This appeared within the last week (to the best of my knowledge) and has me stumped.
Using FrameMaker 9.0.3 on Windows XP SP3. All updates to Frame and the Windows Hotfix installed. Adobe PDF is the default printer with all applications.
First instance: I ran an expression to show a certain set of conditions and updated the book...twice. Created the PDF of the book with bookmarks and links (with the oft-discussed settings in the PDF creation dialog, named links, etc). When I skimmed the PDF, I noticed several HIDDEN cross-references, even though their targets WERE showing. I opened the structured Frame files. Searching for invalid cross-references showed NONE. Each "HIDDEN" cross-reference had an IDRef value. When I selected the cross-reference with its target open, the cross-reference pod did not indicate the target. When I re-established the link, the IDRef value did not change; it was already the correct one. Thus, updating the book found NO invalid cross-references, each cross-reference pointed to the correct target, but the book update did not change the content of the cross-reference, that is, the page number, only HIDDEN. I had to relink each HIDDEN cross-reference to get what I needed.
Today, working on the same book, the book update found one invalid cross-reference whose target was in the same file. When I clicked it in the error log, the file opened but nothing was selected. Searching the file for an invalid cross-reference found nothing. Displaying ALL conditions and searching for an invalid cross-reference found nothing. Ignoring this, I created the PDF. Upon skimming through it, I noticed a cross-reference that had the wrong page number as the target; and the PDF link would not work (the cross-referenced flashed but did not take me to the target).
I tried updating the book again and the page numbers for these incorrect cross-references did not change. Opening the files and checking the links, I found as before that if I selected the link and re-established the link, the page number was corrected to the right one. Again, it appears that the book update is not seeing these bad links as invalid, but as valid and then not updating the page number to the correct one.
This week computers were given new account names along with some behind the scenes IT work, but I cannot figure how that would change anything.
Has this happened to anyone else? If so, what was the resolution?