to the image (or, more precisely, too close to the anchored frame in which the image is placed). I'd like to add more spacing after the frame before the P.

Is there a way to control that spacing? Currently, the P underneath the frame is formatted with a regular BodyText format. Ideally, I would define something like this:

If the nearest preceding sibling of P is FIG, then use FormatChangeList xxx where I override BodyText by increasing SpaceAbove.

However, to the best of my knowledge, in EDD's context rules, I can only check child-parent relations.


Any ideas are welcome!

Many thanks in advance,


Bad Character on XML export


On exporting to xml i get 100s of bad characters. Like below:



The problem is highlighted in yellow. It is a small square not a zero. Any thoughts on how to remove this on XML export...I have no idea where to begin.


Michael D

Can't save ]]> in document text to XML


Dear colleagues,


I am currently evaluating a Save-as-XML problem with FrameMaker 9.0p255. The content of the document shows some XML examples which contains CDATA sections, like


<environment>  <var name="service"><![CDATA[Inhalt]]></var></environment>


Reminder: This is in the text of the FrameMaker document.


When I save as XML, the XML parser complains: »Error at line 140, char 77, Message: The sequence ']]>' is not allowed in character data«


When I open the XML file in a XML editor I see that all < are correctly escaped as &lt; and all > are left as is. The built-in Xerxes parser also reports: »The character sequence "]]>" must not appear in content unless used to mark the end of a CDATA section.«

And the XML Recommendation says:

The right angle bracket (>) may be represented using the string " &gt; ", and must, for compatibility, be escaped using either " &gt; " or a character reference when it appears in the string "]]> " in content, when that string is not marking the end of a CDATA section.


It seems to me FrameMaker should either write all > as &gt; to avoid the possibility that it might be used after ]].


Can you reproduce this issue (I can using the UserGuide structured application, by just putting ]]> in any element)?


Have you found a way to workaround this, maybe with a special R/W rule?




- Michael

FM12 - "Black" images in HTML5 output



I'm using Framemaker 12, and I work with HTML5 output to publish online helps.

In my FM files, I use PNG images which are in anchored frames.

My problem is, after I did the HTML5 output, my images appear "black" as you can see below. Any idea about where this problem comes from would be greatly appreciated !

Thanks a lot.





XML Attributes Created Twice in the XML after Saving in FM


Hi All,


I've built a structured application to read and write a custom XML. The file is opened just fine. However, when saving the XML in FM, some XML attributes appear in the XML twice. For example, in the original XML I have the following:


<object_group doc_name="xxx" parsed_by_sym="false">






After I save the XML, it looks like this:


<object_group doc_name="xxx" parsed_by_sym="false" doc_name="xxx" parsed_by_sym="false">






After the XML is saved, FM refuses to re-open it aborting the parsing. If I remove the doubled attributes manually in Notepad, then the XML is opened in FM again.


Should I define anything in read/write rules? What am I doing wrong?


I'm using an XSD, which I defined in structapp.fm.


Thank you very much!

How to prevent FrameMaker eating up significant whitespace


I have a paragraph that contains a number of inline elements, such as a <link> and a <uicontrol>. When these are only separated by a whitespace (which is significant in this case, as it separates the characters in the <link> from the characters in the <uicontrol>, the XML file produced by FM has replaced the whitespace with a carriage return, which of course disappears as it is supposed to be meaningless in XML.


I have tried to set the "preserve line breaks" rule on the enclosing <p> element but, apart from the fact that this is not what I intend to do, it does not make any difference on the whitespace between the two inline elements.


Is there any way to make FM not perform this obvious mistake? Or do I really have to use ExtendScript to first change the whitespace to a special <whitespace> character, so that this is kept in the XML output and can then be changed back into a regular whitespace by my XSLT (which I need in any case). Kind of ugly but it would work. If there is an easier way to do this, please tell me about it.





