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Simple Read / Write Issue (FM Version 9.0p255)


I think this is a very simple question (and apologise if I have just repeated someone else - I looked but could not find the answer I was looking for).


I have used Structured Framemaker for quite some time but am only now looking into XML output and roundtripping.


The issue I have is I cannot seem to get the read / write rules to do anything - they do not seem to interact with the writing or reading of XML.


Now I am sure that I have missed something very, very simple (and not for the first time) so it would be great if someone can tell me what I am doing wrong. So...


The Input XML script shown here has an element named "Para", as well as various other elements that are named exactly as they are in FM (Paragraph, Section, Document, etc...)



<Document><Title>Round Trip Test Document</Title>

<Section><Title>Section one - Waking up</Title>

<Para>This should be a standard Paragraph Element in FM <Emphasis>emphasised </Emphasis>text in

a paragraph.</Para>

<Paragraph ID = "GFJHDEAB">This is the second paragraph in the first section</Paragraph>

<Section ID = "BABBCABA"><Title>Section one point one. Tips for getting out of bed</Title>

<Paragraph>This is the first paragraph in the first nested section</Paragraph></Section></Section>

<Section><Title>Section two - making the tea</Title>

<Paragraph>This is a cross reference to <Xref IDref = "BABBCABA" Format = "Section"/></Paragraph>

<Paragraph>This section includes and anchored frame for a table followed by a graphic</Paragraph></Section></Document>


I want my read/write rules to map any instances of 'Para' element to the FM element "Paragraph".


So the read / write rules have the following lines:


fm version is "9.0";


* Include all ISO entity mapping rules.



#include "isoall.rw"


element "Para" is fm element "Paragraph";



Structapps application (QuickStart) is pointing to the correct rules file:



Application name:QuckStart
DTD:C:\Users\astirling\Desktop\STRUCTURED FRAMEMAKER\StructuredXMLTest1\StructTestOne.dtd
Read/write rules:C:\Users\astirling\Desktop\STRUCTURED FRAMEMAKER\StructuredXMLTest1\rules.fm



But when I open the XML I get:


Image one.png


And the structure shows the same thing:


Image two.png



So why has the XML element 'Para' not been changed into FM element 'Paragraph'. I know that the element 'Para' is an unknown element - thus the rule telling it to map this to the 'Paragraph' element.




When I output from FM to XML I have followed all the instructions from the manuals and cannot get these process to work either. The Output XML is exactly the same if I have rules or not.


i.e. if I map my FM elements, to elements of the same name but all in lowercase - the output XML shows the element names exactly as they are in FM, as though there were no rules involved.


Any help would be appreciated, Cheers.



FrameMaker 11: Internal Error 11004, 17075188, 14420806, 14421392


To whom it may concern,


Recently I keep having a problem with FrameMaker 11 and the application would crush and close. The error message I got is like this:  error message.PNG

Here is the txt file FrameMaker generated: txt file1.PNGtxt file2.PNG


I searched in your website and could not find an answer. Please help me solving this problem,


Thank you so much,



Setting Preferences--Structured Authoring cause FM11 to crash



I changed Preferences setting to Structured Authoring.  I was prompted to restart FrameMaker 11.x.

When I tried to open a file, I got this error message:


FM11_internal_error_PrefsStructAuthor_mar132014.pngAny suggestions on what I might have done wrong?  If there is a bug or workaround for this, I would love to find it.  Thanks!  Laura Ferrer

No hierarchy structure in PDF output from ditamap


I am trying to publish a ditamap to pdf with FM11. Adobe seems to recommend to save as a FM book with components and then to PDF. Then the hierarchy was lost in the PDF even though it looks very good in the FM book structure.


Almost all topics are rendered as a  chapter;

the exception is when the chapter has a href to a dita file;

all sections are rendered as a section no matter where this section belong to and which layer its parent topic is on;

all the topic title use title.0 para tag, and sections use title.1 para tag, so they are all included in the TOC as chapters and sections, no matter which layer they are on in the ditamap;

the numbering of chapter/section are in a mess.


I have looked into the ditafm-output.ini and didn't find useful settings. Any suggestions or clue? or FrameMaker is only not capable for these issues? or can only publish a flat topic PDF?



Word Wrap Lost When Switching Between XML and Author Views


I compose DITA topics in the XML view with the word wrap option selected. If I switch to the Author view to check something and then return to the XML view, my nicely formatted XML view with all the happy element-nesting tabs goes away. I wind up with an ugly chunk of flush-left code and text that's difficult to read. Is there a reason why FM can't remember the tabs and word wrap when I return to the XML view?


