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FM10/DITA - buggy image alignment?


Hi all,

when I insert an image element in FM10/DITA structure and then modify the alignment property (e.g. to "right") using the structure window, then this setting is indicated correctly in the structure window but is not really applied and is also ignored when the file is saved. In the saved file, this property is still set to "center".


On the other hand, if I use the anchored frame dialog of FM and set the alignment to right, then this is not shown in the structure window but applied correctly to the image and also saved in the xml code.


Is this a bug or a feature? It seems you should be able to modify this property over the structure window.

fm-xref adds text to element




I have been using FrameMaker 10 to convert fm files into DITA XML format. Some of my <title> elements contain "conkeyref" variables as the same topic is used in many different products.


When I cross-reference these topics, FrameMaker automatically adds the literal text in the title (including the placeholder text that my variable element uses) after the <xref> tag in my XML. When I generate the output using the DITA OpenToolkit, the cross-references do not update using the variable value, but instead use the literal text that Frame is adding.


For example, this is a line taken from the XML file:


<p><xref  type = "fm:" href = "dp_about.xml#id11CKI0FK0BI">Documentation Procedures in prodName</xref></p>


prodName is simply the placeholder text used to identify where a variable has been placed. When this is processed by the DITA OpenToolkit, Documentation Procedures in prodName displays in the output.


If I manually remove the automatically added text (as below), the output is generated properly using the defined variable value.


<p><xref  type = "fm:" href = "dp_about.xml#id11CKI0FK0BI"></xref></p>


Once I open the same XML file in FrameMaker, the cross-reference updates and the over-riding text is added back into the XML. I know that I can turn off the Auto-Load Xrefs On File Open option, but this does not help when adding a new cross-reference. This additional text is very troublesome and manually removing it from every XML file using a text editor is not an option (I currently have over 900 files in the document).


This problem also occurs if I change the title of one topic. The existing cross-references do not update to include the new title name when they are processed by the OpenToolkit.


How can I force FrameMaker to not add this text when a cross-reference is added to the XML?



Generating a Book from DITA Map


Hi All,


In the DITA-FMx plugin developed by Leximation, there's a feature called Generate Book from Map. It allows me to create a FrameMaker book from a DITA map or bookmap and then do whatever I can do with any FrameMaker book, including create a PDF.


Is there anything similar in the native Adobe's DITA plugin? How can I get to a book from a DITA map/bookmap?


Thanks in advance!

Xref formats in Structured FM10&11 break Ptag fmts


(Posting here on the advice of Adobe Support.  Do I get a refund on my per-incident support contract?)



We have run across a bad behavior of EDD-selected Ptags in conjunction with inline character formatting such as Xref formatting. This seems to be a regression in FM10 from earlier versions.  While we noticed it in our custom templates, I've reproduced it with a standard Adobe structured template.


I have a file demonstrating this, but since I can't attach an .fm file here, I've temporarily made a Zip available.


To reproduce, select the Xref element at the top of the next page and change it to an Xref element (reapply EDD specified formatting). Three lines of text will be at the top of page two. Then open the Cross-reference dialog and update the Xref; only one line will remain at the top of the page.


It’s not clear whether this is keep-with or widow/orphan behavior, but it seems as though the Xref format is somehow interfering with the paragraph formatting. It did not happen in FM9.


The same thing happens if you import cross-reference formats from the current document.



I can also reproduce this in FM11.


Operating System: Windows 7

Has it ever worked? If so, what's changed? (provide comments in description field): Yes

Same results with different file?: Yes

Same results with different computer?: Yes

Recent System Hardware or Software change?: Not Applicable

Internal Error 11004


I'm converting some projects from Framemaker 9 to Framemaker 11 using Dita 1.1 and the composite template. Initially, I had set up to use Dita 1.2 using the ditabase tempate but am changing them based on advice from the forum  Other than an error regarding an attribute that seemed to have been set for the dita tag in FM9 and not liked in FM11 DITA 1.1, all the files in all 3 projects converted fine to DITA 1.1 and the composite template -- except for 2 files.