Structured FrameMaker and TFS


We currently use RoboHelp9 and RoboSource Control, but we are moving to Structured FrameMaker (FM10) and want to use TFS for version control. If anyone out there is using this combination, how do you like it? Can you check in and check out easily? View recent changes, etc?



Can FrameMaker 10 and/or 11 *output* raw SGML data?


Our group has a requirement from the government to output SGML data. Right now, the group from whom we're inheriting data are using UltraEdit to write the text, Arbortext to tag the documents as SGML, and outputting to Xysoft (XPP). The writers are separate from the "coders/taggers." We're hoping to use FM to reduce that process to a single doc for writing and output. There's another requirement to output to pdf, but Acrobat will handle that.


Right now, my concern is finding a way to simplify this process. Can FrameMaker output raw SGML data? If 10 and/or 11 cannot, is there a version that can?



Thanks for any help. I've done some research online, and from what I've read, it's a possibility, but then the tech support guy I spoke with said that neither 10 nor 11 is capable of outputting to SGML ... which is why I'm here.



Any help is appreciated.


Thanks, everyone.

Can I pull prefixes/suffixes into XML ?


I am using prefix and suffix rules in my EDD to make things easier for the author (and standardize some headings and parts of names). Now I need to write the content into XML and my prefixes and suffixes do not get pushed into the content on the XML side. I do not find any reference to prefix and suffix in the read-write rules. Is there a way to let FM write the prefixes into either an attribute or the content of an element when writing to XML? I am not interested in round-tripping here, so even if the method is more or less destructive, I would be more than happy to know about it. The only other option I see is adding more work to the extendscript that I am using to prepare the materials for writing to XML.





Postcripted FrameMaker 8 Colors Converting from Spot Colors to CMYK


I am working with Structured FrameMaker 8 files in which all of the colors are set as spot colors. Some of the spot colors in a postscripted FrameMaker 8 file processed as CMYK files when the postscripted version of the file was sent to the print vendor yesterday. This did not occur with past postscripted files that have been sent to the print vendor. The postscript files are generated directly from FrameMaker files. The final FrameMaker files are created by flowing an xml feed into a Structured FrameMaker template. This process is performed every 3 months. In the past the print vendor has had no issues with the colors in the postscripted files. I have compared the FrameMaker color definitions in the FrameMaker files processed 3 months ago with the color definitions in the FrameMaker files processed yesterday. I’m not seeing any differences in the color definitions in FrameMaker.


We recently upgraded our Adobe Acrobat and distiller to version 10.1.3. I was told that the postscripting process does not utilize Adobe Acrobat and distiller, so the color issue would not be tied into this upgrade.

I needed to update some text on the FrameMaker template for this quarter, so the new FrameMaker files were generated from this revised template. I did not modify color in the template, so I am not certain that the modified template is the problem.


Does anyone have any ideas what might be creating this color conversion issue?

What is the workflow for creating templates in full FrameMaker and pushing them to XML Author?


Hi All,


I'm working for a large organization (3000+) that is subdivided into 60+ business units.  I'm trying to figure out the workflow for using full FrameMaker to create a template that I can provide my business units to fill in via XML Author, send back to me, and then I can publish into a number of products using the Tech. Comm. Suite.  I am somewhat new to XML so I am not sure how to get my structure and format to translate.


Can anybody clarify what the general workflow would be for this process?  All I have been able to find is the flowchart showing full FM to XML to XML Author and back to full FM.  From my test driving of the Tech Comm Suite though it has not appeared that easy.



XML is cluttered with carriage returns and line feeds - how to suppress?


Hi all,
at least within text paragraphs we would prefer 'clean' XML without carriage returns. Can Framemaker be configured to avoid these control character?


Below is an example of a DITA file produced by Framemaker. Evidently this is related to the Pretty Printing feature and I do admit that it increases the readability. However they cause some issues for us. Note that the carriage returns in the paragraph are at arbitrary positions, not at the end of the lines as they appear in the Framemaker editor (I inserted the word "End" at the end of the first line).





