Channel: Adobe Community : Popular Discussions - FrameMaker Structured
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Incorrect cross-references


This appeared within the last week (to the best of my knowledge) and has me stumped.


Using FrameMaker 9.0.3 on Windows XP SP3. All updates to Frame and the Windows Hotfix installed. Adobe PDF is the default printer with all applications.


First instance: I ran an expression to show a certain set of conditions and updated the book...twice. Created the PDF of the book with bookmarks and links (with the oft-discussed settings in the PDF creation dialog, named links, etc). When I skimmed the PDF, I noticed several HIDDEN cross-references, even though their targets WERE showing. I opened the structured Frame files. Searching for invalid cross-references showed NONE. Each "HIDDEN" cross-reference had an IDRef value. When I selected the cross-reference with its target open, the cross-reference pod did not indicate the target. When I re-established the link, the IDRef value did not change; it was already the correct one. Thus, updating the book found NO invalid cross-references, each cross-reference pointed to the correct target, but the book update did not change the content of the cross-reference, that is, the page number, only HIDDEN. I had to relink each HIDDEN cross-reference to get what I needed.


Today, working on the same book, the book update found one invalid cross-reference whose target was in the same file. When I clicked it in the error log, the file opened but nothing was selected. Searching the file for an invalid cross-reference found nothing. Displaying ALL conditions and searching for an invalid cross-reference found nothing. Ignoring this, I created the PDF. Upon skimming through it, I noticed a cross-reference that had the wrong page number as the target; and the PDF link would not work (the cross-referenced flashed but did not take me to the target).


I tried updating the book again and the page numbers for these incorrect cross-references did not change. Opening the files and checking the links, I found as before that if I selected the link and re-established the link, the page number was corrected to the right one. Again, it appears that the book update is not seeing these bad links as invalid, but as valid and then not updating the page number to the correct one.


This week computers were given new account names along with some behind the scenes IT work, but I cannot figure how that would change anything.


Has this happened to anyone else? If so, what was the resolution?




Validation error on Open


Whenever I open an XML file I get an error:

"Unable to validate because no DTD or Schema was specified in the XML file.  Continue reading the file?"


My files all have valid doctypes with a system ID that points to the dtd that is in the same directory as the source files:

<!DOCTYPE section PUBLIC "-//AA//Manuals//EN" "aadoc.dtd"[]>


The xsl pre/post routines both seem to like the declaration.  What can cause this error?


Thanks - Jim

MIL-STD 40051C - where to begin


Hi everyone...I am fairly new to structured framemaker and spent the last week reading every piece of information I could on the subject.


I've been given the task here at work of taking some unstructured framemaker documents and structure them using MIL-STD 40051C as a guide.


If someone could please give me some help on this....I don't even know where to begin. Information overload. I have a DTD provided to me, as well as a folder containing XSL stylesheets for what seems like nearly every tag and a boilerplate folder.


Some of the links for my source material can be found here:






So far I have imported the DTD to framemaker and saved as an EDD. Everything seems to be fine there. As far as the next step, I really have no idea.


I presume that if I wanted to build, lets say, a cover page...I would refer to the standard and build a page using the tags described.


I have given this a try and all I get is a tree structure with no formatting. How am I supposed to link to a stylesheet in Framemaker? What's more...there are about 50 styles in the folder I was provided so how do I know which one I am supposed to refer to?


Basically this is a huge scope of an effort that I am just getting my feet wet in, so if someone who is familiar can PLEASE give me some initial guidance it would be sincerely appreciated. I can't even find any documentation for this stuff on the web so this is my only hope.


Thanks very much


- Doug

"page wide" table attribute, where is it set?


The standard (example) dita topic r/w rules for table elements include:


attribute "pgwide" is fm property page wide;


Does FM have such a property for tables?  It's certainly documented in the struct dev guide and ref, but I don't know what it correlates to.


I would like to use this to set the pgwide attribute in my dita sources.  The only work-around I've found is to change the rule to:


attribute "pgwide" is fm attribute;


add the pgwide attribute to table in the edd, and set it.  It's a no-op as far as FM is concerned, but is at least preserved on reading and writing.  Without changing the r/w rule, FM appears to throw my value away.


I'd like to think there's a better way, and it at least looks like there's intent.




New-user resources for authoring DITA with FrameMaker 10?


Might as well ask the same question about DITA. I'm gearing up to write a bunch of new docs and am considering switching to XML. Since we already own FrameMaker, I'll use that if there's no good reason to switch.


Can anyone point me to some introductory material on creating a DITA project in FrameMaker and maybe some better sample projects than come with the product?

XSLT to convert XML into Tables




I'm trying to import my XML data into a table format. After adding an XSL file to my Structure Application as a Preprocessing Stylesheet, and importing my XML instance file with the Template file opened, the "Unknown File Type" error window appeared asking for a file format to Convert From. Picking any one doesn't create a table.