For some reason when I try to open these two files in FM11 using DITA 1.1, FM crashes with the following error message:


Internal Error 11004, 23785796, 23786090, 26529493. FrameMaker has detected a serious problem and must quit. It generates a log file that means nothing to me.


I can still open these two files in an XML editor, in FrameMaker 9 and in FrameMaker 11 using DITA 1.2. and I don't see anything wrong with them.  But since all the rest of the files in the projects are using DITA 1.1, I need these files to open in DITA 1.1 too.


Any ideas?


Thanks for the help,


Looking for MIL-STD-2361 EDD/Template or DTD.


I need to create an Army Depot-Level maintenance manual using MIL-STD-2361 in structured FrameMaker. Does anyone know where I might find a template/EDD for this? If not, can anyone direct me to just the plain DTD? I will be creating XML and PDF files for output.


Thank you!

ditafm-output.ini and PDF output for different situations


I'm using a DITA 1.2 structured app and templates that I've set up. I'm generally happy with the output that I'm getting now, but I've also come to realize that I have two different situations for PDF output--in situation one, I need to set up for printed books, i.e., facing pages, keeping chapters starting on right-hand pages and so on. Situation two is for electronically-distributed PDFs that are NOT books--files that customers might print themselves, probably not double-sided, so I don't need facing pages with the associated blank pages in the file, and so on.


I'm using flags in the ditafm-output.ini file to control the pagination for the printed book in my output. Both situations currently use the same output templates, though I may create a single-sided template for situation two. That's easy enough.


My question, then, is this: It seems to me that I'll need two different ditafm-output.ini files for the two situations. Is there an easy way to switch between them? Output seems separate from the structured application, and I don't need or want two separate apps.


The best I can think of at the moment is to create a second ditafm-output.ini file with the settings I want for situation two, name it ditafm-output_foo.ini and change it to the "real" name when I need it. This, of course, introduces a potential overwrite disaster. Naturally, I'll keep backups.


Unless there's a better way??

Internal Error: 8004, 4867936, 4920984, 4921436 while attempting to save as XML




I get the following error while trying to save fm files as XML.


=== Header Begin ===

Internal Error: 8004, 4867936, 4920984, 4921436

FrameMaker 8.0.0 for Intel

Build: 8.0p266

Window System: MSWindows

Operating System: Windows NT 6.1 (major.minor.build: 6.1.7600 )

Generated on: Tuesday, November 26, 2013 2:01:40 PM

To file: c:\program files\adobe\framemaker8\FrameLog_13.11.26_14.01.40.txt

=== Header End ===



Reading attribute values for Autonumbering?


FM11 / DITA 1.2


I'm trying to set up my EDD to automatically add translated autonumbering text to a top-level header.


More specifically: in my English manuals, for paragraph style Head.0, I use the autonumbering text Chapter <$chapnum>:


We translate our manuals into 21 languages, and I want to use the power of EDD to automatically translate the word Chapter based on the xml:lang attribute in the XML. I also want to specify different fonts for some of the languages that don't use the Roman alphabet, but that's probably a separate question (and getting this answered might help me figure that out!)


I have written rules in my EDD like this:


(These rules are under the <dita> element in the EDD)


Format rules for first paragraph in element

If context is: [title != “”]

Use paragraph format: head.0


If context is: * < dita [xml:lang = “en”]

Numbering properties

Autonumber format: Chapter <$chapnum>:

Character format: ~HeaderGray


Else, if context is: * < dita [xml:lang = “bg”]

Numbering properties

Autonumber format: Глава <$chapnum>:

Character format: ~HeaderGray


...and so on.


Below that ruleset is a prefix rule to set the chapter title to the value of the "title" attribute:


Prefix rules

If context is: [title != “”]

Prefix: <$attribute[title]>



Now, what I think I'm telling FrameMaker is this: "Hey FrameMaker, If any element under the <dita> element has the value of the xml:lang attribute set to "foo", follow this rule."


But maybe I've got the syntax incorrect, or my template isn't set up correctly, or I'm just dead wrong about the context, because I can't get this to work despite multiple attempts. The autonumbering does not change at all.


