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FM10 does not filter submaps


FM10, Win7: We have some long documents with correspondingly long ditamaps. I want to use submaps to make managing a book easier. However, we also use the product= attribute to distinguish between versions of the same document. However, when the composite FM file is generated (yes, we reference the ditaval file and it is up to date) all the filtered text is included. That is, if we gave the attribute for Product A to one paragraph and the attribute for Product B for the next paragraph, when outputting for Product A, we see both paragraphs, not just the one for Product A.


This problem is not present if we use the one huge ditamap. In a book with several hundred topics, this is a major issue---just finding a topic takes a lot of time, and we cannot get the ditamap to collapse and STAY collapsed so we can work with just one section of it.


Does anyone have a workaround for this issue? If the filtering issue can't be worked around, is there any way to keep that ditamap collapsed?

Cross reference issues in FrameMaker 11 DITA


I'm trying to upgrade from FrameMaker 9 to FrameMaker 11. My files are set up using structured FrameMaker and DITA. The ditamap is comprised of both FM files and XML files. I'm attempting to use the ditabase template and DTD and DITA 1.2.


When I open my XML files in Framemaker 11, any cross references to other chapters in the book and gone. The fm-xref tag that is there is empty. I know there are some changes to cross references between DITA 1.1 and DITA 1.2, but I'm wondering if there is a way to retain the cross references when I open the file in FM11 even if the cross reference does actually link to the referenced location. Or do I have to manually go through my document and re-enter all the cross references?


I'm also having trouble getting the cross references to use the correct font format. After searching through all the various edd files that are referenced, I found the section that applies to cross references and it seems to indicate that the font format is set in the cross reference format in FrameMaker, but I can't figure out how to change the cross reference format.


Then instructions in the Framemaker help say:


  1. Choose Special > cross-reference.
  2. Click Edit Format.
  3. ....


But I can't find anything that says "Edit Format".


Thanks for the help,



Relationship Table best practices question


My colleagues and I have recently converted all of our unstructured legacy documentation to XML following the DITA standard. We’re now ready to add in relationship tables and have a few questions about the best way to approach this.


We’re dealing with a substantial amount of documentation (2500 files split into 12 maps) and want to create relationship tables for each map to handle our internal links. We’ve decided to use the multi-column approach to relationship tables where each column lists a different topic type instead of the 2-colum source/target table. My main question is: what is the best way to create a relationship table that allows you to link between all topic types including topics of the same type (e.g., a link from one concept topic to another concept topic)?


For example, I have a map where I want Topic 1 (concept) to contain references to Topic 2 (task), Topic 3 (Reference) and Topic 4 (concept). I do not want Topic 2, 3, or 4 to have any internal links.


What is the best way to do this? Do I need to create a 4 column relationship table similar to the table below, or is there a better way to do this using collection types and other relationship table properties?

Relationship Table Example:






href = Topic1

linking = sourceonly


href = Topic4

linking = targetonly


href = Topic2

linking = targetonly


href = Topic3

linking = targetonly


Intended result:

Topic 1

<shortdescription> This is the short description. <short description>

<p> Body text <p>


Related Links:

Topic 4

Topic 2

Topic 3


NOTE: No other topics should contain Related Links.


The approach above seems to work, but it looks a bit sloppy and I haven’t seen any examples that take this approach. If this is the correct approach then for our purposes we would likely require a 6 column relationship table (2 concept, 2 task, and 2 reference rows) for each map. Does that make sense, or is there a better/easier way to do this? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Problem with Keyref in Framemaker 11


Hello All,


I am facing problem on using "Keyref" in framemaker 11. Could anyone please suggest on the same.


Thanks & Regards,


Special Char not Translating into Horizontal Tab in Structured FM 11


In the office where I work, we are upgrading from Structured FrameMaker 8 in Win XP to Structured FrameMaker 11 in Win 7. Part of the work that I do involves importing xml feeds into Structured FrameMaker templates using an automated process. As I am testing the importing into FM 11 I am noticing that the special character code used for a horizontal tab - &#09; - is not translating into a tab after the xml feed has been imported into the FM 11 template. It does translate into a horizontal tab when imported into FM 8. What special character code should be used for horizontal tabs in FM11?

Special, Filter by Attribute, build expression syntax


I searched and searched Adobe's help after repeatedly seeing the error message from the Filter by Attribute's build expression dialog:


"Invalid Expression, Kindly refer to help for rules on building expression."


After wrestling with this feature for a while, I got it working. And, decided to provide the following help topic on it. Comments, feedback, and improvements are welcome.



Using the Special, Filter by Attribute Command


The Filter by Attribute dialog lets you define a build expression to filter DITA content based on element attribute values.


The first step to using this dialog is to define attribute values that you will use in your build expression.


  • Select an attribute from the attribute list.

  • Enter a value for that attribute and click on Add.