The XSL file tranforms the XML data into an HTML file that has a table with columns corresponding to the XML data. I was thinking using that type of XSL because it renders tables.


Below is the XSL markup:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">


<xsl:template match="/">




    <table border="1">

      <tr bgcolor="#9acd32">





      <xsl:for-each select="Products/Product">


        <td><xsl:value-of select="Title"/></td>

        <td><xsl:value-of select="Number"/></td>

        <td><xsl:value-of select="Date"/></td>









Title, Number, and Date are child elements of the Product element, which is a child element of the Products root element in my XML file.


Am I applying the stylesheet correctly here? Am I using the write kind of stylesheet?




How do I use the Notation Declaration table on the Reference Pages in FM10 Win 7?


I can find no documentation to explain the Notation Declaration table that exists on the reference pages.


My DTDs (both XML and SGML) call for some specific notations to be used with certain graphic formats. For example, tiff files use the notation "TIF" and cgm files use the notation "CGM-BINARY".  I am not using DITA or S1000D.


When round-tripping sgml and/or xml to/from FrameMaker I would like to get the graphic entity declarations to use notations that are alloted for in the DTD. I would like to avoid having additional notation statements in the sgml and/or xml.


I am using FrameMaker 10 on a Windows 7, 64-bit system.


Is this "Notation Declaration" table the correct place to look? Are there alternative methods to accomplish the notation assignment?




Framemaker 10 - DITA Image Linking - Sharepoint CMS




I am using Adobe Framemaker 10 with DITA. I am connected, through Framemaker, to a Sharepoint CMS.


I initially created my DITA concept locally, I then added an image (HRef) and linked it to a file on my Sharepoint CMS. Finally, I 'Uploaded the Active Document' to the CMS.


When I open the document from the Sharepoint CMS the image does not display. Right-clicking and selecting Properties shows that the reference file is in the AppData\Roaming directory.


How can I correctly link the image?


Kind Regards,


s1000dMenu.jsxbin error in FrameMaker 11


I have read a discussion about this error message elsewhere in the forum, but it did not seem exactly pertinent to our issue.


To make updates easier to role out to our users, have our Structure directory in a location that is outside the FrameMaker installation directory. With the move to FrameMaker 11, this error message began to proliferate in our console logs:


Script Error :

Error Message      : csdp is undefined

Script, Line#   : C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\AdobeFrameMaker11\startup\s1000dUtilities.jsxbin,  107


We have no need of S1000D, but the workaround is to recursively copy the S1000D directory into the proper location in our external Structure directory. I can live with this less-than-elegant solution but it would be better if we didn't have to clog up disk space with a large number of unnecessary files.


Anyone have a suggestion on how we can get FrameMaker 11 to ignore S1000D?


Thank you,




Fellow Forum Members,

Does FrameMaker offer a S1000D specification publishing solution that includes a Common Source Data Base (CSDB)? And outputs an Interactive Electronic Technical Publication (IETP) as well as a PDF? 


Any info will be greatly appreciated.  Thanks in advance

FM 12 - Quick Element Toolbar


I'm giving the trial version of FM 12 a quick test. One thing I noticed right away is that I can't seem to actually open the new Quick Element toolbar. Selecting View > Toolbars > Quick Element Toolbar does nothing except place a (second) Help button in the toolbar. Checking the quick_element.xml config file for the workspace suggests that I should be seeing a handful of buttons for adding standard elements to the open file. Is there another setting that I'm missing?


I'm just using the default DITA template for FM 12. Nothing special there.


Thanks for any help.



FrameMaker 12 issue: copying inline element also copies paragraph style


When I copy an inline element then sometimes the paragraph style is copied as well. The happens frequently when I copy a cross-reference. If the source context is a list then the target paragraph is formatted as list after I insert.


This is quite awkward in a structured document in which the style should of course be ther result of the EDD, not manual formatting.


Has anybody encountered this problem or do you know a solution?



How to use a custom css with a ditamap?


I'm still trying to get to grips with some DITA Frame basics and another piece of info that I would like to have is how to get the ditamap to use a custom css when it is output to xhtml with the DITA OT. Is there any simple non-super-techie way to do this without having to learn how to hack the ANT programs?


Under the StructureTools menu, there is an Import CSS styles item, but I can't find instructions on how to use it accessible to my level.


Also, is there a way to apply a company stylesheet to the Responsive html output generated with the new Publish tool? I realize the two provided templates can be modified element by element, but it does mean a lot of modification, and it would be cool if we could just invoke the stylesheets that already govern our web site so that the output could match.


Thanks to anyone who can help,


Elisa Roselli

Cambridge Imaging Systems

Parser error message: Required attribute 'cols' was not provided


I'm having trouble with a ditamap in FM 12 because two of the files refuse to save. They send up the parser error message "Required attribute 'cols' was not provided".