I've tried removing the autonumbering from the head.0 paragraph style in the template on the off chance that the EDD won't override it. For a while, I suspected that maybe having this under the <dita> element is the problem, but that's where all the other chapter title stuff is specified, so I'm not sure about that.


What am I doing wrong?


Thanks in advance for any help.

Structured FrameMaker conditional text




I have a problem with Conditional text in Structured FrameMaker.


I have to use conditional text for different customers. I have to use the same content and should get displayed for the particular customer when I publish that particular customer. It is more or less product conditioning.


How do I deal with it.


Please give me the solution at the earliest.




FrameMaker 12 won't startup




I'm running FrameMaker 12 on Windows 7.

When I startup the program, I must select one of the follow three.(in 'Choose Interface' window.)

- FrameMaker

- Structured FrameMaker

- FrameMaker XML Author


Unfortunately, after clicking 'Structured FrameMaker' or 'FrameMaker XML Author', error is occurred.

Error message is follows.

- Internal Error 12004, 23459156, 23459450, 26389685. FrameMaker has detected a serious problem and must quit.




Please, I hope that I receive a good solution.


Best Regard.

Document that is OK for oXygen remains full of errors under FrameMaker 12


Hello everybody!


I will use Adobe FrameMaker 12 in author mode in an upcomming project, and I will continue testing it for two more weeks. As I am new to XML and document creation, I finished an online tutorial about XML and started now to create a document. I entered all files in one directory, then tested & corrected the contents with oXygen XML Author 16. Now, I opened the same files under FrameMaker 12 and have a lot of errors. As XML is a standard, I think that my code is not the problem. Do you have an idea why one & the same documents are evaluated differently by the two tools?


Thank you for your suggestions!

Note: As ist is not possible to upload a ZIP file, I add two images to show the problem.

book in Adobe FrameMaker 12.png

book in oXygen XML Author 16.png


[Moved from Scripting forum by moderator]

Pagination changes when creating PDF from FM file


Using Structured FM 7.2p158, Adobe Acrobat Professional 8.1.3. I have updated a chapter with a graphic and want to send a specific page to a colleague. Tried to print the individual page to a file, then distill that print file to a PDF file; Distiller flushed it, whether I used the Acrobat PDF printer or my regular printer.

Next tried printing the entire chapter, which works, but the PDF pagination is changed from the original FM file. Tried setting to "Standard" and "High Quality Print" but still get the same result.

Any suggestions, please?




How to automate FrameMaker?


Hi All


I'm a InDesign Programmer, new to framemaker and trying to automate framemaker processes. I want to know which programming language is used to automate it and where to get those ebooks? could any one please help me on this?



many thanks


Absolute path in Doctype DTD makes DTD unavailable on other machines


Hi all,


When saving to XML, I understand that Frame takes the relative path to the DTD as described in structapps.fm (in our case, $STRUCTDIR\xml\xdocbook\app\docbookx.dtd) and generates an absolute path in the XML it writes, like this:


DOCTYPE chapter SYSTEM "file:///C:/Program%20Files/Adobe/FrameMaker9/structure/xml/xdocbook/app/docbookx.dtd"...


This, of course, makes the files impossible to open on a machine that has Frame installed in something other than "Program Files".  Any way to get around this?  Have Frame generate a relative path in some way?  I've researched this in the ref and dev guides and don't see any way to control this.  I did try adding something to the rules, like this...


writer external dtd is system "docbookx.dtd";


but then Frame just looks directly in the folder that contains the document you're trying to open.


Thanks for any suggestions.


- Shelley

Issue with RE:RootElement and Conversion Table


Hi there,


I am trying to convert unstructured to stuctured documents using the conversion table.  I'm building the prototype table and EDD that my department will use, and working in FM 10. Ideally, I'd like to get it to the point where all anyone else has to do is apply the table, but I'm having some issues.


Even though I specify that RE:RootElement should be wrapped in the element Chapter, nothing happens.  My documents come out wrapped in the no-name element, and I have to change them manually to get them to behave.  Any ideas if this is a known issue, or if there is a different way I should specify things, or something else I should write into the EDD?