I'm relatively new to using FM's structured side for DITA, so perhaps I'm missing the obvious solution to this problem. If you know the answer, I'd appreciate if you'd clue me in.



How to create a frame or box to surround a element



Would appreciate some help on this one, as I can't seem to figure it out.

How do you create a frame or box to surround an element, for example when using Hazardstatements.

The only way I can think of is to use tables, but is there any other way?



Some warning text
Some warning text




Best regards


No master pages applied because MasterPageMaps table contains no mapping information

I use FM8 and DITA files to create my books. I have tired in the past to apply masters automatically but have not been able to. Now that I create books from xml, it is even more important to automate this process. I use structured FM and have deleted and re-created the StructMasterPageMaps in my file. I created a book that has my one test file so I can experiment quickly. In that file I have a Master page defined as Chapter_cover which I can apply manually no problem. In the StructMasterPageMap, I refer to the paragraph tag title.0 and the right-hand MasterPage Chapter_cover and set the range to Single.

When I then select the book and try to update the master pages (Update book->Master Pages->update), I get the error "No master pages applied because the MasterPageMaps table contains no mapping information.

I have searched the forum and the archive and found an instance similar to mine (Jun19/07), but no clear resolution was found. I have tried the suggestions made therein such as re-creating the MasterPages reference page, which I have done. And I am sure that I have typed them correctly (case sensitive etc).

What could be my problem? I could send the book since it consists of only one 2-page fm file.

Thanks in advance for any help,

graphic element from DTD to EDD

Framemaker 7.2, Windows
I created the EDD from the DTD. But I'm having trouble with the 'graphic' (lower case)Element. It's supposed to be an empty element but when I insert the tag it displays with the open and close element tags. And the only way to actually get the image in is to insert an anchored frame and import the file. Then this automatically inserts a box in my structure view(which indicates an empty element). It is in all caps, 'GRAPHIC', And it's invalid.
Also, isn't the Unique ID attribute on the element 'graphic' used to bring in the correct file? Or do I have to use Anchored Frame and Import?

FM8 DITA - Variables converting to text when generate book

I am using the built in DITA functionality for FM8. When I convert my .ditamap to a FM document (using the "Build FM Document From DITA Map" function) the document is fine including variables.

However, when I try to create a FM Book from a .ditamap (using the "Build FM DITABook from DITA Map file" function) the book generates and appears normal, however all of my user variables have been converted to text.

I have tried defining my variables (as: entity "CorpName" is fm variable;) in the book.rules.txt file with no luck.

Any ideas?

Thank you,
- Kevin

InsetPlus 2.1 is now available


InsetPlus 2.1 for structured FrameMaker is now released, including some important usability enhancements that have made it a much better tool. If you are a current user of the software, I'd encourage you to take a look at it. InsetPlus is free. For more information, visit:


Best regards,
Russ Ward (Owner, West Street Consulting)



When comes Framemaker with a version how support a 64-bits computer?

Kind Regards,

Marcel Vogelzangs

Need Help Changing Default Fonts


For the most part the standard templates for topics, maps, book, etc. are fine for us. However, we want to change the defaults from Myriad Pro and Minion Pro to our default company fonts. I tried editing the various paragraph tags in the template files. However, when I click on Update All, I get a warning message that doing a global change in a structured document could cause unexpected results. So I canceled the change. Is this the right way to go about doing this? If not, is there an easy way to change the default fonts?



FM TOC reference page generation


Is there a way to force FM to use a document's modified TOC reference page instead of it generating a second one when creating a separate TOC file?

Non-Breaking Spaces in Structured FM9 Make a File Invalid


Hi All,


I'm working with Structured FrameMaker to author XML and I'm facing a problem that I've never had with FM 7.2: if I have a non-breaking space in a variable definition, when FM saves the file, it replaces the non-breaking space with the character code 0x11. I get the error message that states the file contains invalid characters. Worst of all, I can't reopen this file any longer with FM...


Is there any solution or workaround? For me it's a crucial issue as it just doesn't allow me to continue using FM for XML.