Can't Save As PDF


I am working with DITA files in Frame 8, and am unable to save a generated Frame file as a PDF. I keep getting these errors:

  • "To execute "Save as PDF" command you must have Acrobat Distiller version 5.05 or higher installed."
  • "To execute "Save as PDF" command you must have PDF Job Options defined.


I have Acrobat Distiller 8 installed, so I don't know why I'm getting the first error. I opened Distiller, and still got the error.


Also, I did try to set job options using Format> Document> PDF Setup. On the PDF Setup dialog box, the only job option in the PDF Job Options drop-down list was High Quality Print. When I clicked Set, I got a message stating that "The selected PDF Job Option does not existing in the current installation. Either create this Job Option or select an available Job Option."


How do you create a valid job option? How do you get it to show up in the drop-down list? I looked at the Adobe PDF properties in Print Setup, and the Default Settings show several job options including the High Quality Print option.


Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Assigning a Root Element



Using: FM 8.0

I am working with a single fm file (not a .book) and its associated EDD file was generated from an DTD. I then attached the “ValidHighestLevel” element to one of the element tags in the EDD in hopes of making it the root element. After importing the EDD back into the .fm file, the element fails to change to the root element, it still shows the default “NoName” in structure view.


I believe that this document would be valid if I could get the root element “NoName” to be replaced, but I cant seem to figure this out. In the example below, I am attempting to show the structured view of the file as it currently is displayed, also I have shown my Ideal view below it. If the “NoName” element was eliminated and then replaced by the “Product” element this would solve my issue. Can someone explain what I am doing wrong.


Additionally, is there a way of assigning the Root Element directly by using the read/write rules?


Thanks in advance.


<<<<Current file Struct View>>>>







<<<<Current file Struct View>>>>


<<<<Ideal file Struct View>>>>






<<<<Ideal file Struct View>>>>


Columns in Framemaker


I have read the message on how to set up columns in the master pages of a document and I did this, but how to I make them read down the column and then start at the top of the next and so on.   When I hit enter my cursor goes across to the next column.

Framemaker 8 Output to XML Errors


Error at file H:\My Documents\IMS\IMS CURRENT DEVELOPMENT\Frame

Docs\framed.frnt_revisionsummary_Revisions.e01, line 24, char 19, Message: Required

attribute 'cols' was not provided


I cannot find anyway to add this attribute even though it is in the DTD used to define the structured App.


Error at file H:\My Documents\IMS\IMS CURRENT DEVELOPMENT\Frame

Docs\framed.frnt_warnsum_warning_summary.e03, line 62, char 48, Message: The values

for attribute 'boardno' must be names or name tokens


boardno is a file name and has to have special characters


Any help on these two issues would be great.

Automatically insert element tag around 'inline' cross-references


Hi all,


When you have a cross reference that was created around, say, just a chunk of text, Framemaker will not preserve any sort of cross-reference information on export to XML, beyond just making sure the text associated with the cross reference is exported correctly.


As it states in the structured application developer manual:

Whether or not the cross-reference element has an IDREF attribute, if the source of the cross-
reference is not an element, then FrameMaker exports the cross-reference element as text. That
is, the fact that an element was present in the FrameMaker document is lost; instead, the text
content provided by the cross-reference format appears in the markup document.


I was trying to figure out a way to use read/write rules to automatically generate a tag of some sort around such inline cross-references. I have an element for cross references in my DTD named Xref, so I tried this:


element "Xref" {
   is fm element "Xref";

Unfortunately, this didn't do anything.  This is my first day using Framemaker, so I'll readily admit I may be a little bit lost.


Does any one have any suggestions as to how I can preserve cross-reference information, on export to XML? I want to create an XML toolchain that reads in this XML; and currently it's not really possible to pick up cross-references.




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