They both contain tables imported by conref. The error seems to arise on the tgroup element. Yet the Attributes table for tgroup does not seem to contain a cols attribute and I can't see where to define it or how.


In another DITA editor, XMLMind Personal Edition, I have no trouble opening and saving both the destination and imported conref source files. They seem to have the cols attribute correctly defined.


What is going wrong in FM and how can I fix it? It's annoying that a big expensive tool should be so much harder to use than a free one!


Thanks to all,


Elisa Roselli

Cambridge Imaging Systems

What is the cost level of EMC Documentum or MS SharePoint?


I just want a general idea about the cost level, no need to be detailed. Because I understand the enterprise-level software has complex price calculations.

Structured framemaker window does not maximize and other issues


Dear All,


My questions concerns the use of FM11 & FM12 in Structured FrameMaker mode under Windows 8.1.


When FM is started in Structured mode I find that the FrameMaker window is a fraction of the size that it was when operating in Unstructured mode. When the FM (structured) window is maximized instead of the window occupying the full screen as expected it occupies only about 2/3 of the screen. The receptors of dialog buttons (e.g. the OK and CANCEL buttons) are not at the locations of the on screen drawings of the buttons. In short, the Structured FrameMaker interface is not functional. And to be clear the interface of the Unstructured version of the program works in the expected manner.


My reason for operating with Structured FrameMaker in the first place is to workaround a very serious deficiency in the Unstructured version of the program in which attempting to print a book to the Adobe PDF virtual printer causes FrameMaker to crash. Another gripe with FrameMaker is that the Save As PDF file option fails to properly render the document - typically incorrect fonts are used in the output PDF file, equations are clipped, etc. etc. It is this deficiency that means we must print to the Adobe PDF virtual printer.


We are also experiencing intermittent crashing of the program in versions 11 & 12 for no apparent reason whereas previously (version 7, 5.5) the program seemed to be more robust.


Are others experiencing a significant deterioration in the performance of FrameMaker in recent releases? Are you considering changing to a different program? If so, what programs are you considering?


Many thanks,


column width from xml attribute to framemaker table


I'm trying to set the column widths of a table in framemaker by importing the width from an attribute in the imported xml file. But it doesn't work...


This is from my read/write rules:


element "ITEM-CELL-LIST"


is fm table cell element;

attribute "width" is fm property column width;

fm property column width value is "2cm";



The last line that specifies the width to 2cm seems to be accepted as I can save the EDD as DTD without errors, but it has no effect on the actual widths of the table created.

The line above it doesn't work at all. When I try to save the EDD, I get the following error: "Invalid property specified for the element (ITEM-CELL-LIST)."


I've tried every way I can think of, but nothing seems to work

The only way I've been able to actually set the widths is by creating a table in the master template page and resizing the columns. That carries over to the imported xml.

How do I change Caution to red text?


I am writing a DITA document. I am trying to change the color of the Note element choice "caution" text from black, which is the default, to red. I've tried changing things in the commonelements.mod, but with no luck. I know you can do this. I am not a programmer, so it would be helpful to have it explained in a step-by-step manner.





Getting Started with Structured FrameMaker

I am a technical writer in-training and am trying to learn the tools I need. I took an Introduction to FrameMaker class but I want to learn how to use Structured FrameMaker. Every tutorial I have seen on the Adobe web site is more advanced than I am ready for, including topics like: XML Round-tripping, Building Templates, and DITA Integration.

Since I could not find a tutorial or guided tour, I decided to try the brute force method. I read the entire chapter 2 of the FrameMaker User Guide and organized the information I learned as a tutorial.

What I need is to have people who are experienced Structured Frame users to critique the outline I put together, and tell me if I missed anything important. I especially want to know if I do not understand a foundation skill that will come back and bite me later on.

I have a copy of my outline at:

My basic outline is:
1 Introduction - audience
2 What is Structured FrameMaker and why is it needed
3 What are the features added when you go to structured mode
4 Practice editing an already-structured FrameMaker file

This is as far as I have outlined but I expect to continue on with:

5 Using pre-written templates, and understanding what you can and cannot do with them.
6 Writing a document with a template
7 Structuring an unstructured document using a template
8 Structuring an unstructured document using a conversion table
9 Understanding Structured Documents
10 Learning how to create structured templates.

Anything I wrote in blue is to be expanded into a full procedure, and anything I wrote in pink is something I do not understand myself yet.

Any advice or assistance on getting up to speed with structured FrameMaker will be much appreciated. You can either reply here or use the "Contact Me" address in the Albireo.org/marjorie web site.

Thank you for your help.
Marjorie Lynch-Freshner

save the equations as text in XML

When saving a framemaker file as XML, it saves the equations as images.
Is there a way to save the equations as text?

Using version 8.0p273
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