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Type mismatch for the element FrameMaker element (graphic)


Now that I'm moving along on the formatting portion of this manual (or so I think - ha), I need to start bringing in the graphics to make sure they are all there, so I can get the illustrator going on that end. I've looked at threads everywhere I could find regarding graphic boardno and using the read/write rules to tell FrameMaker what to do with the graphic, and nothing works. I keep getting an error that says, "type mismatch for the element FrameMaker element (graphic). The type defined by the read/write rules is different from thet defined in the template."


I created this rw file from scratch out of FM 10. I've copied several different iterations that I've found all over the place. Right now my rw file has this:


element "graphic" {

is fm graphic element;

attribute "boardno" {

is fm property entity;

is fm attribute;



Error if an element name is declared more than once in XSD. But e.g. Dot.Net accepts this


Frame Maker 11 reports an error if an element name is declared more than once in XSD. However Dot.NET 4.0 validation with the same XSD is OK with such model and validates the different modeled elements with the same name (e.g. fett) correctly. We need the "double declaration of the same element" feature in Frame Maker 11 in a big migration project. We migrate  SGML data to XML. How can we solve this?


Hint: we explicitly want to prohibit an endless recursive nesting of elements!


Sample XSD:

<xs:schema xmlns="http://tempuri.org/test-rekursion" xmlns:tr="http://tempuri.org/test-rekursion" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" targetNamespace="http://tempuri.org/test-rekursion" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" > <xs:group name="inlineBase"> <xs:choice> <xs:element name="sup" type="xs:string" /> <xs:element name="sub" type="xs:string" /> <xs:element name="keyword" type="xs:string" /> <xs:element name="inline-graphics" type="xs:string" /> </xs:choice> </xs:group> <xs:element name="paragraph"> <xs:complexType mixed="true"> <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xs:group ref="tr:inlineBase" /> <xs:element name="bold"> <xs:complexType mixed="true"> <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xs:group ref="tr:inlineBase" /> <xs:element name="italic"> <xs:complexType mixed="true"> <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xs:group ref="tr:inlineBase" /> </xs:choice> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> </xs:choice> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="italic"> <xs:complexType mixed="true"> <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xs:group ref="tr:inlineBase" /> <xs:element name="bold"> <xs:complexType mixed="true"> <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xs:group ref="tr:inlineBase" /> </xs:choice> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> </xs:choice> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> </xs:choice> <xs:attribute name="autor" type="xs:string" /> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> </xs:schema>


Sample XML:

<paragraph xmlns="http://tempuri.org/test-rekursion" xsi:schemaLocation="http://tempuri.org/test-rekursion test-recursion2.xsd" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" > Lorem ipsum <bold>dolor <italic>sit amet<sup>hoch 2</sup>, consetetur </italic>sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod</bold> tempor invidunt ut labore et <italic>dolore <bold>magna aliquyam<sup>hoch 3</sup> erat</bold>, sed diam voluptua</italic>. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. </paragraph>

Opening the XML in Frame Maker 11 results in following error:

XML Read Report Log Source Document: C:\Work\DOCS\120820-Base-Umstrukturierung\Bold-Italic-Test-2.xml XML Parser Messages (Document Prolog) Error at file C:\Users\t25681a\AppData\Local\Temp\FMTCCD7.tmp, line 18, char 17, Message: Element 'italic' has already been declared Error at line 19, char 15, Message: Element 'bold' has already been declared


Thanks a lot for any suggestions


Getting image name to the XML-file


Framemaker 9 and 11

Windows 7


Hi there


I am a brand new user to FM and my task is to go from old FM9 files to structured FM11 files and then save them as XML.


I have gotten so far that I can get reasonable good XML-files, but are having problems with the images.


If I right-click on an image in the strucured FM11 file and select Object properties, I can see the Referenced file info (name if the image and where it is located) .


Is there any way I can get that info into the XML-file?


When I use the "Structure Current Document" command, I get the following error message in the console:


Cannot export the FrameMaker graphic element (GRAPHIC) in the specified graphic format (EPSI).

Filter failed attempting to export a graphic as (EPSI).