I'll appreciate any advice. Many thanks in advance,


Context Rules


I need to be able to describe a context to identify the first sibling PARA tag in a sequence.  I think the {first} qualifier means the first sibling - not the first sibling of the same element type.  I have used the firstpargraph rule to implement numbering for the first paragraph in a prcitem and it works for all cases except this stupid REVST case.  Note that the REVST/REVEND need to be placed in this location so that the whole paragraph can get a revision bar.  I use the "between" qualifier in a PARA rule to turn the rev bars on.  If the REVST/REVEND were inside the PARA I don't see a means to turn the rev bars on.


In the following example the first para numbers correctly.  The second one does not get a number.  This is probably because the <revst/> is considered the first paragraph so the first para rule does not fire.




<para>This is the first (and only) para in a prcitem and it is numbered correctly based on the firstparagraph rule.</para>





<revst/><para>This is the first paragraph in the prcitem so it should be numbered but it is not because the REVST seems to be treated as the first paragraph in the rule.  I need to number the first sibling PARA tag.


<para>This is a second paragraph in a prcitem - and this one should never be numbered.







Is there any syntax to describe the first sibling of a specific type?

Perhaps something like para{first}<prcitem<prclist1

That does not work because I think it thinks I am asking for para whose parent is the first sibling.


Thanks - Jim

Filter by Attribute option vs Ditaval


What is the difference between these two ways of filtering content? Is it possible to create a Ditaval with FM9?

Enhanced application definition file (structapps.fm) template available


Text Structure Consulting, Inc. is pleased to make available an alternative FrameMaker 10.0 template for application definition files such as structapps.fm. Differences between this template and the one used in the structapps.fm file that ships with FrameMaker include:


  • An application definition file can define both XML and SGML applications. The permitted content of the two types of applications differs. However, the formatting of the application definition file included with FrameMaker does not distinguish them. Instead of prefixing the name of every application with “Application Name:”, the revised template uses “XML Application Name:” or “SGML Application Name:”. 
  • The revised templates add a Comment element, permitted within and between application definitions, that allows you to insert comments in the main flow of an application definition file. Since the trick of placing comments in background flows on master pages is no longer necessary, the revised templates remove the First master page, and moves the comment it contained to a Comment element.  
  • The revised templates add attributes CommentsDisplayColor, CommentsDisplayWeight, CommentsPrefix, and CommentsSuffix to the StructuredSetup highest-level element. These attributes control formatting of comments in the same way that attributes of the same name on the highest-level element of an EDD control formatting of EDD comments.
  • The revised templates change the prefix for the XmlCharacterEncoding and XmlWriteRules elements to indicate that these elements were supported only in FrameMaker+SGML 6.0. 

  • The revised templates insert a page break before an application definition if the application does not fit in entirety on the current page. Thus, if possible, an entire application definition fits on one page. 
  • The revised template puts the name of the current application definition in the running header of the page.



The template and its EDD can be downloaded from http://www.txstruct.com/app.htm.

Conversion of the highest valid element passing attributes?




Question. I am trying to convert a large book. I would like to assign some attritubes to the highest valid element.


My conversion table looks like this:



& SpecNumber=”XXXXX”

& Revision=”A01”

& ChapterName=”??”]



After the conversion, the root element is red with the attributes assigned. When I change it to the same root element in my element catalog all the attributes disappear.


Is it wrong to want to assign attributes to the highest valid element (root element)?


If it is "legal" to assign attributes is there something wrong with my conversion table?


Thanks for any help!



sgml import issue


I am working on a structure application and EDD using the dtd for CMMs that is provided with iSpec2200. The issue that I can't seem to resolve is related to the display of .cgm graphic files that are stored as entities in the document instance's internal DTD subset. I have checked and re-checked the syntax of the declared entities and also the syntax of the element that references the entity in the body of the sgml document. I have included a Read/Write rule that defines the element as a fm graphic element and have all of the necessary parts of the structure application defined (i.e., entity locations, filename patterns, and search paths etc.) yet I still receive an error when opening the source sgml document that says "Error importing graphic for element (Sheet)." 


Any ideas on what might be the problem? 

FrameMaker 11 ignores relationship tables?


Hello All


I'm playing around with the Save Ditamap As options in FrameMaker 11. I have a ditamap that references four sub-maps. In the top container map there is a relationship table with topic references.


When I save the map to a book using the Save Ditamap As > Book 11.0 with FM Components, I get a book generated with Title file, ToC, a single chapter, and Index as expected. However, there are no related links in the chapter; the relationship table appears to have been ignored.


Is there some setting that I'm missing?


Roger Shuttleworth

London, Canada

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