Searching multiple FrameMaker files at once?
I was just wondering whether there was any way to search several FrameMaker files at once or generate a list of files that meet certain attribute criteria. What I'd like to do is identify all files in...
View ArticleCross reference issues in FrameMaker 11 DITA
I'm trying to upgrade from FrameMaker 9 to FrameMaker 11. My files are set up using structured FrameMaker and DITA. The ditamap is comprised of both FM files and XML files. I'm attempting to use the...
View ArticleXML import deletes whitespace after xref element
Hi, FM10 not patched, WinXP SP3 I've bumped into a very serious problem that I am able to replicate, but not solve. When I import (custom) XML, any whitespace following <xref> elements is...
View ArticleEnhanced application definition file ( template available
Text Structure Consulting, Inc. is pleased to make available an alternative FrameMaker 10.0 template for application definition files such as Differences between this template and the...
View ArticleEasier to convert to Structured or start there?
Hello, I am an experienced writer who is new to Structured. I have created plenty of Unstructured templates and have lots of SGML authoring experience. I have a new job in a small company where I am...
View Articlepdf to docbook
hi, how to convert pdf to docbook xml using framemaker 10.0 version. i am new to the framemeker tool. please explain step by step. if there video tutorial send me the URL. Thanks in advance.
View ArticleBookmarks not appear when I generate a pdf
hello to allI generateaPDF fromstructuredFramemaker10.MybookcontainsstructuredfilesWhen Icreated myPDFfrom thebook, I openall files.But whenI want toselect items (elements / tags)to...
View ArticleHow do you insert an equation in a structured doc using DITA 1.2?
Good morning, I'm currently in the process of structuring a set of unstructured user manuals using FM10 and the DITA 1.2 standard. I have my conversion table and templates setup and everything has been...
View ArticleBook file has issues -
We are reviving an old DTD and check-in and -out system for use in a new Structured project document. (don't ask...). Writers delivered everything in a single XML file, which the -check-in and -out...
View Articlesgml import issue
I am working on a structure application and EDD using the dtd for CMMs that is provided with iSpec2200. The issue that I can't seem to resolve is related to the display of .cgm graphic files that are...
View ArticleGetting image name to the XML-file
Framemaker 9 and 11Windows 7 Hi there I am a brand new user to FM and my task is to go from old FM9 files to structured FM11 files and then save them as XML. I have gotten so far that I can get...
View ArticleConvert cross-ref to text on export to XML
According to the documentation, this read/write rule should convert a cross-ref to text on export to XML .. fm element "xref" unwrap; .. but this doesn't seem to work for me. Does this still work?...
View Articledefault fonts in structured interface
Dipping a cautious toe in the exciting waters of structured documentation; or, rather, trying my hand at using structured FrameMaker instead of / as well as my usual DITA IDE.First minor question:The...
View ArticleVideo clips do not play in PDF document, why?
What is the point of being able to import video clips (SWF, AVI, WMV, OLE object, etc) into FrameMaker 8 if you can not run them in the PDF? I still have to manually embed the clips in Acrobat. Am I...
View ArticleWhat to do with a NoName Element
Hi,When I convert from unstructured to stuctured, FM is automatically making the highest level element a NoName. Is there a simple way to convert NoName into a Chapter element? Chapter is my highest...
View ArticleFM 10 xref format changes when updating file
I'm authoring in structured FM 10 using a DITA 1.2 application on Windows 7, but working with FM documents rather than XML files. I was having problems updating cross-references in my existing...
View ArticleUnordered lists in paragraphs and tables
Can someone explain why unordered lists aren't supported in CONCEPT or REFERENCE topics? (or why ULs appear in red, if they are supported?)This is on a totally unmodified version of FM 10 (I also...
View ArticleProblems with 7.1 API Client on 10.0
Hi folks, I am working on FrameMaker 10.0 but need to make use of a custom API Client written for 7.1.After configuring the appropriate maker.ini files to point to my client DLL and starting up...
View ArticleConversion table problem (unstructured FM to DITA, cannot create valid...
Hi there,I am trying to set up a migration table FM to DITA. I was able to map most of my tables to the CALS style table suuported in DITA, but I can't get choicetables right.My problem is the...
View Articlefm-xref adds text to element
Hello, I have been using FrameMaker 10 to convert fm files into DITA XML format. Some of my <title> elements contain "conkeyref" variables as the same topic is used in many different products....
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