In the XML-file I only get the following information about an image now:



<GRAPHIC entity = "GRAPHIC1" impsize = "0.586in 0.513in" impby = "copy"

    sideways = "0" impang = "0.000" xoffset = "0.000in"

    yoffset = "0.001in" position = "runin" align = "aleft" cropped = "0"

    float = "0" width = "0.787in" height = "0.622in" angle = "0.000"

    bloffset = "0.000in" nsoffset = "0.000in"/></Figure>

FrameMaker 9 Validation Error


When validating a document in FM9 i have some issues.


If i add an element to the structure that is a text container i can validate the document and the document is showing as valid. This creates a problem as some the of the attributes associated with this document are required are unset and therefore should throw up a validation error. Has anyone came across this issue before?

Structured Frame 10 to DITA conversion


I have almost 3000 pages of sturctured Frame 10 docs that I need to convert to a new approach of using DITA.  Have anyone done this without using IXGen - merely using what Frame 10 has to offer?  IF so - any tricks you can provide?

Font substitution When converting FM11 file to PDF


I am working in a FM11 – Win 7 environment. We upgraded 2 font families recently:
Imago Book upgraded to Imago BQ
Bembo upgraded to Bembo Std


I am attempting to save a FrameMaker 11 file as a pdf. When I attempt to do this, the pdf is not embedding the Imago BQ Bold font. It is substituting it with Imago BQ BoldItalic. I am pdfing a number of FM11 files that have been formatted in different templates. I am not experiencing this problem with these FM11 files. It is only occurring with a set of FM11 files formatted in one template.


I can’t figure out why this font substitution is occurring. Has anyone encountered this issue ? How do I resolve it?


I am using Adobe Acrobat X Pro.



DITA OT xhtml output generates index only


Still trying to get my head round DITA in FrameMaker 12.


Today I find another anomaly: when I open a ditamap and generate it using the DITA OT in xhtml mode, only the index is generated, and none of the sub-files.


I'm quite sure that when I did this a few days ago, an entire sub-directory with all the files was generated as well.


I've tried opening all the files, resolving all the topicrefs, displaying the ditamap in Document view and selecting the entire thing, but nothing seems to work. Only the index is generated and when you click on any of the links in the index you arrive on a "Page not found" error message.


So what magic spell was I using a few days ago to get the entire set of nesting documents generated together?


Thanks to anyone who can help,


Elisa Roselli

Cambridge Imaging Systems

How to prevent FrameMaker eating up significant whitespace


I have a paragraph that contains a number of inline elements, such as a <link> and a <uicontrol>. When these are only separated by a whitespace (which is significant in this case, as it separates the characters in the <link> from the characters in the <uicontrol>, the XML file produced by FM has replaced the whitespace with a carriage return, which of course disappears as it is supposed to be meaningless in XML.


I have tried to set the "preserve line breaks" rule on the enclosing <p> element but, apart from the fact that this is not what I intend to do, it does not make any difference on the whitespace between the two inline elements.


Is there any way to make FM not perform this obvious mistake? Or do I really have to use ExtendScript to first change the whitespace to a special <whitespace> character, so that this is kept in the XML output and can then be changed back into a regular whitespace by my XSLT (which I need in any case). Kind of ugly but it would work. If there is an easier way to do this, please tell me about it.





Will FMv9 work after installing FMv12?


Running Win7/64-bit. Have been running FMv7 and FMv9 for some time now.


Recently, I installed v12 and had tinkered with it for a few days before getting around to opening v9 - at which time I've discovered v9 will not start. With splash screen up, only Localization starts, and then "Internal Error 9004, 6921628, 9677518, 0. FrameMaker detected a serious problem and must quit."

I cannot know if v12 installation affected v9, since I had used my pc, worked business as usual, etc. for days before getting around to going into v9.

I am also tinkering with third part add-ons, so I might back track and find this myself. All I am really asking for at this point is for confirmation that v9 and v12 will can be expected to play nice together?




Best practices: formatting inside or outside EDDs ?


Hello all,


A discussion started elsewhere on whether or not formatting should be done inside the EDD. I think that discussion should be held here, as there will be more people who have experience with this on this forum than on the other non-public discussion site. Of course most of the participants in the discussion on the closed forum are on this forum as, well, so we can maybe continue our discussion with a larger group.


On this particular topic, there seem to be two completely opposite views, and I would like to hear from people on this forum what they feel about this.


