Importing EDD
Hi, I am learning Structured FrameMake 9r, I am facing a problem. When I import element definitions File > Import > Element Definitions... > Import Element Definitions (Open and select the...
View ArticleFramemaker 10 - DITA Image Linking - Sharepoint CMS
Hello, I am using Adobe Framemaker 10 with DITA. I am connected, through Framemaker, to a Sharepoint CMS. I initially created my DITA concept locally, I then added an image (HRef) and linked it to a...
View ArticleDitavals and nested ditamaps.
I was sent here by FM support. We are using structured FM 10. We use ditavals to condition both content (like list elements) and topicrefs in ditamaps. Creating a composite file for a ditamap works as...
View ArticleRepresenting XML Data in a Table
Hi All, I have an XML document that looks like this: <params> <param> <name>Parameter 1 name</name> <description>Parameter 1 name</description>...
View ArticleCreate watermark in FrameMaker 7.1
I am trying to add a "PRELIMINARY" watermark to every page of a structured document in FrameMaker 7.1. I added the text in a text box to the master pages, but the graphics boxes in my document block...
View ArticleForced return, non-breaking hyphens & spaces, suppress hyphenation + XML
Forced return (linefeed), non-breaking hyphens and spaces, suppress hyphenation. None of these are preserved when exporting from FrameMaker to XML, since they do not seem to be represented by a Unicode...
View ArticleFramemaker XML Output Issue
I have an issue with an attribute not being exported to XML from FM8. Here is the excerpt from the DTD: <!ELEMENT std.table.header (std.table.row+)><!ATTLIST std.table.header cols CDATA...
View ArticleFrameMaker 10 font size autonumbered xml lists on import to FM
I have a bizzare problem using Structured FrameMaker 10. When importing xml documents, I have a set of Procedures which are broken down into numbered Steps, each with their own para. So the tree would...
View ArticleWhy does my DITA book show each topic on a separate page?
My question this time has to do with my book. After saving my ditamap as a FM 11 book with components, everything looks great except each of my topics is on its own page. Only .fm files with a...
View ArticleHow to eliminate the default line break while exporting to XML?
Hi,I use FDK 11 to convert a FrameMaker File to XML. Basic example as in the "Structured Import/Export API Programmer guide" works pretty well. But all my frame files have lengthy paragraphs which on...
View ArticleNo master pages applied because MasterPageMaps table contains no mapping...
I use FM8 and DITA files to create my books. I have tired in the past to apply masters automatically but have not been able to. Now that I create books from xml, it is even more important to automate...
View ArticleStructured FM and XML
Hi-- I am a Framemaker newbie going through the Structured Application Developer Guide. I am stuck on page 40 of the guide, on which I'm supposed to open the FM template (with the dtd imported, etc.)...
View ArticleFM11 crashes when opening DITA files created with FM7.2
Hi all,I am finding out new truths every day now about FM11 and DITA 1.2..The latest problem: FM11 crashes (on all our computers) when trying to open existing DITA files. These were created with FM7.2...
View ArticleWindows 7 & FrameMaker
Hello, We would be upgrading to Windows 7 soon. I would like to know if my existing application (export client) would work on the following versions of FM when I upgarde to Win 7? Win 7 + FrameMaker...
View ArticleIssue with RE:RootElement and Conversion Table
Hi there, I am trying to convert unstructured to stuctured documents using the conversion table. I'm building the prototype table and EDD that my department will use, and working in FM 10. Ideally,...
View ArticleProblem Working With Framemaker 9 Dita XML Files in Framemaker 10
I just upgraded to Framemaker 10. I am encountering a number of problems when I try to work with my Dita XML help topics, which were last saved in Framemaker 9 format. 1. Using the Default Dita...
View ArticleFrame cannot find Acrobat Distiller printer instance
I installed Acrobat Pro 8 and now I can no longer create pdfs from Frame 7. I get the following message:FrameMaker could not find Acrobat Distiller printer Instance, which must be installed to execute...
View ArticleHow can I get XML cross-references to translate to Structured FrameMaker?
I've been using Structured FrameMaker from the beginning, and have designed many EDDs, and about 10 years ago I did some translation of SGML into Structured FrameMaker (7.2) which worked well. Now,...
View ArticleWhen creating a DITA topic, FM11 always inserts a concept element
Hi all, perhaps someone can point me to where I am misunderstanding something here. Because I have no write access on C:\Program Files, I have copied the DITA_1.2 folder into my profile, i.e....
View ArticleFM 10 S1000D error
Hi, I've intstalled the S1000D pack in FM10. However, when I try to open a new DM I get the following message: XML Read Report Log June 20, 2012 5:52 pm Source Document: C:\Program...
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