I followed the instructions in RJ Jacquez's video here: http://tv.adobe.com/watch/structured-authoring-xml-and-dita/migrating-to-structured-framem aker-using-conversion-tables/

I've checked the Structured Applicaiton Developer's Guide for FM 9.0 (http://help.adobe.com/en_US/FrameMaker/9.0/StructuredDev/Structure_Dev_Guide.pdf) but cannot seem to find one for FM 10.  Not sure if that makes a difference.


Any ideas would be welcome!





Type mismatch for the element FrameMaker element (graphic)


Now that I'm moving along on the formatting portion of this manual (or so I think - ha), I need to start bringing in the graphics to make sure they are all there, so I can get the illustrator going on that end. I've looked at threads everywhere I could find regarding graphic boardno and using the read/write rules to tell FrameMaker what to do with the graphic, and nothing works. I keep getting an error that says, "type mismatch for the element FrameMaker element (graphic). The type defined by the read/write rules is different from thet defined in the template."


I created this rw file from scratch out of FM 10. I've copied several different iterations that I've found all over the place. Right now my rw file has this:


element "graphic" {

is fm graphic element;

attribute "boardno" {

is fm property entity;

is fm attribute;



Why is my ditaval being ignored?


FrameMaker 11.0.1

DITA 1.2


I'm fairly certain this a FrameMaker issue, but I'm willing to be convinced otherwise or instructed on how to correct my ways. I'm still new-ish to the land of DITA, so it could be something I don't quite understand. I defined values for the @product attribute in <topicref> for each topic. Those topics are grouped together in a map (chapter), which is then topicref'd into a map (book). I choose File > Save As PDF (or Print Ditamap) and select Choose a DitaVal. I pick my ditaval file and FrameMaker takes several minutes as it spins through my files and produces a PDF, but the PDF is still showing topics that should be excluded based on the logic in the ditaval file. I know the logic is sound.


When I process the bookmap through WebWorks Publisher or oXygen, they both produce the output as I would expect. Topics that should be hidden are hidden. If I process one of the chapter maps by itself, the ditaval settings are honored. It's only when that map is topicref'd that the ditaval settings are ignored. So, why does the ditaval get used properly at the chapter map, but not bookmap; and why do WebWorks and oXygen process the bookmap correctly but FrameMaker won't?



Conversion Tables Again


FM 11

DITA 1.2


I just got back to working on our conversion table and have two questions today:


  1. I'm trying to wrap task topics in a task element. The headings in our source files are labeled Heading1Task, Heading1Concept, etc., so finding the tasks shouldn't be a problem for the conversion table.



My Heading1Task is set to wrap in the <title> element with a qualifier of h1task.

At the end of the conversion table I have this in the first column:


E:title[h1task], (abstract* | titlealts*), taskbody, (concept* | ol* | p* | prereq* | stepsection* | ul*), steps


I set that to be wrapped in a <task> element.


It isn't working. I have no errors on the FrameMaker Log (Structure Document Report), the Structure View, or anywhere else.


Side question: Can I put the asterisks outside of the parentheses, like this (abstract | titlealts)* rather than after each element to indicate that everything inside is optional (zero or more)?




2.     In my task topics, the steps are coming in as ordered lists. How can I tell the conversion table that it should first wrap these in <cmd> and then wrap all <cmd> elements in <step>, and finally wrap all <step> elements in <steps>?





Ditaval Map-Level Filtering?


FM 11.02.384 / DITA 1.2


How do I get FM to use a ditaval to filter at the map level?


I have two major product families to address in my manuals. They are very similar in some ways, and so I would like to use one map for certain chapters where I reuse a lot of content. I built the map and specified "product" attributes at the map level for the ditaval to filter out, but this is ignored on output. So I tried the attributes at the top level in the topic file--the <concept>, <task>, and so on--and it still doesn't work.


I kind of get that the message is "If you really don't want something in your map, use a different map," but I feel like it's got to be possible to filter at the map level.


Am I wrong, or am I missing something?




Edit to add: What I'm really asking is to be able to do this at the book map level. The map-level filtering seems to work with a chapter map alone, but once I put it into a book map, the filtering is ignored.

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