On one side are those who state that formatting should be done completely in the EDD, as this takes the ability to mess up the formatting away from authors - who should not have any control over formatting as they should just deliver content. If formatting is put in their hands the compatibility with existing standards or earlier revision processes would be breached. One message mentioned an 'enforcable controllable environment' as the goal of working with structured Frame in the first place - if I am getting that point correctly (and of not, there will be reactions from the ones on this forum who belong to that camp).


The other side (which, according to the impression given on the non-public site, is a rare minitory viewpoint) is taking ALL formatting out of the EDD and allowing clients to do their own paragraph and character designer based formatting without having to edit the EDD. In this case, the client is not dependent on the person who created the EDD to change the font, text alignment, hyphenation etc. The EDD assigns paragraph format tags and the client can - if they want to - change those paragraph formats to suit their needs. I am a strong advocate of this position and have been using this strategy for my clients with a lot of success.


I do want to answer to the comments about control, just to clarify that the choice between formatting inside or outside the EDD is not the same as a choice between keeping full control or having no control whatsoever. Control or no control is another matter, in my opinion. I can easily see methods to make the paragraph and character designer unavailable in Frame for those who have no authority to make any changes to the company's style sheerts. This would leave those who are in control of the styling the option to define or redefine paragraph and character styles without having to bring in the expensive consultant who created the EDD for them. Changes to the EDD would for example be required to support another font for a Bulgarian translation.


Frankly, I do not want to make my clients dependent on my services just to change the font to Arial CYR if they happen to sell a machine to Bulgaria. Also, I don't want to build full support for all the formatting quirks my customers might ever need into an EDD that will become an almost unmanageable beast (and require expensive consultants to make any changes that do not bring the system to a screaching halt). My customers can create different templates, using different sets of fonts, paragraph formats, character formats and table formats, without ever changing the underlying structure that is defined by the EDD. It is their responsibility to define the look and feel of their documents, and it is mine to make sure the structure is correct. They pay me to build a structured authoring system, not to define their style guide. And if they do want me to create their style guide as well, I will create a template that contains all the required paragraph, character and table formats separate from the EDD. To ensure that their authors cannot mess around with the formatting I will even give them a little script that makes the designer pods go away and stay away. Plenty control, but not at the cost of putting the formatting in the EDD - where I do not think it belongs in the first place.


OK - that was my first round. Let's hear it from the others on this forum...


Kind regards from drizzly Amsterdam



XSLT to convert XML into Tables




I'm trying to import my XML data into a table format. After adding an XSL file to my Structure Application as a Preprocessing Stylesheet, and importing my XML instance file with the Template file opened, the "Unknown File Type" error window appeared asking for a file format to Convert From. Picking any one doesn't create a table.


The XSL file tranforms the XML data into an HTML file that has a table with columns corresponding to the XML data. I was thinking using that type of XSL because it renders tables.


Below is the XSL markup:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">


<xsl:template match="/">




    <table border="1">

      <tr bgcolor="#9acd32">





      <xsl:for-each select="Products/Product">


        <td><xsl:value-of select="Title"/></td>

        <td><xsl:value-of select="Number"/></td>

        <td><xsl:value-of select="Date"/></td>









Title, Number, and Date are child elements of the Product element, which is a child element of the Products root element in my XML file.


Am I applying the stylesheet correctly here? Am I using the write kind of stylesheet?




FMv7, Open With/File Association


Installed FMv9 after installing FMv7.

On file server, v7 files now show v9 Icon.

When doubleclicking v7 files, they open in v9.

When right clicking v7 file, to Open With, v7 is not listed as an option. If I Browse to v7.exe and select it, the Open With dialog still does not show v7.

We have to abort Open With, start FMv7, and then drag v7 file onto FM program window. Or, in FMv7 program, do File Menu > Open and navigate to v7 file.


What happened to the File Association to FM v7? And why can we not open v7 files via Open With?




Trouble with Cross-References


FM11 / DITA 1.2


What could cause a particular cross reference to consistently NOT work? I know that's vague. I'll try to give a more specific example:


Let's say I have a collection of xrefs across several XML files in a DITA map. Some xrefs might even point to the same item (usually a <title> tag with an ID attribute). On output to a book with FM components, particular xrefs just will not work (they output as "unresolved"). I can fix it manually in the FM file, but I'd rather it work correctly in the first place, especially since I deal with translation in to several languages, and if I can't get an xref to just work, I have to fix it many, many times.


I've tried deleting the xref and starting again; I've tried changing the ID attribute in case there was some kind of conflict...I still have trouble with that particular xref (and this happens with more than one xref). What else can I try?