    The attribute value appears in the Defined Values list. This list displays all of the defined values for the selected attribute.


After defining the attribute values for filtering, the next step is to define a build expression that filters content based on the values.


To define the expression, it is important to understand the operation of the radio buttons (Equals, Any, and Contains Only) and their related expression syntax.


If you define some product attribute values (OneFish_Product, TwoFish_Product, RedFish_Product, BlueFish_Product) and you define an audience attribute value (InternalUsageOnly_Audience), you could use the values and the radio buttons to build the following expression for a public document describing the OneFish product:


(product # "OneFish_Product") AND NOT (audience="InternalUsageOnly_Audience")


To create this expression, select the product attribute, select the Contains Only radio button, and click on Add. Delete the extra attribute values from the expression until you have just the value shown above. Next, click on the "AND" then "NOT" buttons to add this syntax to the expression. Finally, select the audience attribute, select the Equals radio button, and click on Add.


Note: Filtering operation is NOT dynamic. If you modify attribute values, the content filtering does not take effect until you re-apply the filter expression to the file.


Creating Build Expressions from DITAVAL Property Values


The Filter by Attribute feature becomes valuable when you use it to apply the same content filtering as is provided by a DITAVAL file


In the example (above) a number of attribute values are defined. A corresponding DITAVAL file containing these attributes could be:


<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
     <!-- includes public info for OneFish product -->
     <prop att='product' val='OneFish_Product' action='include' />
     <prop att='product' val='TwoFish_Product' action='exclude' />
     <prop att='product' val='RedFish_Product' action='exclude' />
     <prop att='product' val='BlueFish_Product' action='exclude' />
     <prop att='audience' val='InternalUsageOnly_Audience' action='exclude' />


The include and exclude actions shown match the filtering operation of the build expression (include only product="OneFish_Product" and exclude audience="InternalUsageOnly_Audience").

Reset PDF bookmarks when saving as PDF from structured FM -> Book 11.0 with fm components (*.book).




I've read the forum discussions/solutions on setting PDF bookmarks, but I'm afraid the various solutions appear to only work if you are consistently working in .fm book files, not if your source files are in structured .fm format.


For example, I have to constantly reset the bookmark settings in FrameMaker when I follow our PDF process of saving the structured FM files via the File -> Save Ditamap As -> Book 11.0 with fm components (*.book) route. I can set the bookmarks in the first file of the book, and/or set them using the Format -> Document -> PDF Setup menu options. But an hour later, if I discover I need to make a change in our source material (.ditamap/.xml) and create a new PDF again, I must make the same exact bookmark settings at the .fm level in this process (i.e. creating new .fm files from the .ditamap/xml files overwrites the previous .fm files, requiring bookmark setting, again).


I think the only possible solution for a short-cut in this situation is to write a script to set those bookmarks each time we go from .xml to .fm. Does anyone see another way around this?




Query about structured Frame templates


In Frame 12 all the templates have been updated.

I built my book using unstructured templates because I wanted to get a feel for the changes from my last version of Frame (8).

I now think I will need to redo the book entirely using the templates from structured Frame.



The unstructured Frame template for a book has all master pages in every file in the book. The structured template for Chapter has only master pages: left, right, first. Is there a reason for this? (Should not every file in the book have the same master and reference pages?)



How to rotate an A4 page without rotating the contents?


I have a fat table to build, so the traditional A4 size page doesn't fit any more, I want a "fat" page, but only one page.

FrameMaker 11 won't start up


I'm running FrameMaker 11 on Windows 7. I just changed the settings from unstructured to structured Frame and restarted my computer. Now FrameMaker comes up for a few seconds and goes away. Is there something I can do to get FrameMaker to launch?

Ditavals and nested ditamaps.


I was sent here by FM support. We are using structured FM 10. We use ditavals to condition both content (like list elements) and topicrefs in ditamaps. Creating a composite file for a ditamap works as expecting with all the conditioning working properly. However, we imbed child ditamaps in parent ditamaps, When we create a composite from the parent ditamap, only th econtent conditioning works in the child ditamap, not the conditioning of the topicrefs. Is there a solution to this other than not using imbedded ditamaps


[post moved from Scripting forum]

DITA specialization - domain specialization




I'm trying to create some special elements with DITA domain specialization in Adobe FrameMaker 10. I tried first with "codetable". It's derived from "simpletable", and can be inserted directly after "cmd" in task topics. I followed instructions in http://help.adobe.com/en_US/FrameMaker/10.0/DITA/framemaker_10_dita_integration.pdf. Everything goes well with the specialization. After the EDD, r/w rule, and template files are created, I modified elements "step" and "substep" in EDD to the following and import the EDD to the template:


General rule:(note | hazardstatement)*, cmd, (codetable | choices | choicetable | info | itemgroup | stepxmp | substeps | tutorialinfo)*, (stepresult)?