Again, I know this is vague. I'd be happy to elaborate on relevant points. I just don't currently have time to write a massive description and I want to get this question out.


Thanks in advance.

Where are the DITA 1.2 new topic structures defined?


When creating a new DITA 1.2 topic in FrameMaker (I'm using v.11), the new topic appears with some elements already added. In addition, some of them have banner text such as "Enter title here". I know that the banner text is defined in the EDD, but does anyone know where the structures themselves are defined? They don't appear in the topic templates, which are (necessarily) empty. Are they defined by the dita_fm client?




ATA iSpec 2200 CMM book validation


Hi all,


I am a technical writer and I am new to structured authoring.


I have a structured CMM for a component with ATA number 11-22-33 (example). Taking Source files of this CMM, i have to create a new CMM whose ATA number is 11-22-34. Contents of both CMMs are similar except some minor changes.


I have made all the required changes and now I am facing a problem with MTOSS Numbering.


I have to update ATA Number as 11-22-34 for TASK and Subtask level, but there is no Element Attributes for chapno, subno, secno. for TASK and Subtask


I have updated Book level attributes as chapno=11, subno=22, secno=34, but it is not reflecting throughout CMM pageblocks.


How can I change the attributes as chapno=11, subno=22, secno=34 for TASK and Subtask.


Please help me in this..

Generating a Book from DITA Map


Hi All,


In the DITA-FMx plugin developed by Leximation, there's a feature called Generate Book from Map. It allows me to create a FrameMaker book from a DITA map or bookmap and then do whatever I can do with any FrameMaker book, including create a PDF.


Is there anything similar in the native Adobe's DITA plugin? How can I get to a book from a DITA map/bookmap?


Thanks in advance!

FM9: Import of previously created xml file back to FrameMaker


Hi all,


I have saved a FrameMaker document as an XML file and would like to import it back to FrameMaker. I am guessing it needs a little more skills and attention than just hitting "Open file" cause previous attempts to convert that xml file back to how it used to look in FrameMaker  obviously failed.


I am importing it back to the same system so the styles and everything are exactly the same.


The idea behind this is that my boss wishes to check in the manual with every software release so a specific version of the manual for a specific release can be recreated at any time. Just that I have no idea how that will work if I cant import it back into FrameMaker to convert it into the manual I'd need. I am not familiar with the structured operation and I am desperately hoping theres a solution I can work with.


Thank you!!!

FrameMaker 11 won't start up


I'm running FrameMaker 11 on Windows 7. I just changed the settings from unstructured to structured Frame and restarted my computer. Now FrameMaker comes up for a few seconds and goes away. Is there something I can do to get FrameMaker to launch?

Special Char not Translating into Horizontal Tab in Structured FM 11


In the office where I work, we are upgrading from Structured FrameMaker 8 in Win XP to Structured FrameMaker 11 in Win 7. Part of the work that I do involves importing xml feeds into Structured FrameMaker templates using an automated process. As I am testing the importing into FM 11 I am noticing that the special character code used for a horizontal tab - &#09; - is not translating into a tab after the xml feed has been imported into the FM 11 template. It does translate into a horizontal tab when imported into FM 8. What special character code should be used for horizontal tabs in FM11?

How to convert existing FM to DITA 1.2? Any documentation?


I watched a webinar posted on the adobe website called "How to Optimize content for smooth migration into XML/DITA" and in the conversion, it showed an element called dita (root) and elements called topic before the main content. I took a class in DITA authoring last month and we learned about elements such as reference and then refbody and concept and conbody. The class I took did not go into how to use DITA in FrameMaker which is what I need to figure out now.


I'm using FM 10. I have a conversion table that is working pretty well, however, I understand that I need to import an EDD and a template into the files I convert.


My questions are:

What template and EDD file do I use? There are so many of them in the Adobe\AdobeFrameMaker10\Structure\xml\DITA_1.2\app folder. In the DITA folder there are folders for concept, and reference and task that look correct. However, in the DITA_1.2 folder I have no idea where to start.


Is there any documentation for DITA_1.2 for FrameMaker 10? Or books or Help or anything for someone new to using DITA in FrameMaker. I looked at the FM 10 Help for DITA, but it does not really cover when you are converting existing documents, just creating new topics.


Thank you for any information you can provide.



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