Then I create a new task (with structured app properly set), insert step, cmd, codetable. Everything is fine until I save the file. It prompts:


Image 4.png

It seems that my changes are not adopted by the content model. Anything I was missing during the process. Could anyone please help? Thanks!




Rebecca Lai


[Moved to FM Structured forum by moderator]

Framemaker 10 EDD syntax for automatically set attribute values


Hi all,


it is necessary to set one or more attribute values of a parent element automatically only by exist or not exist conditions of an spezified child element!


Please help!

Using ditaval filtering - blog post

Can't Save As PDF


I am working with DITA files in Frame 8, and am unable to save a generated Frame file as a PDF. I keep getting these errors:

  • "To execute "Save as PDF" command you must have Acrobat Distiller version 5.05 or higher installed."
  • "To execute "Save as PDF" command you must have PDF Job Options defined.


I have Acrobat Distiller 8 installed, so I don't know why I'm getting the first error. I opened Distiller, and still got the error.


Also, I did try to set job options using Format> Document> PDF Setup. On the PDF Setup dialog box, the only job option in the PDF Job Options drop-down list was High Quality Print. When I clicked Set, I got a message stating that "The selected PDF Job Option does not existing in the current installation. Either create this Job Option or select an available Job Option."


How do you create a valid job option? How do you get it to show up in the drop-down list? I looked at the Adobe PDF properties in Print Setup, and the Default Settings show several job options including the High Quality Print option.


Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Ditaval topic filtering


Hi all,


I'm trying to filter out the first topic in a map using ditaval filtering for the otherprops attribute when creating a composite fm. I'm finding that I can filter tags inside the topic like a table or paragraph. Therefore,  I know that my ditaval filters work.  But  using the same otherprops setting does not work for the topic element. The first topic is always included in the output. Setting the otherprops attribute in the topicref element does not work either as already documented in this forum.


When I import the entire map and ditaval into oxygen, the filtering works as expected with first the topic removed.


Am I overlooking something? I am using framemaker12.0.2.


Thanks for your help.

FMv9 IDs not unique when exporting to XML




recently I started using Framemaker V9 and learned that Framemaker complains about IDs being not unique when exporting to XML (for translation). Core problem seems to be that for *.fm and *.mif it is sufficient that IDs are unique for each document, but for XML they have to be unique for the whole book.


I am very surprised that I didn't manage to google at least a description of this problem. Are we somehow misusing Framemaker and correct usage would let the problem disappear or is this a bug fixed in newer version of Framemaker?


Thanks in advance for putting me on the right track


Rainer Rauschenberg

Round tripping the Symbol Font


Hi all,


We need to round-trip basic Greek symbols in inline text, such as a beta, represented by a lower case "b" in Symbol. This sounds pretty basic, but I can't get it to work and have read everything I can find about it. I am using Fm 9 and saving to xml.


It seems that Frame should inherently contain the rules to map this to an entity in XML, using either a code point 0x62, or its Unicode equivalent (U+03B2U ?), and that I should not need to create an entity in the DTD that represents it, nor explicitly add it to the rules.


On save to XML, however, the character is not represented properly, displaying just a "?", and of course, does not come back into Frame either. I can use the File | Utilities | Hex Input tool to enter the hex equivalent (which does save to XML as the entity "&sol;b")  -- but of course, the Frame document then displays that hex equivalent, rather than the actual Symbol font  -- which won't work for PDFs, of course, and is also hard for the writer to work with.


I have read of several ways of mapping special characters like these -- one to create an element something like SymbolFont for which the EDD applies the correct font, others to add specific rules to the rules document.


Any help is very much appreciated.


-- Shelley Hoose

Rogue Wave Software

hooking up DITA structure and house style(s)


OK ... I've never yet managed to get a DITA project up and running to the point where I can work on it every day with a view to delivering something. But today I hope this has finally changed, so I'll start trying to post here and improve my grasp of the essentials. My thanks to all those, especially Rick Quatro, who have replied to earlier postings now sunk beneath the forum's event horizon never to be seen again <g>

First question, leaving myself wide open to correction:

I observe, on opening a DITA file in FM 9.0p237, that FrameMaker has thoughtfully provided a slew of styles related to elements and their position in the document structure. I am aware that really clever people can set up rules so that formatting is applied very cleanly, without using styles; but (certainly at this early stage) should I try updating the style-definitions based on what we're already used to?

"title.0", for instance: from the Element Context Format Rules, it looks as though that's equivalent to a chapter heading where my not-technically-speaking-structured documents would use the style ":h1".

Got to learn somehow! so thanks in advance for pointers along the path to enlightenment.

Niels Grundtvig Nielsen

How To Import a DTD to FrameMaker 9


I have a DTD in notepad.  How do I go about importing or using this DTD for FrameMaker 9?




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